Dune, You did the right thing by contacting the authorities. I am sorry your friend will not speak to you right now, but she probably has so many worries right now and is having trouble thinking clearly. Don't ever doubt yourself on this, it takes courage to speak up, and your conscience will be clear because you did the right thing. The fact that you made the right decision will mean even more to you when you have your own children some day.
JoinedPosts by okie46
"My dad is watching Porn" Final Chapter.
by Dune inso this is an update to any of those who may be wondering (i got a couple of emails so i thought it would be good to just make a post).
for the "story" check out the embedded page below:.
anyway, since i last posted back in may.
One Word [FLUFF]
by chuckie77 in.
ok everyone,.
give us one (maximum 2) word(s) that best describes yourself.... for me, its adventuresome
redneck (insert smiley face here)
How to Get Free Books, CDs and Movies from Focus on the Family(anti-gay)...
by Princess in.
...thereby taking money out of the pockets of anti-gay bigots - in 12 easy steps: .
Hey Virgochik, I used to live in the Springs and loved Tejon street. And yes Focus on the family is big business there.
Does God have a name...assuming he exists?
by The wanderer inif god has a name is that name jehovah?
having studied the bible for many years along with.
individuals on this discussion board, often times it.
Wanderer... I have had the same questions myself. Also still searching for what to believe, not sure what I believe anymore and terrified of organized religion.
When I Say----"JEHOVAH'S WITNESS"----What Do You Think Of???
by minimus inwhat do you associate that name with??
what's the first thing that pops in your head?
A group of lemmings following each other off a cliff
Clip on ties
People who think it is more important to "protect" Jehovah's name than to protect their "CHILDREN".
Hambeaks OK
by hambeak inhi there this is jake and gary asked if i could post and tell you thanks.
his surgery went well and dr. thinks he got all of the ca.
it is called adno carcinoma something like that.
Thank you Jake for keeping us posted. Peace to both of you. Hope Hambeak will be on the mend quickly.
Diagnosis - Skin Cancer......
by AK - Jeff ini had a lesion removed from my right cheek, just below the eye and to the right of my nose a week ago yesterday.
doc did it in the office and indicated he did not think it was malignant - but sop requires a path test to confirm.
it was malignant i was told today.
Jeff... Happy Birthday, and hope you have no more bumps in the road, glad you got it taken care of quickly.
Aude.... congratulations on over 8 yrs cancer free!
How many 'real" friends did you ever really have in ther "truth'
by The Lone Ranger insure we got to know a lot of people, we knew a lot more people then the average person, but how many real friends did we ever have?
a friend that we could trust, that we could confine in.
i can say i had just one, bro x and even then i still had to be careful, bro x is an elder now and he tells me that im the only real friend hes ever had, he cant freely talk to anyone.
Thought I had several until I got weak and was df'd in 1985, then realized I only had one and she passed away in 1986, she was a pioneer and was killed in a car accident while in field service. I was reinstated by then and had been down to see her a couple of months before she died. The strange thing is that the last time I saw her, we couldn't let go of each other to say goodbye, we kept hugging and telling each other "I love you". Understandably, it was quite devastating when I found out she was killed.
When I was crying at our hall when they announced her funeral arrangements, one sister who I thought was my friend came up to me and said "Well, at least you got to see her before she died, you could have still been disfellowshipped." Another so-called friend said that maybe Jehovah took her because she was maybe secretly doing something wrong. My dear friend who died was the only true witness friend I ever had.
My best friend who has stuck by me through everything now for 12 years, she is the girl the elders told me to stay away from because she was a worldly person. Funny thing is she is a more moral, kind person than most of the witnesses I have ever known. Glad I didn't let the elders interfere in our friendship. I could not ask for a better friend.
NOTE TO LEN aka PIGLIPS, IF YOU ARE ON ARE THIS BOARD, PLEASE CONTACT ME... You will remember me, Shelly and I were like sisters and you came out and put out the grassfire in my front yard, remember?
You Are 24% Evil A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.almost 1/4 evil, WOW... must be all the naughty things I have done. Probably why Santa never visits me.
What theBleep-Down the Rabit Hole
by frankiespeakin inhttp://www.bleepstore.com/servlet/-strse-136/what-the-bleep-do/detail
disc 1 - what the bleep down the rabbit hole.
what the bleep down the rabbit hole delves into the theoretical underpinnings of quantum physics.
Holy Sh*t Batman, I mean Megaman, read your post. I must have been boozy smurf that day. I saw it at school after a final, so my brain must have been fried. Didn't realize all the freaky stuff, esp. about Ramtha being channeled through that lady. There were a few things I thought were interesting, but I didn't really think about how weird most it was.