I'm kind of surprised at the message being given in the video as it is much stronger than what I see going on locally. It is quite common for JW kids (esp the young gals) to go to at least 2-year Community College and on to career training such as nursing.
This is what has been going on in my area for decades. However when I graduated in the 70's, if you even went to a trade school you were talked to by the elders. ***sigh***
On a side note, an elder in my hall offered to send me to college for a degree in accounting, he had his own firm. This is one regret, and its a big one, I have by not pursuing that.
We stayed with a family in Germany and the husband was the doctor at Selters Branch(sp?). He told us the elders in his hall gave him so much grief because his kids went to college. He said "how could I deprive my children from an education that I was allowed to have."
So hypocritical. I hate this two faced corporation.