geeez...typos even!!!!..see what even talking about this does to my brain lolol
Posts by luffy
by luffy inhow would somebody argue the jw doctrine that a divorced person cannot remarry a jw unless "scripturally" divorced..ive looked through the bible scriptures on this and find it hard to argue the jw interpretation although i would be really grateful for any arguments against the jw interpretation on this that could hold water!!
by luffy inhow would somebody argue the jw doctrine that a divorced person cannot remarry a jw unless "scripturally" divorced..ive looked through the bible scriptures on this and find it hard to argue the jw interpretation although i would be really grateful for any arguments against the jw interpretation on this that could hold water!!
sry for the tyops!!!..shoulda read answers to questions!!!....and "look" not "loo!!!"
by luffy inhow would somebody argue the jw doctrine that a divorced person cannot remarry a jw unless "scripturally" divorced..ive looked through the bible scriptures on this and find it hard to argue the jw interpretation although i would be really grateful for any arguments against the jw interpretation on this that could hold water!!
I posted my story here a while back and I guess at this point am just looking for questions to answers I have and trying to come to terms with what is about to be one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do..through reading through postings on this site and many stories I have come to realise that through different circumstances many like myself have been hurt either directly or indirectly by this cult/religion or whatever you may want to call it..Gary..I read your story and was deeply have my admiration and if it brings you any vindication it is largely due to your story that I have decided that I would rather give up the love of my life to the Watchtower than become another feather in their sick cap.
I was unhappily married and met a person who over two years I fell in love with deeply, he gave me the strength I needed to end my marriage and told me we could not continue our relationship unless I divorced and paved the way for us to marry. during my divorce proceedings this man announced that he had met a jw in a store and had i heard of them. I told him I had and if he persued it I was gone. He told me he was just interested in learning and I stupidly believed him even though I was aware of the whole brainwashing recruitment set up applied by jws. To cut a long story short, the same week my divorce became final he announced he was getting baptised which he has since done. He began by telling me he would marry me anyway, that it was his conscience with jehovah that was important and not the Watchtower rules..that soon changed when he announced the scriptures said he could only marry in the I would have to convert..and changed further when I pointed out that according to the jws it was not proven that i was scripturally divorced. I was so bessoted by him that i was prepared to loo into converting..that was until i realised he would not be "allowed" to marry me anyway.
I told him I would have a bible study after christmas and then either convert or leave and allow him to find his "sister perfection"..I am now at the point where i feel i have no need for a bible study as there is nothing on this planet that will justify their crazy doctrines as far as im concerned, but faced with the prospect of having to allow him to move on, and in the process break my heart, i feel i need to know and try to understand as much of this jw carry on as i can in order to be able to move on.
I hope you guys can now understand where im coming not crazy or stupid, just another victim of this twisted, manipulating organisation.
by luffy inhow would somebody argue the jw doctrine that a divorced person cannot remarry a jw unless "scripturally" divorced..ive looked through the bible scriptures on this and find it hard to argue the jw interpretation although i would be really grateful for any arguments against the jw interpretation on this that could hold water!!
How would somebody argue the jw doctrine that a divorced person cannot remarry a jw unless "scripturally" divorced..ive looked through the Bible scriptures on this and find it hard to argue the jw interpretation although I would be really grateful for any arguments against the jw interpretation on this that could hold water!!!
where does their money come from??
by luffy inive read a number of times about the millions the watchtower are raking in tax free..since ive been led to believe that people are not charged for their magazines could somebody clarify this and explain where all this money comes from?
excuse my ignorance but what is the R&F?
where does their money come from??
by luffy inive read a number of times about the millions the watchtower are raking in tax free..since ive been led to believe that people are not charged for their magazines could somebody clarify this and explain where all this money comes from?
Ive read a number of times about the millions the Watchtower are raking in tax free..since ive been led to believe that people are not charged for their magazines could somebody clarify this and explain where all this money comes from?
When is it ok to give gifts?
by Hoping4Change inso jw's don't "celebrate" christmas.
what exactly does it mean to "celebrate christmas"?
also, what are the dates (let's say between thanksgiving and new years) which jw's are forbidden to give/exchange gifts?
my witness boyfriends son who is not a witness himself, gave my b/f a digital camera a couple of days before christmas and that was fine with him day comes along and my b/f is invited to another witness household to eat hams stuffing scallop potatoes and all the goodies(noooo turkey!!!!) and to play games...but beware..they arent celebrating lolol..funny bunch!
True Love in relationships
by captainl ini think that true love is only found through jehovah.
i have had relationships in the world and they have never worked out.
but i will be searching for true love with a woman that also loves jehovah.
..hard not to laugh without appearing rude..its almost as bad as my recently baptised boyfriend wanting a sister..but not any sister..he wants me who isnt a sister lol..these jws are just too funny
two witness rule
by luffy inwhat exactly is the two witness rule regarding the witnesses stance on child abuse? i right in thinking that this means that unless there are two witnesses to the child abuse, witnesses are forbidden to go to the police..surely this cannot be so twisted.
I guess its all crazy as I thought..the two witness argument came about in a discussion/argument with my b/f who has jus been baptised and who is at present unsuccessfully trying to get me to do the same as he insists this is the only way we can marry. The child abuse and two witness rule is just one of the witness stands I find ludicrous. Im divorced and although suspect my ex has messed around have no "proof"..I asked my b/f how on earth there would possibly be two witnesses to either child abuse or adultery..can jus imagine my ex..."hey guys come watch me be unfaithful!!!"..I asked him in the case that there are NO witnesses surely it is up to individual on earth can an elder or anybody else "judge" this situation???..either Im nuts or they are and thanks to this forum Im pretty quickly finding out the answer to that one...woud be grateful if anybody knows how the Elders would deal with a situation like mine.
remarriage after divorce
by luffy indoes anyone know if after divorcing a spouse for reasons other than adultery, although adultery may be suspected, if i would be free to marry a witness if my ex spouse was in a relationship or remarried someone else after the divorce..ive heard different versions and am not sure
sry On The Way Out..I really wasnt trying to be funny and apologise if it came across that way..Im just trying to find out for sure where I stand in my situation and let me assure you, last thing I feel is funny!!!!..If anyone could post the link for the BOE letter mentioned Id really appreciate it..Thanks