Topics Started by luffy
First Bible Study
by luffy indoes anyone know what a first "bible" study with a jehovahs witness would involve?...i.e..which passages of the bible would be used, how would the study be conducted, which questions would be asked etc...also would other texts, or books be used?..what is the usual topic or subject of a first or first few studys?
JWS and Sports
by luffy indoes anyone know why jws are not supposed to participate in sports and what is their view towards watching sports on the tv, ie a game of football..does not playing sport extend to not watching and what are the biblical reasons given?.
first Bible/book! study
by luffy inhaving posted here in the past, and having gained much useful and appreciated advise, my ex and i are still in contact, and stuck in as many of you warned, a deadlock.
he hoping i will come round to the witness way of "thinking" and i hoping that he will wake up and smell the roses!..
i am reluctant to give up on the relationship, and feel that as he approaches the two year mark since being baptised as a witness, he is beginning to show cracks and is weakening in his stance.
Bible study
by luffy inwas just curious as to what requirements a witness need to posses in order to conduct/give a bible study...are only those of a certain standing within the cong eligible?, do they have to be of a certain age etc..also, what does a first study entail and what could a person expect to hear..must be pretty well thought out and convincing in order to maintain a persons interest long enough to agree on a second visit/study..
marriage and family in the "new system"
by luffy inmy ex came back from the convention and the subject came up of familiy, marriage etc...i asked, how they believe marriage family etc will stand in "paradise" they believe earthly marriages will still be valid and mates will still be together, or is that annuled!!
!..also, whether families now will once again be families then..he didnt seem to be sure.. just out of interest, could anybody shed some light on the witness beliefs on this?.
by luffy inhow would somebody argue the jw doctrine that a divorced person cannot remarry a jw unless "scripturally" divorced..ive looked through the bible scriptures on this and find it hard to argue the jw interpretation although i would be really grateful for any arguments against the jw interpretation on this that could hold water!!
where does their money come from??
by luffy inive read a number of times about the millions the watchtower are raking in tax free..since ive been led to believe that people are not charged for their magazines could somebody clarify this and explain where all this money comes from?
two witness rule
by luffy inwhat exactly is the two witness rule regarding the witnesses stance on child abuse? i right in thinking that this means that unless there are two witnesses to the child abuse, witnesses are forbidden to go to the police..surely this cannot be so twisted.
remarriage after divorce
by luffy indoes anyone know if after divorcing a spouse for reasons other than adultery, although adultery may be suspected, if i would be free to marry a witness if my ex spouse was in a relationship or remarried someone else after the divorce..ive heard different versions and am not sure