Opps! I meant this as a reply to Amazing's post. I'll get the hang of this soon, I promise you!
JoinedPosts by Dutchy
You'r right. That was good. Thanks for the summary!
1975 Made Easy.
by Englishman inas i was one of those people who were around during the build-up to 1975, i thought that some of the newer converts might be interested to see how the society arrived at this date with such confidence.. firstly, we need to see how 1914 figures in this.
we need to appreciate, that although the date 1914 is arrived at retrospectively - that is it was assumed initially to be the date of armageddon, only later was it re-written as the date when satan was thrown out of heaven and jesus ascended to his throne.. the society tied this in with the scripture this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur, assumed that a generation was the average life-span of 70 years, tacked it onto 1914 to arrive at 1984 but also mentioned that some would live to 80 years owing to special strength, then mentioned that this generation would by no means pass away so that quite a wide time slot was available for armageddon to arrive.
this window of time then provided endless opportunities for jws to be kept in a permanent state of anticipation as various events unfolded.
I was attending a congregation in Germany in the early '70's and the brothers went around looking for the largest, most beautiful houses and castles that they would like to live in after Armegeddon in 1975, and threw Watchtowers on the roof of those houses. It was supposed that God would not destroy those houses as his people had marked them out to be lived in. Seems so ridiculous now but at the time they were absolutely serious.
VERY COOL JWs!- my trip to Montana!
by TR init was a wonderful event that took place on the top floor of the sheraton hotel in billings, montana.. now, this wasn't your typical jw marriage.
in fact, it wasn't even remotely a jw marriage or wedding.
a little background:.
I am afraid that you have had a singular experience. The average JW's would have run out of the wedding hall if they had seen you there, certain that you were bringing evil spirits with you. Those that did not leave the wedding would not have come within 50 feet of you, would not have spoke to you, danced with you and certainly not have eaten with you. Count yourself among the fortunate. (Glad you had a swell tinme though!)
They Don't Care If It Is Not The Truth
by Dutchy inone of my brothers in an elder in his congregation and the other is a co. they have both told me that they don't beieve that jehovah's witnesses have the truth and they are aware of the hypocrisy in the organization but they don't care.
they will never renounce their membership in this organization.
when asked why they say that they love the adulation given to them by the brothers.. the are always the first to be invited to the homes of the friends, they are sought out for advise and it makes them feel like big, important men.. the truth is that this organizaation does serve a purpose for some people.
Hi Amazing: I enjoyed your post and I concur. I only meant to give my own personal experience with my brothers and never meant to imply that this applies to all elders. All men are different and all men have their own reasons for living their lives the way they do. Some are absolutely honorable, I know, but some are not so honorable.
Longo Complete Story
by messenger inthe vanity plate had been issued to a michigan man named christian michael longo.
investigators knew chris longo was their suspect.
investigators also found a vanity license plate issued in michigan: kidvan.
This is so grusome its hard to comprehend. I have never been a proponent of capital punishment, but I must say that in some instances, and particularly in this case, it seems totally deserved.
100 Reasons You Might Be A JW
by 2SYN inflood alert!.
(001) if your reaction to someone wearing a cross is the same as a vampire's, you might be a jw.
(002) if you think demons can reduce their size to fit in jewelry, furniture, books, or into blue smurfs, you might be a jw.
Extremely funny and extremely true!
What Is Your Favorite Overlooked Movie?
by gilwarrior inwhat i am talking about a movie that you thought was great, but is mostly forgotten by most people today.. well, my favorite overlooked movie is "a perfect world.
" in it kevin costner is an escaped felon who escapes from prison with another felon.
they then break into a house and kidnap a boy who is a (gasp!
Knife In The Water, directed by Roman Polanski. In Polish but Subtitled. Fabulous!
My Father's Funeral
by teenyuck inas many of you know, my father passed away last monday.
i found out monday evening and flew into chicago wednesday morning, from columbus, ohio.
my dad's sister mary, and his best friend ed were close by and started handling all the funeral arrangements.
I'm so sorry to hear of the death of your father. I don't care how old you are its always hard to lose a parent. I know it's an old cliche, but time will lessen the pain that you feel now. It's good to release all your feelings and not keep them bottled up. This Board is a blessing isn't it? Anyway, keep your chin up (another cliche!) and know that there are people out here rooting for you.
Do you still believe the WTS doctine's?
by TheRecordCollector inman is a soul,.
christ was created, .
holy spirit a real person, or god's active force?.
I really don't know what I believe in anymore. I'm not even sure that there is a God.