TTWSYF : Dr. Jason [BeDuhn] never endorses the New World translation.
In his book, Truth in Translation, 2003, Dr. BeDuhn compares nine different translations for accuracy and bias in the NT - King James Version, (New) Revised Standard Version, New International Version, New American Bible, New American Standard Bible, Amplified Bible, Living Bible, Today's English Version, and New World Translation.
In his conclusion he says (p.163) :
While it is difficult to quantify this sort of analysis, it can be said that the NW emerges as the most accurate of the translations compared. Holding a close second to the NW in its accuracy, judging by the passages we have looked at, is the NAB. Both of these are translations produced by single denominations of Christianity. Despite their distinctive doctrinal commitments, the translators managed to produce works relatively more accurate and less biased than the translations produced by multi-denominational teams, as well as those produced by single individuals.
Again, sorry, but those are the facts.