Posts by bobld
Questions about the Jehovah's Witness beliefs.
by Renegade infirst off, (these are in no particular order) i would like to make a point about the ransom.
jesus made a prayer to jehovah saying "take this cup away from me.
" the witnesses interpret this as jesus not wanting to blaspheme jehovah's name.
A JW Nuclear Scientist
by inkling ini ran across this article of the official jw website today.i vaguely remember reading it when it was first printed inthe wt.
the nuclear physicist (with a doctorate from a unnamed school)telling his story unabashedly defends the witness world view and stand on scientific fact and recorded history. was articles like these that successfully kept my doubtssubmerged for many years.
here are some of the more interesting quotes:when my wife informed me of this arrangement, i immediately opposed her.
Just another dumb sheep that will go whereever the shepherd tells it even to be killed.
Today's Watchtower Study
by nomoreguilt inparagraph 7. the things that a sincere christian needs to avoid are not limited to what the bible specifically prohibits.
as an example, consider this forthright statement: let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement, for god will judge fornicators and adulterers".
(hebrews 13:4) even non-christians and ones who know nothing of the bible would rightly conclude that this verse rules out commiting adultery.
SINcere christian and non-sincere christians know God's law on sex.Many,many many so called non-christain per wbts definition as well as many many many true christains that don't fit wbts definition of a christian don't believe or practice oral sex.So the problem of practicing oral sex must be prevant in the wbts.
Is the Watchtower Society in serious financial diffiCULTy?
by cultswatter injust to summarize:.
wt format change saves one wt mag per month.
no anouncment of the dc theme.
No I don't think they are in financial diffiCULTy.The CULT leaders will demand more from their slaves.Slaves are willing people who will simpify,sell their property and give everything to their CULT (gb gods).Then their are rich people who get sucked in to this cult without realizing who this evil god is.They suck blood from the local congregation by passing resolutions for money.Donate from C.A..D.C. etc.My understanding, one of the hugh apartment BLDGS in DUMBO was coverted to luxiury apartments for the public to purchase for mega dollars.Insider trading for wbts.
PS:The WBTS is selling a number of their properties privately, why?Why not let the market decide and get the highest price.
Well, The Elders & Circuit Overseer Came By Tonight To See If We Are Celeb.
by Lady Liberty inhello dear friends.... well..the saga continues!!
as many of you know last new years the jws attacked our "frosty" and egged our home.
" the co said, "so you are both not willing to meet with the elders..?".
I enjoyed you post,good for you for standing firm on your principles."Sometimes we just have to wait...don't we." What happenrd to call back right away when someone has a question?Oh, wait for new light from the old fading GB.1914 gone.1925 gone,1935 gone 1975 gone,1995 gone.2000 gone,2007 new light soon to be gone.
Doesn't happen in Jehovah's Organization..Satan liers they have done a good job of covering it up to their own people.However, more and more people, law suits,internet and news media are waking up to their tricks.
Did being a JW make you overly judgemental?
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inlooking back, being a jw meant constantly analyzing and categorizing others.
on field service, persons were either "sheeplike" or "goatlike".
in the congregation it went even further.
They father... like son.Like R&F slave.Why would a JW be any less judgemental than what the GB feeds them.The world has different help groups like AA.I wonder if there is a help group for recovering X-WBTS members.
And...The Race Is On
by WTWizard inwe know that the last week of december is always the one that they want people to make sure to be at the kingdumb hell.
because that is the week where, at the circus meeting, they announce the venue of the grand boasting session for the summer.. every year, they have a sealed envelope containing those details in a letter, with explicit instructions to not read it until that circus meeting.
this year, it will be the week of december 31, probably putting it either january 1 (crappy new year for them) or january 3. on that day, they have instructions that they should attend the circus meeting for sure.
Recommended hotels.means more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the mcc,so sad.
Look I and a group of 20 of my follow slaves can get hotel rooms on the internet for less money then those leechs.
A fair and reasonable question for Jehovah's Witnesses
by Gregor inyour organization has always been intently focused on "witnessing" and this includes going right up to strangers homes, knocking on their door attempting to engage them in a discussion of their beliefs.
you come prepared to point out the error of whatever faith they hold.
doctrines such as immortality of the soul, the trinity and eternal torment in hell you declare as false teachings and can back up your assertions with scriptures and skilled argument.
I have replied to this post.However, I would like to add that many members of the WBTS will take issue with your questions.How do you escape this mind controlling cult.
Do people really know anything about this wbts before they make a big investment into it.Take marrage for instance.Two people fall in love,get to know one another,trust each other.Now if one finds that the other lied or was untruthful would they have the same love.What if someone pointed out that one of them was cheating/lying.Would they other ignore it,maybe.However if 2,3,10 people said it,would they still ignore it.You see it's the same way with the wbts.You get to know it,trust it only to find out they lied to you.However you ignored those lies.Than as time goes on you find out all the lies about it are true.Do you still want to be married to a lying,cheating,selfish, , ,person.Well unforunately some will stay in a marrage come hell or high water.Others will take their loss and run.
In either case if the person knew before hand the truth about the other person/wbts I am sure there would be no marrage/baptism.
If there is a God - I'm REALLY PI$$ED at him
by AWAKE&WATCHING ini've got one post for the next 14 hours so i figure i'll make it count.. when i was 21 i began to really question the state of the world.
you know- "is this life all there is, yadda yadda.
" that sort of thing.
I hear you (A&W) and agree with a lot of your posts.However,I believe mankind distorted what God is.Maybe in the future God will tells us/mankind what his plan is.Right now I don't think man knows and the Bible is very vague.Yes we all suffer heartaches,failures,success,enjoyments but that's life.Sorry but I can't help.
Our CO says..."women in the workplace...a Satanic plot!"
by sir82 inour co came galloping into town this week.
in his tuesday talk, these were his comments (not word for word, but more or less):.
"i imagine one of the biggest problems in your territory is not-at-homes.
It's not Satan,it's the gestapo of the WBTS.Look at 3rd world countries what they half to do to make a living