Blood=whole dirty word for JW'S. Blood fractions=clean word for JW'S.WBTS/FDS must of had a brain fart when they said blood fractions were ok.
Posts by bobld
Blood question for health care works...
by mkr32208 ini wish there was a way to do polls on this forum!
they are so much fun on the other forums i go on.
can you imagine minimus if he could start polls?!
So why did God start his Earthly a small English country why not China or India.Today there would be 100 of million worshoppers of God.Also if Satan is blinding the minds of people and God is behind his so JW'S than Satan is smarter than God.Score Satan 6.3 billion,God 6.7or 6.9 million.
by Dansk inwe all know the majority of the society's elders are absolutely useless when it comes to dealing with family matters and as i was sat here reading a number of posts it suddenly occurred to me that watchtower may have started to speed up its own demise.. before i exited my old congregation a young elder was appointed.
he was married without children (they don't want any).
after i exited i heard of another young elder who was appointed (they, too, have no children and i don't think they want any either).. the service overseer was a young elder (a right big head and son of the p.o.).
Not sure but I think their was a WT.QFR that males who got snipped couldn't be promoted.
The NORCO Jehovah's Witness Circut Assembly 2007 Expenses
by BBOARD injust wanted to share this with fellow jwd members.
i went to the norco circut assembly and these are the recent $ numbers quoted ... .
as of 4/14/2007 (the first of two circut assemblies) we had $10,260,22 (a surplus) .
It can't be for insurance because they pass a resolution every year called KHAA or kingdom hall assist arrangement which is their word for insurance.What about electricity,water etc. come on they use that facility for meeting and those so called maintenance due are already paid for each month.Other wise for the month that they have a SAD or C.A. the accounts report should reflex that difference.Scam scammers sinners sinners God knows what you Satan lovers are doing.
by Amazing inwatchtower convention.
(520) 622-1870. watchtower convention.
(858) 560-9464. mira loma california assembly hall of jehovah's witnesses.
Many say why should the WBTS pay taxes as a religion when other religion want tax exemption or charitable status and do not pay.One BIG,BIG,BIG difference the GOV'T cuts social programs knowing full well the Roman Catholics,Baptise,Lurther,Mormans and all other religions except WBTS will fill the void.So a majority of those tax free dollars that the other religion get, go to help the poor,feed poor families,clothes poor families,help in disaster areas.When 9/11 happened the R.C. gave over$28,000,000 to the victums of that disaster.What did the WBTS give a few thousands Mags.You now see the DIFFERENCE.
So how do the Anointed Fly at death? No spirit??????
by oompa inhas wt ever explained wtf does go to heaven?
we have no soul...but are souls...and spirit nephesh and pneuma or what ever is breath of what goes to heaven?
btw it is so funny about that resurrection scripture that we dont weep overmuch like the nations do "who have no hope" because almost all other religions have a heavenly hope and a strong one.
oompa you ask very good questions.You make me laugh.Ec.4:2 "And I congratulated the dead who had already died rather than the living who were still alive".Now why would someone want to congratulate a dead person and not a living human being.Isn't that wbts reasoning...totally backwards.
Front page of Watchtower's website
by Cindi_67 incan prisoners be reformed?.
all too often, prison is simply a training ground for more serious crimes.
but read how some inmates have been helped to make genuine changes.. .
The wbts always encourages their slaves to preach where there are people.Students have their own school territory.Working people have business territory.Then you have bus stops,parking lots,etc.Well now they have the pedophile territory.
Witnesses have no right to criticize
by edmond dantes init seems to me that the borg has no right to criticize apparent wrongs in the world because their members are not allowed to take part in politics.for instance how can they call something in the worldly system wrong if they do not vote against it or do something constructive to change the status quo.. it's no use them complaining about something they disagree with and at the same time opt out of the system .in other words, it's nothing to with them so tell them to clear off and mind their own business and leave the worlds wrongs to people who are trying to do something constructive about it.. words in the waktower will not cure anything, positive action gets things done .. for heavens sake how much more ink are they going to waste and how many more trees are they going to destroy before they realise actions speak louder than words?.
Every post here is right on.You preacher of righteous are good.We need more people like you to spread the truth.I suppose there are a few thousands who are in for family.The cult gods are powerful.
New Yearbook stats for 2007 now out!
by Dogpatch inthe report is out!.
cooking the books with 3% increase??.
Are parttakers the same as fds/anointed.End of system close per 2000 wt because most of anionted are elderly and some will be on earth when armie hits.
Questions about the Jehovah's Witness beliefs.
by Renegade infirst off, (these are in no particular order) i would like to make a point about the ransom.
jesus made a prayer to jehovah saying "take this cup away from me.
" the witnesses interpret this as jesus not wanting to blaspheme jehovah's name.
What I find ironic why God changed the language of the people so they would spread thoughout the world per wbts.If that was so then why did he have the Isrealites annihilate all these people of other languages.Remember the promised land,which he gave these people when he scattered them but changed his mind.Yeah,change their language and kill them.