1925.."Millions now living will never die" Guess what you will not believe the twisted mind of a J.W.They say that the WBTS was right all along.Because today their are millions 6.7 that are alive.This was at the 4th time rev book study.So their are millions that are alive when the Big one comes and "we are alive." so they say. I could not believe their logic or reasoning.
Posts by bobld
Call to Blondie, Minimus, all other WT date fact finders........
by WingCommander in1879 - will be resurrected.
will not be resurrected.
1965 - will be resurrected.
Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked
by TMS inthe phrases still roll off my tongue, "a god of tender mercies", a god in whom there is no injustice", a god who "protects the little one.".
in spite of those worn out platitides, if i walked in to a court room and saw the name "jehovah god" in metallic letters on the door, i would ask my attorney to make a motion to have the judge recused.
i would prefer to take my judicial chances with any ticket-fixing, bribe-taking, alcoholic, mafia-controlled human judge than face the uneven, irrational and obscene judicial decisions made by god jehovah.. i cite the case of king david of israel.
One More Reason Not to Book Hotel on WT List
by WTWizard inalthough i don't know this as a fact, i suspect that the wts is negotiating some pretty lucrative rebates from these hotels (which of course the rank and file jw pays) because they can guarantee a full house at $xxx per night.
this came from last year's thread about the rooming department km insert, and will almost certainly apply this year.
but, when the watchtower society negotiates with hotels, they are not having difficulties negotiating just for the price that you, the attendee, pay.
To NewYork 44m you have to have the inside track.They will only tell loyal trusted slaves not everyone .ie elders,well to do slaves to make payment to the to the Corp.
dad hates letter telling him I will no longer use NWT-RASH....and...
by oompa inas you know dad there are many, many things in the hebrew scriptures that have always troubled me about gods dealings with man.
these type of things make it difficult for me to not only draw close to him, but make me question if i could really worship him.
over and over i have been taught he is always just, he is love....and yet he had laws that allowed young girls to be raped by a man and then she actually had the privilege of marrying her rapist...if she was not engaged.
They say the Bible is beneficial for teaching All the wars,rape,cutting foreskins for wives,beheading,killing,floods,raining fire IN THE OLD TESTAMENT.How are they beneficial?
Major Religions of the World Based on Adherents
by AK - Jeff inhttp://www.adherents.com/religions_by_adherents.html.
interesting info for those interested, including this graph.. .
To obves so what if the end comes in what ever year you make it to be,what year you believe it to be,what ever you prophesy.So what I'am ready and so are many. The BIG question is are you ready, not that I care or should I say I could care less for your soul.
The New Annointed
by joelbear69 inmy parents have been witnesses for almost 65 years and have .
been totally faithful all that time.
they have many friends their .
Just a thought could a person come up with a total number of 144k since 1879 or 1914.Wbts yearbooks how many parttook in 1879/1914 then extrapolate death to survivors and come up with a number.
Now widow wants MONEY because of no blood transfusion
by VanillaMocha73 inhttp://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycounty/story/6dc0ac2739be6e63862573b000160633?opendocument
should not she just get a job?
or express her faith that jehovah will take care of her?
I think the wbts big lawyers wanted to fight this case,just to make a point.Like the lady said so people would see their stand on blood.Lady why don't you tell tell people the truth about your stand on blood.You can take blood fractions..what are blood fractions,where do you get blood fractions.Would you pay high lawyers fees if the came out of your pocket no no no the wbts supplied the lawyers for free on your(their behalf).You say you lost two houses and a car...did you not go to meetings,district conventions,circuit assemblies or sad days and did what the gb/fds/wbts tell you do do.They lovingly told their followers to simplify, sell their houses and spent more time in the ministry.What were you doing with not one but two houses.You stuck religiously to your believes on blood why not the ministry.Did you use the money from your houses to live or pay for the wbts lawyers.Oh,yeah the wbts wanted to set an example and fight the case all the way to the supreme court for publicity.Why didn't they fight the pedophile case all the way to the supreme court.They did not want to protect little children to see their stand against baby rapers,shame on the wbts and you.
One More Reason Not to Book Hotel on WT List
by WTWizard inalthough i don't know this as a fact, i suspect that the wts is negotiating some pretty lucrative rebates from these hotels (which of course the rank and file jw pays) because they can guarantee a full house at $xxx per night.
this came from last year's thread about the rooming department km insert, and will almost certainly apply this year.
but, when the watchtower society negotiates with hotels, they are not having difficulties negotiating just for the price that you, the attendee, pay.
Yes,wbts want you to stay at the re-come list,because it makes $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for them.I know this to be true because an elder told me how it works.You book a room and make payment to the wbts.By booking a large number of rooms, the wbts gets so many rooms per gracias.So the wbts says you would be paying for a room anyways, but instead of paying to the hotel you are paying for the gracias room to the wbts.What is the difference it would cost you money in any case, this way you are loyally supporting the wbts.The wbts and the hotel know this arrangement of someone making payment to the wbts for the gracais room
PS:Elders who look after the hotels know of this arrangement,shame,shame,shame on you how can you live a lie.You know God hate liars.How can you live with yourself after the powerful WT study on conscience.Are you a yellow belly chicken afraid to stand on your two feet against the wbts for such hypocrisy.
Let's see if I understand the deep thing of the WBTS.1--God's wisdom is revealed to christians by Holy Spirit.2--Bible study is hard work.But understanding "the deep things of God" is not difficult.3--Durning Jesus ministry God revealed his understanding to unlettered and ordinary men.(not to wise intellectual or those educated in schools..more about these later).4--Deep things are not necessarily difficult things.Bottom line it doesn't take a rocket scientest to understand the Bible.However,for over 1800 years no one could understand the Bible until 1879 so was God wrong see 1-4.Now the wise intellectual and those educated in schools:would you say these would be:Doctors,Lawyers,Engineers,Accountants,Computer programmers,Language translators.If you said yes,you are correct.Are not these educated people in the HQ of the WBTS that are providing the food to the domestics.Worldwide,all congregation of the wbts enjoy a similar program,such as the generation that saw 1914 would not pass away but see the new system.Oh,oh God did not provide HOLY SPIRIT to wise intellectual educated ones.
Semi-Interesting Article about Those Who Predict the End of the World
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? inhttp://www.theherald.co.uk/features/featuresopinon/display.var.1908416.0.end_of_the_world_is_business_as_usual_for_some.php.
end of the world is business as usual for someby ron ferguson.
people forecasting the imminent end of the world used to walk through city streets wearing sandwich boards; today's doomsayers are more likely to be wearing lab coats and talking about climate change.
Why do people always predict the end of the world will be in ??????????????.If you read the holy book is tells you when.Just live and let live.Die and let die. When the end comes,does it matter if it's today, tomorrow, next year, a hundred years, a thousand or 10 billion years from now.