I vote "It's simply human nature." ;)
Not as sexy, but if we need a name, "Coftys" or "New Chapters" will do.
first, a definition of godwin's law:.
godwin's law (also known as godwin's rule of nazi analogies or godwin's law of nazi analogies[1][2]) is a humorous observation made by mike godwin in 1990[2] that has become an internet adage.
it states: "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving nazis or hitler approaches 1.
I vote "It's simply human nature." ;)
Not as sexy, but if we need a name, "Coftys" or "New Chapters" will do.
i have talked to quite a few brothers who have served as elders and servants and left the organization.
in most cases their wives have remained in despite the husbands best efforts to persuade his wife that the organization is wrong.
even though the wife can see problems within they continue to press on in service to the society.
Me ex is still a JW. She stayed because as she said at our Gilead intro, 'my family is the brotherhood now.' which turned out to be the case, as she wanted the 'brotherhood' over a marriage.
I have been lonely since, but I had no desire to pretend to believe in something just to keep my friends. The ex was different.
I agree with Blondie and Mary. (as usual)
i have talked to quite a few brothers who have served as elders and servants and left the organization.
in most cases their wives have remained in despite the husbands best efforts to persuade his wife that the organization is wrong.
even though the wife can see problems within they continue to press on in service to the society.
Now that I think about it, elders, bethelites, missionaries are in the best position to see the rot. It's the 10 hour and under flock that don't ever get to see the rot firsthand.
Thats what did it for me. Elder at 26, Gilead/missionary at 30. Former JW at 31.
The issue that I don't think the gb will ever be able to solve is, they can't micro manage elders. They can only hope to brainwash them. If that fails, any man these days is going to do research (as I did) and then have to make a decision, cynically stay and sell your soul, fade, or leave.
I blew up the bridge and left.
Until you see the rot, you simply in most cases can't believe it's their. Trust me, it's as rotten as can be.
the obsession of apostates.. a jw apologist's view.. http://dismythed.blogspot.com/2009/01/obsession-of-apostates.html.
This will backfire on him.
First off, of course he is wrong. All he is doing is parroting what he has been taught from the Watchtower. Whatever.....
The bad news for him is, someone will read that, and then read something a former JW wil write. That seed will be planted, and if it is in the soil of an honest, open mind, the truth about da troof will be plain to this person. Then he will have a decision to make.
It should be noted too, people like this yahoo have been withJWs for over 100 years. I don't care to prove him wrong. To most reasonable people, he is a blabbering idiot with way too much time on his hands. I will stand with the majority of people who will read this and shrug. Like JWs, this guy will persuade a few gullible people not in possession of themselves, but that's about it. After all, jWs can really only target the gullible and ignorant these days, right? Like JWs, I can't help them, and dont have the time for them.
i know that some of you don't personally think that the gb wants to cause harm or is only after the money, but after reading some posts on here, it seems like some of you do think that the gb is evil.. .
if you think about it, that doesn't make sense, but here is just one question.
why would the gb create a time limit on their organization if they believed it to be false?
I think to make it an argument about evil misses the point. Let me use our jobs and work to illustrate this.
Most companies have underperforming employees, supervisors, etc. Many underperformers try to distract from their poor performance by creating drama, and/or making the issue about something else. The goal? To eliminate, or minimize their accountability. They want to keep their jobs, but they don't want to be accountable for the work, or quality of work that they do.
Experience has taught me that when someone is talking too much, or explaining too much, there is a problem. Remind anyone here of a certain cult of our acquaintance?
People, as well as companies and religions who do this may not be "evil". That doesn't matter. Who cares about motives? Were you right or wrong? Are you humble enough to admit that in your past, you botched it up? Or is it someone else's fault, like apostates? (or your boss at work, or that dumb new computer program, or the new hire that prevents you from doing your job)
Excuses are everywhere, and people or organizations that are into them won't get anywhere. Evil doesn't matter. The fact is, the GB was wrong, and continues to promote errors as fact. That is their grandfathered right as a religion in this country. But don't sit their and say that apostates have it in for them. Former JWs just are tired of their lies, and their efforts to spin their shit and revise history.
When it comes to the GB(whom I met while at Gilead) I would hate for anyone to be under the assumption that they are sweet and naive men of faith. They are indeed "captives of a concept" and do believe their own shit. But they know the history of the organization. They know what they got wrong, and sadly, there is just too much to lose for them to admit that. And trust me, they like their power, they have agendas. It's never about the flock, it's never about YOU, it's always about them and their power.
this is the one thing nobody is ever able to explain to me!.
if a genius designs something to operate in a specific way in order to obtain a precise outcome and it doesn't work---tell me again why we don't blame the genius designer/manufacturer??.
oh--that free will maguffin!.
Free what?
Where is god again?
You are free to "believe" as you please of course, but at best, free will is a fanciful theory, a concept designed to illustrate a false point that "we" need "god."
Many choose not to acknowledge the obvious "truth", that ALL of us are a product of our environment first, and our decisions second. God has nothing to do with either.
or did it not matter that you were ever a witness---you're a bit screwy, anyway?.
Blessed to have screwed up parents whose one wish was that at least one of their children not be f*cked up. Enter, me.
I was saved because the two people whose sexual reproduction caused my birth were brought together because they happened to notice each other at a KH, as oppsed to say, the Monterey music festival.
I wouldn't have been born if they weren't two messed up JW's who said hi and somehow made me.
I am not screwed up. I am me.
The JW's taught me that they can't kill me. I am not screwed up. I am just not normal. Nor typical.
someone else suggested this so i just figured, ok let's do it.. 1. all present jws died and i became the sole leader of the entire religion.
2. then i would dissolve the religion and burn every last memory of it ever existing.
3. all books would be burned, all buildings destroyed.
1) End enforced shunning.
2) Allow blood transfusions
3) Stay out of the bedroom. Married couples can have marital fun in the ways they see fit.
4) One meeting a week, maybe two, and both should be optional.
5) Just admit that "Jehovah" YHWH is NOT in the New Testament.
6) Own up to your mistakes and false prophecies, and apologize for them.
I am sure I will think of others.
sometimes certain things are too familiar.
we've seen or read or heard them so often we've become "blind" to them.. .
matthew 24new international version (niv).
At Gilead, Bowen said that MT 24 and 25 have things so spliced together, that "not even" the GB knew what to make of it... yet.
Those entire chapters are all over the place. If you just read it without thinking that you were sniffing holy spirit as you turned the page, I think one would be persuaded to conclusions similar to Terry's.
this is my first post here.
i've been a lurker for awhile but had no particular desire to join until the other day.. anyways, do you think that if wt decided to face the fact that 607-1914 is an indefensible pile of crap that has been artificially kept steaming for way too long, would it really kick off a mass exodus or anything?
in the short term the fds/gb might lose some authority, but they are hemorrhaging people anyways keeping it around (607 started me on the road to this place).. if wt stopped talking about 1914 for awhile then later killed it, blaming it on "further research" or something, and acknowledged some uncertainty in 607/587, i really doubt that very many of the r&f would think much about it.
Interesting thread, and one that I think shows that not only will JW's limp into their next version of themselves (like they did in 1919), but it is futile to try and bring them down.
Since 1975, the leadership has been about two things: Not serving with a date in mind, and making sure that you understand that their authority is bible based.
From the GB's point of view, if they can convince you that their leadership is from God, they can change whatever teachings they want, because they speak for God to you.
The doctrines never mean anything. How do you think they can change so often and this cult still be in existence? In any cult, the teachings don't matter as much as the authority.
Gilead is all about that. A 6 month effort to blow sunshine and Watchtowers up your @$$. If you believe it, than the GB has loyal surrogates all over the world to keep watch and consolidate their power base world wide.
I promise you, their teachings will change, but their interpretations that they are still the one voice of God will keep the majority in, long after 2014 has passed.