I think to make it an argument about evil misses the point. Let me use our jobs and work to illustrate this.
Most companies have underperforming employees, supervisors, etc. Many underperformers try to distract from their poor performance by creating drama, and/or making the issue about something else. The goal? To eliminate, or minimize their accountability. They want to keep their jobs, but they don't want to be accountable for the work, or quality of work that they do.
Experience has taught me that when someone is talking too much, or explaining too much, there is a problem. Remind anyone here of a certain cult of our acquaintance?
People, as well as companies and religions who do this may not be "evil". That doesn't matter. Who cares about motives? Were you right or wrong? Are you humble enough to admit that in your past, you botched it up? Or is it someone else's fault, like apostates? (or your boss at work, or that dumb new computer program, or the new hire that prevents you from doing your job)
Excuses are everywhere, and people or organizations that are into them won't get anywhere. Evil doesn't matter. The fact is, the GB was wrong, and continues to promote errors as fact. That is their grandfathered right as a religion in this country. But don't sit their and say that apostates have it in for them. Former JWs just are tired of their lies, and their efforts to spin their shit and revise history.
When it comes to the GB(whom I met while at Gilead) I would hate for anyone to be under the assumption that they are sweet and naive men of faith. They are indeed "captives of a concept" and do believe their own shit. But they know the history of the organization. They know what they got wrong, and sadly, there is just too much to lose for them to admit that. And trust me, they like their power, they have agendas. It's never about the flock, it's never about YOU, it's always about them and their power.