JoinedTopics Started by Lunamoth
by Lunamoth inokay i just saw this on msn video; what's hot most watched viral "elephant paints self portrait" . videobytag:tag:most%20watched%20viral:ns:msnvideo_top_cat:mk:us:vs:0&from=msnhp&tab=m1192124571607>1=28114 .
any help getting my brain around this one will be greatly appreciated.
by Rapunzel inplease stop shouting; it hurts my ears.
by the way, i've been thinking of the so-called "liar's paradox.
" you know the one where the cretan [the man from crete] states: "all cretans are liars.
was anyone ever told they would have been stoned to death by an elder?
by looloo ini was when i had an affair , but this elders pioneer daughter told me she understood why i had done it , i was feeling dreadfull and so guilt ridden but he said i should through myself at my hubs feet and beg forgiveness from him and had i lived 2000 years ago i would have been stoned to death !
the strange thing is a few years later this elder told me he had feelings for me , but he was married and old enough to be my dad , although i liked him as a person by then and had forgotten what he had said to me about being stoned to death, i was a bit annoyed that he told me not to tell anyone ,and yet was telling other people to tattle tale on others , i know he felt really bad about his feelings though and i did feel sorry for him , but asked him not to visit anymore as it made me feel guilty towards his wife , maybe it was gods way of getting him to see things from a wrong doers point of view ,as he had a reputation for being very harsh on wrong doers (like myself) maybe he makes a better elder nowadays after that insight , or maybe they think i was sent by satan to seduce a pioneer and an elder !
Met/spoken to two former Jw's I knew this week
by cyberdyne systems 101 inwhat a strange week, first someone who posts here turns out to be someone i knew from many years ago, and we end up speaking on the phone to catch up and share our experiences, and then last night i'm in the supermarket when someone says hello to me and when i turn to look its another person who used to attend my old congregation.
his reason's for not going was the lack of love shown to him and the fact that questions he was asking were going unanswered - sound familier?
cs 101.
Who the hell is J. J. Luna?
by Highlander inj.j. luna is the author of the book.. 'how to be invisible'.
in the book, this author refers to using jw's for your cleaning services because of their rep as being honest and maintaining your privacy.. does anyone here know this author and if so,, was this author a former or current j-dub?.
How many of us fake nationality ?
by 5go inby the way konichiwa ?.
domo arigato for your replies !
guten tag !
We need to contribute so JWD doesn't shut down so often
by restrangled ini suggest we all contribute $5.00 to $10.00 per year so that the site does not shut down on a regular basis.. this would allow simon to hire a server site that is reliable.
i have never seen a site go down so often.. if simon is in agreement and you are too, would you post here ?.
my husband hosts many sites including huge hotels for the government.
This is how messed up it was...
by themonster123 ini've just been thinking about jwd and how messed it up it is how the witnesses twisted things in my mind so i totally got mind-warped....what am i talking about, you ask?
well, whenever someone has a quote on here from watchtower literature from years past (like from the 1970s or 1960s etc) proving that witnesses have taught/do teach this or that in the past, i automatically discredit that quote necause how i was taught as a witness was that whole new light thing-meaning...... "oh, well, things have changed-our teachings have changed, we no longer believe or teach this, this, and that anymore,"- i'm so brainwashed that when i read old quotes on here where people prove to say that witnesses taught this or that, it's like i kind of go "oh well that quote doesnt' matter," but in reality.......... jws should take responsibility for everything they've taught!!!
and not just keep saying, "well, that was then-this is now.. ...i mean, from an outsider's view point, they would say "oh, so witnesses teach this?
I always had to chuckle at this
by TooBad TooSad inat circuit and especially district assemblies so many witnesses take.
notes of what was being said at such a feverish pace that i would ask.
myself: "what are they hearing that i am not hearing that is so important.
Today's Blonde Joke [present company accepted]
by AK - Jeff ina blonde is grieved over her husbands illicit affairs.
she goes to the gunshop and purchases a pistol.
on arriving home she finds her husband making love with a beautiful redhead.. she grabs the gun from her purse, and puts it to her own temple.. the husband cries out "honey don't do this.