I'd visit with Isaac.
I'd bring some rope, a knife and some wood.
Then tell him that his dad wants to see him.
step right up!
take your pick of any of the 100 billion or so people that ever lived.
who did you want to meet?
I'd visit with Isaac.
I'd bring some rope, a knife and some wood.
Then tell him that his dad wants to see him.
the domestic violence, crime and victims (amendment) act 2012 comes into force on monday in england and wales to allow prosecution for those who stay silent over a child's serious physical abuse.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18638734.
whilst this law was put in place to stop a loophole whereby those who commit child murder claim it was someone else while they just remained silent, this now makes those who do not take steps to stop the abuse equally guilty.. elders who do not take steps to stop or report the serious abuse of minors could face prosecution and 10 years in prison.
it may no longer be good enough to tell the abused or abusers it's their right to go to authorities (per the 2010 elders manual) they now need to take action.. whether criminal prosecutions are brought against elders who masquerade as police, judge, jury and social workers whilst not themselves reporting abuse of a minor will remain to be seen, however the law now exists to make it possible.. any jw child who comes to serious harm where the elders knew about it should ask themselves - could i have stopped this by telling the police?
This is an fantastic step forward.
Child abusers seem to gravitate towards groups that have a vested interest in keeping occurances quiet for the sake of PR. It's nice to see a country shine a massive spotlight on this activity and make consequences for those that would protect corporate/religious interests over the safety of a child.
I hope other nations take a queue from this as well.
i posted a long experience earlier today along with an email letter from my sister.
sent to me back in january informing me she was going to be shunning me.. had not heard a word from her for 6 months then.
my sister called out of the blue one evening last month.
"Sheila, I wasn't really planning on shunning you at the family reunion. I thought you would understand"
Amazing. This is pretty much admission that the shunning arangement is embarassing. One would think a Witness would be proud of an guideline from Jehovah.
Isn't there something in the elder letters or flock book that say that an elder or ministerial servant could lose their privledges if it is known that they attended a service at a church?
police inquiry over jehovah's witness magazine 'mentally diseased' articlehttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/8791196/police-inquiry-over-jehovahs-witness-magazine-mentally-diseased-article.html.
telegraph.co.uk</form>sunday 24 june 2012. homenewsworldsportfinancecommentblogsculturetravellifefashiontechdatingoffersjobspoliticsobitseducationearthsciencedefencehealthscotlandroyalcelebritiesweirdhomenewsreligionpolice inquiry over jehovah's witness magazine 'mentally diseased' articlean official magazine for jehovah's witnesses that described those who leave the church as "mentally diseased" is at the centre of a police inquiry, it has emerged.the watchtower is the official magazine of jehovah's witnesses photo: alamy9:58am bst 27 sep 2011. detectives are investigating whether the article, published in julys edition of the watchtower, is in breach of britains religious hatred laws.. the article, published in the magazine which is distributed by jehovah's witnesses across the globe, reportedly warned followers to avoid "false teachers" which it condemned as being "mentally diseased".. "suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease," part of the article stated.. "you would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning.
well, apostates are 'mentally diseased', and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings.".
Interesting how they don't recogize their right to have conflicting opinions and stay.
i have been in touch with a canadian reporter for a major newspaper.
she is interested in covering the candace conti story but needs to make it relevant to canadians.
so, she has asked if there is a canadian victim of child abuse who would be willing to speak with her.
I can't provide details, but someone with a verifiable Canadian case of major abuse and coverup contacted her willing to share their experience.
i have been operating as an ex-jw for over five years now.. i was never d/f or d/a - following an unsuccessful marriage to a jw and subsequent divorce, i went through quite an awful period of my life.. i was blocked from seeing my daughter by my ex-wife and her staunch jw family.. slowly my jw friends started pulling away as they didn't want to get involved.. i lost all interest in the organisation, and started to build a social circle outside of the faith.. at this point, my mother was still an active jw.. during that time, my mother wrote a letter to the bethel in london explaining to them what my ex-wife had done, and how she had been supported by her jw family.. the reply ; your son, and yourself need to work on your own spirituality.
jehovah will bless you as a result.. so that was it.. over the last 12 months, myself and my mother have spent a lot of time researching the organisation.
i gave her crisis of conscience which she has read, and now she is at the point where she doesn't believe that the organisation have the truth and hasn't been to a meeting in over a year.. yet, she has been hounded by elder's since this time.. one particular elder - imagine, the hitler-type elder who makes it his business to organise and dictate everyone's lives.
She can the the elder that she is the last minutes of the last days of her busy period!
ok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
I didn't attend Bethel, but my family was one of those that made it a family trip to go and visit. (and come back with magazines our congregation wouldn't see for two months)
We had visited the canadian bethel three times and the brooklyn bethel once. Though when I married my witness wife, I told her my evil apostate feeings I told her I'd support her decision to remain a witness. My family lived in Toronto so when we'd come visit I'd offer to take her to bethel. She always refused which was more of a relief to me.
After she finally left the witnesses as well, I had to ask: "Why didn't you ever want to visit Bethel when we were close, it was always a big deal for my family growing up" She told me that the only people she knew that went to bethel were hyper-spiritual chauvenistic pigs and had no desire to visit a place full of people like that.
I did think of a story though, when we visited Brooklyn at the end of the tour we were at the Bethel Litterature store. I liked to collect old books and they had a few old tracts and copies that were out of print. I checked my pockets and I had enough for one of the books so I wait in line and brothers are coming in and out just pushing by me. I guess local congregations would fill their orders directly there. I point to the book I wanted and unload a fistful of change on the counter. The brother is counting it out then puts his finger on a canadian nickel and slides it dramatically across the counter and says "No foreign coins". I didn't have any more change and they made me leave without my book. After getting in the car my dad asked what I got so I told him what happened. My dad was pretty upset and I took it upon myself to growl about this person as well. My mom snapped and sided with the bethel person and that Jehovah's Organization needed to be careful with every cent since they run on donations.
That stopped the conversation but my dad took me aside at the next stop and told me that regardless of what my mom said, people should be respectful to each other, especially brothers and sisters.
I always KNEW Para was gay! LOL.
Yes, it took a long time of being out and self reflection to realize that I am a lesbian.
i don't know if these letters were posted here before , so i'm sorry if is something that all of you have seen already..
Can you post a larger copy?