Topics Started by J-ex-W
It's Sunday????
by J-ex-W ini am so off on my body clock.
another person posted on here about watching friends on this sunday, and i'm sitting here that since her note says she's from netherlands, she must be at least twelve hours ahead of me, or something.
--that and, i just realized, i never got a phone call today from my congregation to get hooked up on the phone line for sunday wt.
info on recognizing abusers/ personality disorders
by J-ex-W infound a website that talks about narcissistic personality disorder (and borderline and anti-social, etc.
) and how to recognize it and stop the abuse..
Should I mention my marital rape to my 18-yr-old son?
by J-ex-W infirst---thank you, lady lee, for providing the articles on rape.
the one on marital rape is especially catching my eye now.
now, the question, and i welcome any serious answers: my boys are all seriously alienated from me by my abusive jw ex-husband, who has physical custody (because of my physical health limitations).
any advice?
by J-ex-W inmy oldest son informed me tonight that he will not have a relationship until/ unless i do two things: 1) start going back to meetings (of course), and 2) show, seem, or whatever, that i'm sorry for all the pain that i caused him/ the family by divorcing their dad.
[i told him there are a lot of decisions i made that caused them pain which i do regret, but that i cannot regret leaving their dad.
this for him, is evidence of my wrongness in his and in wt eyes.. he said outright that "there can be no reason, short of dad being a serial killer" that could justify my divorcing him, and that the "only thing [that i] could tell him that would seem to justify it could only be a pack of lies.
Please help with techno skills!!
by J-ex-W ini have been trying and trying to figure out how to do some things on this board that others seem to have down pat.
how do i cut and paste or whatever so that i can show someone else's quote or partial quote before my response?
you know--the boxed quotes i keep seeing.
think you've guessed someone's identity?
by J-ex-W ini'm just curious.
i wonder how many readers out there think the stuff they've read sound so much like someone they know that they're going, ohmigawd!!
or if circumstances described seem like big fat give-aways.
recognized my first ex-JW online!!
by J-ex-W inguess what--!
i clicked the phrase 'jehovahs witness' at the top of the jwd page, right next to 'ads by google,' and found a bunch of ex-jw meet-up groups.
one of them, locally, that i checked into had the name and face of a df'd-then-ri'd-then-df'd-again son of a jw friend of mine.
I just emailed the Dr. Phil show
by J-ex-W ini just emailed the dr. phil show with significant aspects of my story--not just the jw stuff but with being a large part of the complicated picture and said i would be willing to air my issues on their show.
the hidden horrors of marital sex abuse and of sleep-rape, specifically, must be exposed to the general public.
too many believe that it's not even possible to rape a sleeping woman...and they are soooo wrong, as my firsthand experience attests!!!
sex abuse of JW wives--wanting to blow the lid off
by J-ex-W ini'm posting on a new category to generate some discussion on this subject.
i would really like to see this specific subject listed on the home page pull-down menu.
the first time i logged on/ wrote, my entry went under the child sex abuse (cary verse arrested again) category, which is sort of related, but not entirely.
sex abuse of wives
by J-ex-W inokay--i think i've got it this time.
i want to start this thread, but my relevant postings are already under child sex abuse "cary verse arrested again" and under friends "sex abuse of wives" as well as scandals and cover-ups "psychopath murderer"-something.
please, if you are interested, read those postings then continue the thread by replying here (under scandals and cover-ups).