Me? I was a model Witness youth. I never did ANYTHING that could Bring Reproach on Jehovah's Name ("Jehovah," I now know, meaning, "the Society"). I'd've been an M.S., but my hours weren't high enough. Awww.
JoinedPosts by Ephanyminitas
What's the worst thing you did at the KH?
by glitter in.
i went to the 1999 memorial with no underwear on!.
so what's the worst thing everyone's done on borg property?
They're on my campus!
by Ephanyminitas insay it ain't so.
you'd be lying.
) i knew it'd happen eventually though: witnesses set up a table here at my university.
No! Say it ain't so. (No, don't. You'd be lying.) I knew it'd happen eventually though: Witnesses set up a table here at my university. I rode the shuttle to the campus's nexus, the U.C., and I saw a trio of JWs sitting at a fold-out table, perpendicular to another group's ("Love for all; hatred for none") table.
Then, on my way back to the dorms, I actually got on a shuttle with them. There was a middle-aged "brother" and "sister," and a dude in his late teens, who might have recognized me. (Fire Dragon, whom I am friends with, went to his congregation at one time. I am of course assuming what congregation they were from, but it is most likely this one, which is nearby.)
I thought about giving them a hard time, but chickened out. I did watch the younger one on the shuttle and quietly rejoiced that I was no longer part of the organization. Ah, freedom. They got my youth, but they won't get the best years of my life, dagnabbit!
Ephanyminitas (who wishes this stupid editor would remember that I _don't_ want to use HTML formatting!)
One Year, 10 hours, and 43 minutes
by Bendrr inand just why the hell is iraq still on the map?!.
we've had our time to remember and mourn and heal.
no more memorial services are going to make me feel any better about what happened last year.
"And then Iraqi newspapers commemorate the 9/11 mass-murders with the headlines "'God's Punishment.'"
REALLY?! How sick. I admit, it's tempting not to blow those religious wackoes out of the water, but that just wouldn't be right. Right? ...
Can "Wordly" people go to book studies?
by Double Edge innever being a jwi have a question.
my dub friend invited me to her church (whatever) one sunday, which i of course i went - it was ok - nothing special, except i know what you mean about being "love bombed".
my question.... do any non-dubs go to the weekly bookstudies?
It was said: "'By a show of hands, how many pedophiles are here in this room?'"
Then you might say: "Oh ... that's right. I guess you'd prefer to keep quiet about it. Okay, thanks anyway."
I'm Free. I'm Free! I'm FREE!
by Ephanyminitas ini have finally extricated myself from my jw parents' house.
i'm living on my own, and on a college campus!
now i can visit the forum whenever i want to!
Er ... my report card? I, uh ... ooo, look at the time!
I'm Free. I'm Free! I'm FREE!
by Ephanyminitas ini have finally extricated myself from my jw parents' house.
i'm living on my own, and on a college campus!
now i can visit the forum whenever i want to!
Thanks to everyone. Since two people have asked, I'd better answer: my major is English (creative writing)!
Ephanyminitas ("Me fail English? That's unpossible!)
I'm Free. I'm Free! I'm FREE!
by Ephanyminitas ini have finally extricated myself from my jw parents' house.
i'm living on my own, and on a college campus!
now i can visit the forum whenever i want to!
I have finally extricated myself from my JW parents' house. I'm living on my own, and on a college campus! Now I can visit the forum whenever I want to! I will associate with evil, evil apostates!
But I'm debating, though, whether or not to really be a part of the forum. On one hand, it's therapeutic to be among other JW defecters and to bitch about the Society. But on the other, I just want Jehovah out of my life, and visiting this forum will -- in whatever form -- keep him in. Torn, torn, torn.
Maybe I'll just take it a day at time ...
Ephanyminitas (who despises the HTML formatting options)
Why has God Permitted Wickedness?
by hillary_step inyes, i know what the wts teaches....but what do you believe?.
if god exists why is there is so much suffering both among humans and even more so among his creation, where all animals must, deceive then eat one another to survive?
if he does not exist why is there is so much suffering both among humans and even more so among nature where all animals must eat one another to survive?
Wrote LDH: "Because he's a narcissistic, selfish asshole?" Well said, I say! And don't forget what Homer Simpson once said: God is insecure.
"Watchtower" mentioned in "The O...
by Ephanyminitas incheck out this onion article:
if you don't want to read the whole thing, just check out the penultimate (second-to-last) one.
(sorry, i don't get many chances to use "penultimate.
Check out this Onion article: If you don't want to read the whole thing, just check out the penultimate (second-to-last) one. (Sorry, I don't get many chances to use "penultimate." What a geek I am!) For those that don't know, The Onion is a satirical newspaper.
One other thing: there are only eleven days until my grand return! I'll soon be out of my Witness parents' house and on my own! Yes! Prepare the way for me ...
Update: My Uncle's funeral
by Fire Dragon inwell my real friends...the funeral is over.
i can count 5 witnesses...only 5, that offered any sort of comfort to me.
those are the ones that i know really love(d) me.
I'm sorry for you. Your "parents" are missing out on a lot: you! I don't think it's a bad idea to put your OWN space between them and you. But don't let anger consume you. Then they will have won. (Plus, haven't we learned from Usagi-chan that Love always wins?) ;-)
To everyone else ... thank goodness for you! I know Fire Dragon personally and she is great person (please don't tell her I said that!) and her parents are fools. Thank you for being there for her. (What say we start our own city -- Apostopolis -- and move there so we can live among TRUE friends?!)
These stupid Jehovah's Witlessness have screwed Dragon over ... and I'm next (gulp). (Moon crisis ... make ... UP!)
E-man (I so was not here ...)