Maddie writes:
Not if I have my way
LOL - I know what you mean! Because I have family still in the Borg, and as I mentioned a handful of dub friends who amazingly still associate with me, I have to try to stay under the apostate-hunters' radar screen, but I never miss a trick to plant a little seed here and there among them. Among the most self-revealing things that have happened to me since my Great Escape are my attempts to explain to my new friends what the dubs believe. They are flabbergasted as I search for the vocabulary to explain the repressive, intrusive, inbred control exercised over the lives of the "flock" by the elder body and nosy bros/sis. When I try to provide the backdrop for some of the doctrinal beliefs, they stare at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. I suppose, to some degree, I am. I'm far more surprised than they are. What was I THINKING??? WTF?
They know that I own three businesses, and consider me to be a logical and sensible person. That I would have submitted to the iron-clad rule of a group of close-minded, occasionally misogynistic men--people with no training, many with no education, all with their own agendas--is beyond their ability to grasp. Not by nature a vindictive person, I still find myself giving a silent "YES!" when I read of successful lawsuits against the WTS, or of someone leaving the organization. I keep hoping that as the information continues to be readily available, the money is drying up, and the social attitude about all-controlling religion begins to turn, the dubs will at least lose the stranglehold they have. They might survive, but I can't imagine they'll have the showing they have in the past.
Even so, I'm still paranoid. For example, I boldly put up a Christmas tree in 2006. Oh yeah, the girl's struttin' her stuff, yo! Every drop of creative juice was flowing as I created a masterpiece from the long-suppressed urges to decorate to the nines with every pagan symbol I could get my hands on! That said, I then closed all my drapes so no dub casually driving by would spot my tree and rat me out! When my next-door neighbors realized that I was harboring a "closet tree," they were completely baffled. They're still giving me gas about it. I'm sure it's one of the many reason so many ex-dubs find comfort here. Who else on earth could understand the warped, convoluted thinking that we once embraced?
Anyhow, this long-time lurker feels very liberated just to express my thoughts in this community, after several years of watching from the sidelines.