JoinedTopics Started by emilyblue
Can someone help?
by bethel anorexic inthis is my first post.. i was wondering if someone here can help me out.. i stopped attending meetings a while ago and i'm not comfortable with the idea of having the congregation elders in possession of my publisher card and other records.
would someone be willing to help me retrieve my records so i can just disappear completely from the jw-world?
perhaps someone here who is a current elder or an ex-elder?
Disfellowshipping question
by emilyblue inmy ex-boyfriend who i am trying not to see anymore was disfellowshipped last monday, but he sent in a letter of appeal because he felt two the the three elders who made the decision were biased against him because they knew his ex-wife and were automatically sympathetic to the woman's side.
he's disfellowshipped for having relations with me, even after he was divorced (before that, his divorce was unscriptural.
) how soon does the appeal take place?
Quick question!
by emilyblue inhello, how long do judicial committees for possible disfellowship typically last?
i hate him
by emilyblue intonight i am a littel drunk and i miss him so much i can't stand it.
i have been fine allweek until now tonight.
becuasuse i am wathcing a good year with very manly rusel crowe and we watched it at movies together and made plans for our good life together that now we cant ever have because he doesnt love me enough to leave what i bleieve religiously alone.
Thanks to all of you!
by emilyblue ini want to thank all of you for your words of wisdom and support during my breakup with my jw ex-boyfriend.
i honestly don't know how i would have handled the last few weeks without having this forum.
i had reached the point where i had no where else to turn.
a little confused
by emilyblue ini think my head is a little messed up from my recent relationship with a man who is a jw.
i attended a few meetings and bible studies with an older woman who i met at the first meeting.
i am not going to become a jw because i can't give up holidays and birthdays, but i do have a few questions.
I think I did a really bad thing.
by emilyblue ini do not attend the same hall as my boyfriend because he is currently reproved for being involved with me.
i'm not a witness.
he confessed to his elders that he had sex with someone outside of marriage after his second divorce was already final.
What happens at the Memorial?
by emilyblue incan someone tell me what exactly to expect at the memorial thing tonight?
i have never been and don't really want to go, but i also want to satisfy my curiosity about what happens there.
i know i can't eat the bread or drink the wine.
Why can't he let himself be happy?
by emilyblue ini'm in love with a man who is a witness.
i am a pretty inactive protestant, meaning my parents were only able to drag me to church twice a year on christmas eve and easter morning.
he told me early into our relationship that he wanted to marry me and spend the rest of his life with me, and that he has never felt the love for anyone else like he does for me.