I missed one?
Maybe Browns Chicken got it
the chicken was going to the.
" that chicken should not be.
what chicken?.
I missed one?
Maybe Browns Chicken got it
i just had a marvellous week in oslo and will rank the activities i took part in, most fun on top of list, least at bottom:
celebrating the soccer world cup victory with the brazilians in the streets of oslo.
spontaneous wild partying with costumes and samba.
:No 4 A strip club. Especially a young, pretty woman with piercing down there who placed her nipple on my lips for free.
Hannibal is right, check yourself. You keep on doing this cheapening of yourself and all of us will have to let young women place their niples on our lips for free. You should have charged her at least a days wages. We apostates are few and precious. She will now expect to place her lips in all exJWs without paying anything for it.
Edited by - faraon on 4 July 2002 11:7:59
Edited by - faraon on 4 July 2002 11:9:9
i just found this website on june 23- and haven't done anything else since!
i am spending 25 (lol) hours a day on this site!
i can't leave.
I am adicted too, but I count my hours to the Invisible Apostate Directory of North America, Illinois Division.
i love this forum.
at the moment, there are lots of people saying bad things about it.
i want to set the record straight.
I have no favorite moment, but I like the ability to express yourself about any subject, whether to have a good laugh, debate, talk about sports, share emotional moments, and so on.
mailing campaign fallout.
recently, kingdom halls of jehovahs witnesses were the largest group of intended recipients of an international mailing campaign, spanning all fifty states of the united states and including the countries of canada and england.. the results in the us have been interesting, and could have far-reaching effects on our legal system and on the preaching practices of jehovahs witnesses.. over a hundred years ago, a group of evangelical apocryphical persons calling themselves "bible students" began a campaign to sell bible-based literature at homes throughout the united states.
from time to time, their effeorts faced legal challenges, some were won and some were lost, but in general the door-to-door campaigns have continued unabated, with varying degrees of success.
Maybe copies of these letters and Kindom Ministry letters should be sent to the attorneys for the City of Stratton Ohio.
Another good idea would be to post signs stating: I know an Ex Jehovah's Witnesses Apostate that will come to my house to discuss your religion with you.
was jesus the wisest man who ever lived?
if you are a normal, well adjusted man who is not mind controlled, and want to find out the opposing side, and the real truth read biblical errancy - a reference guide- by c. dennis mckinsey, isbn 1-57392-808-9 you can purchase it through amazon.com .
12:1-6, 8; mark 2:23-28; mat 12:10-13; luke 13:10-16; john 5:8-11).
I couldn't agree more. Jesus said some eternal truths, but most of them were not original. Even his life is very similar to other "Christs" You can read about it in http://home.earthlink.net/~pgwhacker/ChristianOrigins/
I know you'll love this link because it talks about what you just mentioned.
Farons arguments were straight from the book that shaped his stance on this. No? Read a good apologist comments on some of your reasoning , Faron, and see if your thoughts makes as much sense
I have read, and listened to many of the explanations, but they make no sense once you take the bible for what it says and examines it in contrast to other religions. I studied for three years in a Catholic seminary, and was a JW for ten years, although only five of them active because I did not agree with many of their teachings and rigid Pharisaic-like way of life, like having to attend meetings three times a week, when the bible does not say how many. I kept going to meetings because I knew that if I didn't my wife would separate from me, as it happened. The book from which I took most of my post was The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy by C. Dennis McKinsey, but it just arrived in my house two weeks ago from Amazon.com. The ones that changed my way of thinking were Is It God's Word, and Forgery in Christianity, both by Joseph Wheless who published them in the 1920's. He was an judge and an ambassador to Mexico. You can download them FOR FREE at http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/joseph_wheless/index.shtml but I chose to purchase them at Amazon.Com. Believe it or not, C. Dennis McKinsey also advises his readers to read some good apologist books so that you are not caught off guard.
This is the excuse typically used by apologists who see Jesus' disregard for a man's feelings. The WTS uses this line, too. However, nothing in the text suggests the father was not dead. It is hard to imagine anyone saying "I have to bury my father" when the man is still alive.
Jesus not only did not deny the fact that the man's father was dead (and he should have been able to do this, if he was god, or the first creation of god, since the bible gives us at least two instances that he read people's minds), but added insult to injury by telling him to let the dead bury their dead.
Most burials in Mexico also take place within 24 hours because most people cannot afford embalming. My first wife had to help me by giving me back the money I had given her for the rent and groceries so that I could take a plane to bury my father. If Jesus himself would have told me to let the dead bury their dead, I would have told him to go and %@"#$%. This is no way to gain disciples
Read my post http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=30191&site=3&page=3 where I show to Comforter that Jesus died of old age. According to Irenaeus. Jesus remained with the disciples up to the times of Trajan. (Iren.Adv. Haer. Bk. II, ch. xxii, secs. 3, 4, 5; ANF. I, 891-2.). Bishop Irenaeus was an early Church Father who lived in the second century.
I realize that the tone of my comments may be offensive to some people, but it is up to them to examine the truth in a negative way. If you only hear one side of the story, like it happened to me as a JW, you will not be able to judge correctly. I did not use any personal attacks on anyone. I only criticized the logic and thinking. In the words of Jerusalyim " Sometimes love requires one to tell harsh truths." Yet you have a valid point. I write these things out of love, so that people will not be trapped by the priestly class into a life full of fears of the unknown.
Double Edge,
25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
If this is so, why do Matthew, Mark, and Luke practically copy off one another? Wouldn't it be better if they had written about other things that needed to be written to get closer to the goal of writings that would fill the whole world?
Although Jesus, according to the bible, supposedly lived only 33 years, his years of public life were only three.
Hey, many people love their mates until they realize that they were cheated all their lives. Then it really hurts. I believed in the bible and Jesus all my life. I became angry when I realized I had been lied to all my life.
This is a public forum where people can debate their beliefs. I am bringing mine to yours. You can ignore me, debate me (like Jerusalyim), or agree with me. It is all up to you. I will not gain or lose anything. I do it only to bring a different side of the story. If there is/are (a) just god/s, and an afterlife, I think I will fare well because I search for the real truth.
My words may sound harsh to you when I talk about Jesus, but as I expand my reasons, you can see I don't just talk without a base. At least Jerusalyim made an attempt to respond point by point, which I expanded when he did so. For a view of a few biblical contradictions you can see http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/contradictions.html
was jesus the wisest man who ever lived?
if you are a normal, well adjusted man who is not mind controlled, and want to find out the opposing side, and the real truth read biblical errancy - a reference guide- by c. dennis mckinsey, isbn 1-57392-808-9 you can purchase it through amazon.com .
12:1-6, 8; mark 2:23-28; mat 12:10-13; luke 13:10-16; john 5:8-11).
Here is the part in red. I hope this time is in black.
e) It is mercy God requires, not sacrafice. The pharisees were trying to trap Jesus, NOTICE the GUY guilty of adultery was not brought forward. WHY? Jesus took the punishment for her sin on himself so it was unnecessary that she be stoned.
>* Are you saying that he was crucified for her adultery? If the highest Israeli god requires mercy instead of sacrifice, how come, then, that he ordered the stoning of adulterers in the first place? How come he had his own son sacrificed instead of just having mercy on the bibles first couple?
I really dont understand your question. Are you asking me why wasnt the guy guilty of adultery brought forward, and then saying that he wasnt brought forward because Jesus took the punishment for her? Or are you just asking me why wasnt the guy brought forward? I dont know why the guy was not brought forward, maybe he ran away.
All I know is that if a married man had sex with an unmarried woman he was not considered an adulterer. It was only when he had sex with another mans property, i.e. a married woman, that he was guilty of adultery. A double standard!
As for he that is without sin without you, let him first cast a stone at her, It is a weak principle. If this principle were adopted, mankind might as well abolish all courts and punishments.
If a man cant punish crime because he is not free from sin himself, is it just for god, who creates evil? (Lamentations 3:38, RSV). Jesus is, again, saying in effect, Johnnie did it too, teacher.
Leviticus 20 10 " 'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife-with the wife of his neighbor-both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.
Deuteronomy 22 22 If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.
I too agree that the Pentateuchs punishment for adultery is extreme. If it were carried out in America; it would wipe out more than half of the population. The point here is that while he said that he did not come to change the law, he ignored the laws on Lev. 20:10 and Deut. 22:22 which call for the death penalty of adulterers, Yes, but I am wise in my own eyes. What do you expect from me?
f) Would not permit a divorced woman in Mat. 5:32; Mark 10:11-12, and Luke 16:18. to remarry. See Deut 12:1:4
f) Again Jesus FULFILLED the Law noting that divorce was allowed only because of the hardness of the heart of Israel. Even then, the Law states that something INDECENT must be found in the wife to divorce her.
Mark 10:11-1211 He answered, "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery."
Luke 16:18 "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. 17 It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.
18 "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Mat. 5:3232 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.
Deut. 24:1-2 1 If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house, 2 and if after she leaves his house she becomes the wife of another man.
The point is that according to the law, a woman on Deut 24:1-2 could get a divorce and remarry. Mat. 5:32 is void because the man did not have to get a divorce for marital unfaithfulness because according to Leviticus and Deuteronomy cited on point e above, his wife would be executed. Whoever wrote Matthew was not familiar with Jewish law. Under Jesus law, if anybody remarried, they would be executed because they would be guilty of adultery.
Note that Mark and Luke do not give any reason for getting a divorce. Luke flagrantly writes that it easier for the heavens and Earth will disappear than for the last stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law, yet in the next verse he flagrantly drops the part in Deut 24: 1-2 allowing a woman to remarry even if her husband finds something indecent about her. Who was inspired by Yahweh, Mark and Luke, or Matthew? It would be silly for someone to get a divorce and remarry if they were going to pay the penalty from the merciful Jah for adultery, which was to get stoned to death. Jesus disregards the law in Mark and Luke by changing it to no divorce under any circumstance. Although the ideal is to remain married to the same person all your life, there are many circumstances that warrant a divorce, such as the safety of the children or mate,
g) The old law of an eye for an eye.
g) An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth were RESTRICTIONS on violence and revenge not MANDATES of action against transgressors Jesus simply points out that forgiveness is the better way, especially since he takes upon himself the punishment and guilt of all sinners.
Mat. 5:38-39 38 "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. 39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Exod. 21:23-2423 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, (NIV), or as the New Living Translation puts it:
23 But if any harm results, then the offender must be punished according to the injury. If the result is death, the offender must be executed. 24 If an eye is injured, injure the eye of the person who did it. If a tooth gets knocked out, knock out the tooth of the person who did it. Similarly, the payment must be hand for hand, foot for foot, (NLT)
>*Yes, Ive heard it before, that it was the maximum sentence, but this is another apologists excuse. Exodus clearly orders that you are to take life for life, etc. Nowhere do I see that it was the maximum punishment. The New Living Translation puts it more explicitly with a must. This is clearly a mandate, and not a maximum sentence. There is no explanation about this being the highest punishment you can dish out. If Jesus commandment was true, then it would carry out that if ones right eye is poked out, the Christian must turn to him and let him poke out the left one also. Jesus clearly sabotaged and ignored this scripture by counter mandating it.
I am not saying that I agree more with the OT, but my point here is that he disregarded this command.
h) Here again your ignorance of the Law is quite pronounced. There is NO REQUIREMENT in the Law that one not wash or perfume themselves when fasting. Jesus is here saying that any benefit one might have gotten from an unmandated fast is null because of fasting (or doing other religious acts) so that others see you and praise you for it.
Mat 6:1616 "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18 so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
>* The purpose of Yom Kippur, or feast of atonement, is to ask forgiveness for promises broken to God. It would be contrary to the spirit and purpose of this celebration to perfume with oil. As I have proven earlier, Jesus disciples were not known for cleanliness. To clean and wash themselves in this day especially when it was not their custom to wash their hands and eating utensils, is to slap the spirit of the holiday. Here Jesus is in fact saying to their disciples to put a happy face on the Day of Atonement, whose purpose is to ask for forgiveness. How would you feel if you saw someone dancing up and down when the terrorists blew up the twin towers on 9/11?
I hate to repeat myself, but this was the law at his time, and he broke it. You can read about Yom Kippur at http://www.holidays.net/highholydays/yom.htm
i) The laws allowing swearing of oaths (Mat 5:33-36 vs. Deut 6:13)
i) If one always tells the truth and is known for truthfullness all the silliness mentioned in Matt 6:33-36 is unnecessary.
Mat. 5:33-3633 "Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.' 34 But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.
Deut. 6:1313 Fear the Lord your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name.
Jesus ignored and contradicted Deut. 6:13 by not allowing swearing at all when the Law clearly commands to take your oaths in his name.
You now have seen how Jesus contradicts Yahweh. He surely changed for his followers the laws Yahweh said would not be changed, and claimed to be forever. My point has been proven
j) Most important Deut 4:12
j) Duet 4:12 states, "Then the Lord spoke to you from the midst of the fire. You heard the sound of the words, but saw no form; there was only a voice. So, what's your point here, or did you mean 4:13 about keeping the commandments. Jesus DID keep the commandments and gave them their fullest meaning.
Sorry, it was a typo. It should have read Deut 4:2
Deuteronomy 4: 22 You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Mark 10-17-19 17 As he was starting out on a trip, a man came running up to Jesus, knelt down, and asked, "Good Teacher, what should I do to get eternal life?"
18 "Why do you call me good?" Jesus asked. "Only God is truly good. 19 But as for your question, you know the commandments: `Do not murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not testify falsely. Do not cheat. Honor your father and mother.'"
>* Do you notice anything odd about this list? In the first place, Jesus deleted (took from) five of the ten commandments from the Decalogue, primarily those related to religious rituals such as honoring the Sabbath and avoiding idols; second, he added an obligation that there is not even a commandmentthere is nothing in the Decalogue about a defrauding not commandment.
There is also a New Testament prohibition on Rev 22:19 about altering the bible.
In conclusion, maybe Jesus and I have something in common because he was also wise in his own eyes like me, and his utter ignorance of the 613 Commandments that make up the Mosaic Law is quite evident in Mark 10: 17-19 .
today i received the following email from noname.
i know it had to be from someone in this forum because i only use this yahoo email for our forum and for a spanish forum.
since the letter is in english, and it is a very bad english, i can only assume that the person who wrote it either holds an ed.d.
Somehow the editing came out worse than the original. I'll try again, even though it will be without apostrophes or quotation marks, I am sure.
Today I received the following email from Noname.
I know it had to be from someone in this forum because I only use this email for our forum, and for a Spanish forum. Since the letter is in English and it is a very bad English, I can only assume that the person who wrote it holds a doctorate in education, or from a real zealous JW who does not have a spell checker in his/her word processor, and spent his/her years selling Watchtowers instead of going to school.
Date: | Fri, 21 Jun 2002 06:25:41 -0700 |
From: | "NO NAME" < [email protected]> | |
To: | |
Subject: | Apostate |
You say you were once a witness, then you Must be able to clearly see
the present world wide ridicule of organised religion for what it
clearly is, its approching destruction which marks the beginning of the end
of this system.
You have KNOWINGLY put yourself in a position of certain death.
You also know the plans for dealing with those who ridicule gods
You have put it in writing which can only mean your suacidal.
God dose not want any to die, he will receave you back like the
prodical son.
The only good thing i can see here is that in the New World you poor
wife & family will be rid of YOU.
Dear Aanonymus,
Yes, I have clearly seen the present world wide ridicule of organised religion for what it
clearly is. As a matter of fact, I painted the rear window of my van for three days announcing the Dateline Show that was going to take place on May 28, 2002 so that people would know how a hypocritical religion protects its children. Probably they were thinking of Jesus saying Let the children come to me. I also distribute a pamphlet entitled 55 questions to ask Jehovahs Witnesses using the NWT. I do this out of my own pocket because I feel guilty about how many people I introduced to your destructive cult when publishing your lies. Your religion is more organized than most, and keeps its members fully busy in order to keep their sheep from thinking. You even call yourselves The Organization. I know of no other religion that calls itself The Organization
I know that your organized religion is approaching destruction because its numbers have been decreasing in countries where the internet is available. As Abraham Lincoln once said: You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
According to your religion, I have been in a position of certain death in order to satisfy the sense of justice of a god who deemed necessary to sentence to death all of humanity because someone ate a fruit. Out of love for the people who he himself sentenced to death, he sent his son so that by his son being sentenced to death all of humanity would be free of death, but that happened over 1970 years ago, and people still keep on dying. I really dont have a problem with most Christian religions, as long as they leave me alone, but I have no patience with dangerous mind-controlling cults like yours. Did you ever think who publishes all those WT books about other religions and why you are forbidden to read the same books, or why you are not supposed to have independent bible studies? I would strongly recommend that you read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, an ex governing body member.
Which god? Jupiter, Baal, Ra, Thor, Huitzilopochtli? I challenge you to read about other religions or even anti-bible or atheist authors. Read other bibles, I recommend King James. Even Thomas Jefferson noticed that the so-called prophecies about Jesus were bogus.
The prodigal son was received with joy. Your organization treats people who return like scumbags, receiving dirty looks, and being forced not to talk to anyone, entering after everybody and leaving before all. No thanks. Ill pass to a cult that has the mother of my children so brainwashed that she tried to kill me, my daughter, and herself because I had committed the great sin of being late five minutes to a meeting. I came back a couple of times so that I could listen to what JWs were saying, and discuss this with my daughters (at that time five and eight-year olds), but they told me they couldnt stand the looks I was receiving. Even at their tender age they noticed the loving looks.!
Two weeks after tendering my letter of resignation, there were five trucks full of JWs cleaning my house of most furniture, and taking my family to a fourth-floor attic infested with roaches in a dangerous neighborhood with windows and doors covered by steel bars. Why? Because I was putting my family in spiritual danger. Thanks to Cesar, I prevailed, and I see my daughters everyday, except for four days a month. Another good thing is that they saw when the mother of my children would hit our car with a metal bar, hit and kick me, and finally the way they emptied my house, taking even the garbage can!
When they come to our block, they send for me, and leave immediately.
I already live in the New World. It is called America. I am surprised you dont call it The New System of Things. Maybe youre not as brainwashed and there is hope for you to become a fee human being again. A word of advice: before you leave, and you will, learn how to make good letters of disassociation, and mail them to your friends before you leave.
today i received the following email from noname.
i know it had to be from someone in this forum because i only use this yahoo email for our forum and for a spanish forum.
since the letter is in english, and it is a very bad english, i can only assume that the person who wrote it either holds an ed.d.
Today I received the following email from Noname.
I know it had to be from someone in this forum because I only use this Yahoo email for our forum and for a Spanish forum. Since the letter is in English, and it is a very bad English, I can only assume that the person who wrote it either holds an Ed.D. (doctorate in education,) or it originates from a real zealous JW who does not have a spell checker in his/her word processor, and spent his/her years selling Watchtowers instead of going to school.
Date: |
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 06:25:41 -0700
"NO NAME" < [email protected]> |
You say you were once a witness, then you Must be able to clearly see
the present world wide ridicule of organised religion for what it
clearly is, its approching destruction which marks the beginning of the end
of this system.
You have KNOWINGLY put yourself in a position of certain death.
You also know the plans for dealing with those who ridicule gods
You have put it in writing which can only mean your suacidal.
God dose not want any to die, he will receave you back like the
prodical son.
The only good thing i can see here is that in the New World you poor
wife & family will be rid of YOU.
Dear Aanonymus,
Yes, I have clearly seen "the present world wide ridicule of organised religion for what it
clearly is." As a matter of fact, I painted the rear window of my van for three days announcing the Dateline Show that was going to take place on May 28, 2002 so that people would know how a hypocritical religion protects its children. Probably they were thinking of Jesus saying Let the children come to me.
I also distribute a pamphlet entitled "55 Questions to Ask Jehovahs Witnesses Using the NWT." I even copied the texts from the Watchtoer CD-ROM. I do this out of my own pocket because I feel guilty about how many people I introduced to your destructive cult when publishing your lies.
Your religion is more organized than most, and keeps its members fully busy in order to keep their sheep from thinking. You even call yourselves "The Organization." I know of no other religion that calls itself The Organization.
I know that your organized religion is approaching destruction because its numbers have been steadily decreasing in countries where the Internet is available. As Abraham Lincoln once said: You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
According to your religion, I have been in a position of certain death in order to satisfy the sense of justice of a god who deemed necessary to sentence to death all of humanity because someone ate a fruit. Out of love for the people who he, himself, sentenced to death, he sent his son so that by his son being sentenced to death all of humanity would be free of death, but that happened over 1970 years ago, and people still keep on dying.
I really don't have a problem with most Christian religions, as long as they leave me alone, but I have no patience with dangerous mind-controlling cults like yours. Did you ever think who publishes all those WT books about other religions and why you are forbidden to read the same books, or why you are not supposed to have independent bible studies? I would strongly recommend that you read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, an ex governing body member.
Which god are you refering to? Jupiter, Baal, Ra, Thor, Huitzilopochtli? I challenge you to read about other religions or even anti-bible or atheist authors. Read other bibles, I recommend King James. Even Thomas Jefferson noticed that the so-called prophecies about Jesus were bogus.
The prodigal son was received with joy. Your organization treats people who return like scumbags, receiving dirty looks, and being forced not to talk to anyone, entering after everybody and leaving before all. No thanks. I'll pass to a cult that has the mother of my children so brainwashed that she tried to kill me, my daughter, and herself because I had committed the great sin of being late five minutes to a meeting. I came back a couple of times so that I could listen to what JWs were saying, and discuss this with my daughters (at that time five and eight-year olds), but they told me they couldn't stand the looks I was receiving. Even at their tender age they noticed the "loving" looks!
Two weeks after tendering my letter of resignation, there were five trucks full of JWs cleaning my house of most furniture, and taking my family to a fourth-floor attic infested with roaches in a dangerous neighborhood with windows and doors covered by steel bars. Why? Because I was putting my family in spiritual danger.
Thanks to Caesar, I prevailed, and I see my daughters everyday, except for four days a month. Another good thing is that the neighbors saw when the mother of my children would hit our car with a metal bar, hit and kick me, and finally the way your church (I do it on purpose, I know JWs don't like to be called a church) emptied my house, taking even the garbage can! The neighbors remember that no man is supposed to break what god has joined. Apparently not god's Watchtower people.
When the brainwashers come to our block, my neighbors in the block send for me, and the JWs leave immediately because they cannot face the truth.
I already live in the New World. It is called America. I am surprised you don't call it The New System of Things instead of New World. Maybe you're not as brainwashed and there is hope for you to become a free human being again.
A word of advice: before you leave, and you will, learn how to make good letters of disassociation, and mail them to your friends before you leave.
Edited by - faraon on 21 June 2002 21:28:38
was jesus the wisest man who ever lived?
if you are a normal, well adjusted man who is not mind controlled, and want to find out the opposing side, and the real truth read biblical errancy - a reference guide- by c. dennis mckinsey, isbn 1-57392-808-9 you can purchase it through amazon.com .
12:1-6, 8; mark 2:23-28; mat 12:10-13; luke 13:10-16; john 5:8-11).
Sorry about the red ink. I don't know what happened. In my original it is all black, and I don't know whow to change it to black.
I also notice thal all the apostrophes are missing and some words are joined together. This is not in the original.