Your claim aboy a member of the Governing Body expressing doubt about chronology is hearsay. do not believe what you say without evidence. Our chronology is biblically based, accurate and has withstood the Jonsson rubbish and the stuff based on higher criticism. Our organization is serene, blessed by God and is used by Him to accomplich His purposes. You have a distorted view of the Lord's people and have allowed yourself to be stumbeled marking you as an immature person. If you have found a better religion, Church, Christianity or organization then please inform us all. I do not think so for all you can do is moan and groan. How pathetic you are.
Your claim aboy a member of the Governing Body expressing doubt about chronology is hearsay. do not believe what you say without evidence. Our chronology is biblically based, accurate and has withstood the Jonsson rubbish and the stuff based on higher criticism. Our organization is serene, blessed by God and is used by Him to accomplich His purposes. You have a distorted view of the Lord's people and have allowed yourself to be stumbeled marking you as an immature person. If you have found a better religion, Church, Christianity or organization then please inform us all. I do not think so for all you can do is moan and groan. How pathetic you are!
You have a distorted view of the Lord's people and have allowed yourself to be stumbeled marking you as an immature person.
Who marks Hilary-step? It needs clarifying. If you mean ?marking yourself,? instead of ?marking you?, then you must brush-up on the reflective mode.
I think that you must take a crash course in punctuation. You have many run-on sentences in your posts.
If you have found a better religion, Church, Christianity, or organization then please inform us all
I am curious as to why "church" was capitalized, but not "religion" or "organization".
This sentence has no logical sense. How would you write the quoted four terms in a Venn diagram?
You only give four choices.
I am an Agnostic. I consider it the best belief system. Yet, it was not among the choices given by you. We do the right thing only because it is right. Not because we expect a reward or fear a punishment. We don't follow a book or an organization that discriminates the handicapped, claims that women are worth only 60% of man, condones slavery, punishes transgressors by being burned to death, changes its opinion quicker than its members change clothes, does not trust its members to disagree on their own doctrine, etc.
If my limits are those stated by you, then my answer would be: Any organization over 20 million strong who is secure enough not to use mind control or a dangerous destructive cult like the Watchtower.
If I had to choose a religion, I would choose Catholics. At least they don't try to control a person's thoughts.