I think that the link you gave us is incorrect. I did not get anything from it, but I think that the correct link you refer to is http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,9140483%255E1702,00.html
date : nisan 10, 2004. location : south africa.
test : does the wtbts make you sick.
test subject : nadsam (see profile).
I think that the link you gave us is incorrect. I did not get anything from it, but I think that the correct link you refer to is http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,9140483%255E1702,00.html
zebediah was in the fertilized egg business.
he had several hundred young layers, called pullets, and eight or ten roosters, whose job was to fertilize the eggs.
zeb kept records, and any rooster that didn't perform well went into the soup pot and was replaced.
I have chickens too, young pullets and not so young hens, and one rooster. I want my eggs fresh, and I want to know what the birds are fed, and I want to know that the eggs I eat and use in cooking have been laid by happy, free roaming chickens. Not by chickens who are kept in a small cage all their productive life....
And the best part is that the hens are being laid too?
if one claims that the bible is the inspired word of god, good for teaching, etc.... would not the making of books to explain the bible mean that you beileve that god did not know what he was doing .
i see so many claiming that the spirit of god
Zen, you ignoramous,
If one claims that the bible is THE inspired word of God, good for teaching, etc.... would not the making of books to explain the bible mean that you beileve that God did not know what he was doing and needed man's help?
Don't you know that only the WT can help you understand it?
You see, when this was written there was NO new testament. Paul was talking about the Septuagint, which included books that later were pronounced not inspired by the Jewish Cannon. Later on, the Christian church also took a look at all gospels and letters circulating around and it was decided that the vote of the mayority was divinely inspired and kept only those books that agreed with the conservative mayority, mainly books that were written by Paul, who knew better than "Jesus" since he was a pharisee. It took 1900 for the true word of god to come to a New Light (TM) as it was prophetized.
2 Kings 17:9
The Israelites secretly did things against the LORD their God that were not right. From watchtower to fortified city they built themselves high places in all their towns.
See, they knew that by getting tall buildings they would receive the New Light (TM) quicker, and it became clear that only from this watchtower they could spread the Good News (TM) that god was going to kill everyone except people who sold their magazines.
luke 11:10-13
for everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened.
11 indeed, which father is there among you who, if his son asks for a fish, will perhaps hand him a serpent instead of a fish?
Biggest Mathematical Miracle in the World
Another Miracle and Mathematics from http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/joseph_wheless/is_it_gods_word/chapter_04.html , page 88 -89 of their electronic version of Is It God?s Word, Chapter 4. I?ll just copy and paste the amazing math about the quails thrown at his people on a fit of anger!
?One linear mile contains 5280 feet; one square mile therefore contains 27,878,400 square feet. The whole area of 4425.76 square miles would equal 123,383,107,584 square feet. Each square foot being covered 44 inches, or 3.66 feet, high with quails, each quail occupying 27 cubic inches of space, with 64 quails to the cubic foot, the total would be 452,404,727,808 cubic feet of quails. A bit of ready reckoning, on this conservative basis, gives us just 28,953,902,579,712 quails in this divine prodigy of a pot-hunt! Ever soul of the 2,414,200 of the "hosts of Yahveh" therefore had the liberal allowance of 11,993,167 quails. We can well believe, if the Children of Israel had to eat so many quails, even in "a whole month," that, as Yahveh promised or threatened, they would "come out at your nostrils and be loathsome to-you!"..
Also, they had to have sheep for the Passover. Just under page 81 of the same link , you?ll find the following:
?lambs of the first year for this one day's passover sacrifice. There would probably be as many female lambs of the same year, which would make 482,840 first-year lambs, to say nothing of the sheep and goats. Sheep-raising statistics show that, in average flocks of all ages, the total number is about five times that of the increase of one season's births; this would give us exactly the same number of sheep as of Hebrews, 2,414,200. Modern sheep-raisers seldom have grazing lands which will support more than two sheep to the acre. Allowing five to the acre for biblical Egypt, 482,840 acres of land, or 754 square miles, nearly two-thirds the area of the state of Rhode Island, would be required merely for pasturing the sheep of the slave Israelites, not allowing for their other cattle and horses, none of which had been killed in the plagues, and of which the children of Israel had large "flocks and herds, even very much cattle?
Boy, they didn?t figure too much on the math, did they?
whose feet were touched when zipporah cut off her son's 4skin in an attempt 2 set matters straight?.
it was the angel of jehovah who had the power 2 put thew uncircumcised son 2 death.logically,then,zipporah would have caused the 4skin 2 touch the angel's feet,presenting it 2 him as evidence that she had complied with the covenant.. i understand from somewhere,possibly my niv study bible that the word used 4 feet can also mean genitals, there4 did zipporah put it on the angels thingy.. any comments?
It was the angel of Jehovah who had the power 2 put thew uncircumcised son 2 death.Logically,then,Zipporah would have caused the 4skin 2 touch the angel's feet,presenting it 2 him as evidence that she had complied with the covenant.
According to Blue Letter, it was not an angel, but Jehovah himself who went looking for Moses and found him at an inn!
Scroll down to Ex. 4:24 and you'll see the hebrew text a bit past it.
ok, i had a thought the other day, and since that is a relatively rare event, i thought i would share it.. .
remember the moonies and their mass weddings?
i don't know enough about them to know just what the point was, or the rationale for something like this.
I once read that the greatest definition of love is: "Having the best interests of another at heart (especially spiritually) before you own."
And in the mind of the Watchtower, you should marry only another JW so that both of you have the interests of the WT at heart so that there is no b*tching about all the time and money spent on them.
If one of you leaves the Borg, then they can make you break with your mate for spiritual endangerment. It keeps the money coming in.
and the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you.
so then, what distinguishing behaviour do rock badgers have, that we should not eat/be like the rock badgers?
is it that they hide themselves among the rocks?
Another thing to consider is that soil is made of decaying plants and animals.
How did Jehovah get trees to grow in the single day after man was created on the second creation myth if there was no soil, but only sand or clay?
Oh, yeah, I forgot, he is god; so the first trees could magically grow without soil until they were seduced by a climbing ivy, then they died and produced the rest of the soil.
does anyone know if there is something wrong with the http://www.silentlambs.org/ site?.
it was working fine three days ago, but now all i get is this:.
a license exception has been thrown.
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/68027/1.ashx first post (by imallgrowedup)
Here is my .02:
Objection: Apostates hacked into the UN website and posted it.
Possible Response: You can bet The Society knows about this letter. There is no way The Society would stand for this being made public if it were not true. If this were bogus, they certainly would have contacted the UN by now and it would have been removed. Just to be sure, you may want to check the site again in a week or so to see if it is still there. If it is, then you will know that it was not placed there by hackers.
the letter the un posted on their site regarding the wt affiliation with the un is great news!
kudos to everyone who made this possible by taking the time to write the un!
although most on jwd see this as a big victory, most have expressed that there will probably be many active jw's who will find it suspicious or will turn a blind eye.
Thank you very much for your info, however, what I was talking about was not about a translation by another exJW, I already did this for a Spanish Site.
My idea was to have the UN translate their own letter into Spanish and place it in their own site, so that Spanish-speaking JWs would have no doubts as to the origin of the letter.
Another point is that the link you provided does not take me to Randy´s site.
Thank you again, anyway.
does anyone know if there is something wrong with the http://www.silentlambs.org/ site?.
it was working fine three days ago, but now all i get is this:.
a license exception has been thrown.
Thank you Rev., I guess I can still get Watchtoweritis because I began thinking a bit paranoid when I was reading about how some dubs think that an "apostate" hacked the UN site and put that letter there.
I'll try tomorrow to see what develops.