Unfortunately you can't win with them, because they are in a cult. Just tell her you've returned to your church, and are greatly disturbed by their hiding known pedophiles in their organization.
JoinedPosts by bluesbreaker59
They won't leave me alone!!!! What can I do?
by almostbitten ini'm new to this site.
i'm not a jw but have studied with them largely because i wanted to know for myself what jws believed and wanted to hear it from them, not from others (i.e.
catholics, baptists, methodists, etc.).
To Quit or Control it....Drinking that is....Who has succeeded and how?
by oompa inthinking about just giving it up....i always revert back to a nightly habit.....and the occasasinal big escape into the bottle.
but of course you can't live there, and it fixes nothing.. because i think i do have a problem, i went to some aa meetings and found them to be too much like wt.
if alcholism is a true disease, then why is it the only one that needs god (or a higher power to cure (or cope with).
I've had issues with alcohol on and off, I'm a "party drunk" , a "challenge me to drink drunk", and "I've got too much to handle drunk"...
After I got divorced, I was faced with life on my own, I lost a companion of 8 years, I was only 24, which means I was with my ex for 1/3 of my life. Our marriage and relationship was terrible, and I suffered alot of verbal abuse from her, constantly yelling hateful things at me, and also hitting me. I was also losing my job due to not selling enough, and had lots of debt because of the divorce and bad decisions, and the constant though that my ex had been having an affair on me. I also was severely overweight... All this, PLUS my love for Jack Daniels, brought in some dark times. I drank a fifth of Jack at least every 3 days, was plastered every night off some kind of booze, and in general wasn't leaving my house. I thought no one wanted me, no one loved me, that I was no good at anything, and I would never have anyone again.
Well after about a month or two of severe drinking and meetings with elders (thanks to the divorce) I had a "Come to Jesus" meeting with my old man. He saw all the empty bottles at my place, and asked me about it. I broke down, and cried, told him everything, and how I felt like a huge failure. He admitted to me when my mom cheated on him and left him that he also had a drinking problem. I gave him all the liquor in my house, and promised not to buy any. He checked on me alot, and then my ("worldly") musician friends asked me to start coming out to their gigs, and just hanging out. I was going out to see them alot, and eventually they had me sit in with them. So I was sitting in alot with lots of different bands, then out of nowhere, I got a call to be in a band. All this time I was also working out some, and not eating any fast foods.
I confronted my problems head on, and took them all down one by one. I also found a hobby that I already had (playing guitar) to be a great "time-filler". The feeling of being drunk or numb is cool, BUT, the feeling of playing a ripping solo to a screaming audience is even better. One of the greatest feelings of my life is playing a great solo, and just laying it all out there.
I play blues, because while I've not had the hardest life, I didn't have an easy one either, so I can dig deep and lay some real soul on you when I want to. There is so much energy and raw emotion in blues and music in general. I found myself using music as my aid to sobriety, and as my "higher power". Its worked great. I'm not "sober", but I now only use alcohol in moderation, not to get drunk or as a pain killer or to feel numb.
Good luck sir, its a hard road ahead, but you can do it with support, but you can't do it alone.
Recommended listening... David Zollo, you can find his stuff on Amazon, its real music, it talks about lots of deep subjects, and it helped me immensely. David's not a blues player per se, he's just a wonderful musician, that fights his own demons.
Should I go to the elders about the affair?
by weeone ini am a sister that kind of "fell away" from the organization.
i felt that i wasn't accepted by my brothers and sisters (long, long story).
whatever i did i wasn't "perfect" enough.
I'm not going to console you and say what you did is cool, or good, because I think sleeping with a married person is totally not cool. But in regards to your question no, don't talk to the elders, you're not part of their little club anyway. Why do you want the hassle of dealing with these perverts? You do know all the questions they ask don't you? Very personal stuff, I would avoid them like the plague.
BBQ Advice
by Peppermint infor many years i have held bbq's in derision.
i am not one for social norms and have a general fear of succumbing to pleasant suburban society.
maybe i harbour this dislike because a jw once told me that he imagines the new system as a never ending bbq.
Use hickory, keep it low and slow, and smoke for at least 4 hours at about 225, that's BBQ.
No JW-info booth at the airport?
by Jim_TX inyesterday, i had the opportunity to go to the airport and take my wifes' son - who had to fly back home - to the airport.. usually, i have a mixture of dread, and anticipation as i walk through the airport, as the jws have an airport-provided kiosk where only the elite jws are allowed to man (or woman), and hand out literature (you have to be on a list to do this - and usually only long-time pioneers get the opportunity).
the previous trip - when we picked him up, i seem to remember it was there, and i gave a big smile - and 'hello' to the individuals posted there with their litter-ature scattered about on the kiosk tabletop.. well... yesterday... i looked for the kiosk - thinking that i would like to say 'hello' again as we passed by.
no one is there, but the kiosk is sitting off to the side.
I think they stopped this waste of time and paper in my local airport in Des Moines too. I haven't seen them on my last 3 trips out of town.
A witness dinner- Puts on Samuel Herds {Gov.body} talk I nearly choked!
by Witness 007 invisiting my mum she made me go to my first meeting in years.
a brother i studied with invites me to dinner....nice change i thought!
rumor has it that i have become in-active....true!
I think this guy and most uber Dubs are complete nut jobs. My grandma is an uber dub, she'll believe any shit from the GB, hook, line, and sinker. She's given her whole life to this stupid cult.
I presume you didn't allow this shit to be played at your house? I wouldn't ever let ANYONE come to my house and make me listen to WT readings, talks or other garbage, that stuff is NOT WELCOME.
by minimus inwere you really not considered a good little witness?
were you one of the "bad" ones that everyone was cautioned about?.
Oh yeah, I drank underage, I messed around with my old GF (now ex wife), swore like a sailor, liked to fight, initimidate people at conventions, and encouraged under age drinking. I also watched porn, R rated movies and was surfing apostate sites since college, oh yeah and I WENT TO COLLEGE!!! 2 reproofs, and now "no longer one of the JW's". I never enjoyed being a witness, but I was born into it. To the elders in my hall and a few CO's though I could do no wrong, until I filed for divorce. I had privileges, even was an attendant at assemblies and conventions for God's sake. No one ever knew about me.
No one ever could nail me for anything, until my (inactive) ex-wife broke into my email account and showed the elders emails between me and a worldly woman, I admitted to it, said I wouldn't stop and wrote a letter to them telling them I didn't want it anymore, so they announced it. I was trying to fade at the time, but I didn't make it.
Witness fear of demons why?
by donny induring my ten year sojourn through the watchtower, i was always amazed at the witnesses fear and fascination with demons.
occasionally at gatherings, they would exchange "demon" stories, which were just a jw way of telling ghost stories, and you would usually hear a few "uhhs" and "oh my's" as the story was told.
although i had heard folks of other denominations mention demons, it was never with the "shock and awe" the witnesses put into it.
Because they are in a mind controlling cult. The demons are just another threat of controlling the Dubs.
I Had a Great 4th of July & Hope Everyone Else Did Too!
by jamiebowers ini haven't posted on jwd for the past 4 or 5 days until tonight, because i've been busy.
had to spend a few days before the 4th getting ready for the big party, and it turned out really nice.
the weather was cool, and it didn't rain.
My fiancee and I through our first party together this past weekend. I smoked over 20 lbs of pork (baby backs and boston butt) on July 4th, and then we had our friends and some family come on over. It was really, really great!
Spent day with my DF'd sibling
by Iwonder17 inand guess what????
nobody died and fire didn't rain down from heaven.
it was actually one of the best days that i had in a long time.. the wtbs should be ashamed of themselves for trying to break up families.
I never, ever shunned my mother, who's been DF'd since I was 5. The hardest thing I ever had to do was tell her that she couldn't attend my first wedding reception, because the elders and my future in-laws told me I had to do it. Ridiculous!!! Ever since I got DF'd life has been WAY BETTER for me, I've been talking with other DF'd people and learning about their stories, its been a great change for me.
Its so important to keep ties with family and REAL friends, good for you!!