Hi tattoogirl,
One thing is hard, the lady I study with is really nice and I would feel bad if I decided to just stop studying. Has anyone else experienced this? How do you handle it, I work with her and have met her family and they have all been so great.
Been there, done that.
First of all, I believe that the lady is a genuinely nice person. But, as others here have pointed out: you aren't just meeting new friends. You are in the process of being converted. As you should know by now, recruiting new members is pivotal for the faith of the JWs. It's what keeps them going, it's why they spend hours and hours of trotting along the streets and knocking doors. Success is very rare, and even if bible studies are started, many do not result in baptism. These people _want_ you to join their religion, very much so. They are supposed to "save you", but on the other hand they are also trying to save themselves, because every single converted person reaffirms their way of life. They need you - not as a person, but as a Witness.
In a sense, they're trying to "score", just like a guy who's trying to impress a girl, showing all his best sides, dressing nicely, wining and dining her...if you excuse the analogy, but it's basically the same thing. It may be flattering and very exciting at first. It may look like you've found Mr. Right.
However, if you read the experiences of many people here, you'll notice a certain pattern: when courtship, wedding night and honeymoon are over, Prince Watchtower Charming tends to turn into a fat, unshaved couch potato who's spending most of his days in dirty underwear, slouching in front the TV, yelling at you to drive to the supermarket for another crate of beer and a couple of family-size bags of those cheese-flavoured taco chips and, goddammit, while you're at it, make the darn kids shut up, and take out the trash - now! And don't you ever think of talking back, or even leaving!
If that doesn't sound like the kind of life you've been dreaming of: take it slow. Watch your step. Not all that glitters is gold. Don't let these people make you feel guilty, ever - because that is the god-given, exclusive privilege of your parents