This is nothing new. In the late 70s and early 80s there was a practice called marking that got out of hand. It was encouraged by the Borg for individuals to mark someone as bad association and not include them in functions or association outside of the hall. It got out of hand real quick and they had to do a few special talks because what it did was to make OK cliques. If someone did not make it too 2 meetings in a row some of the idiots would "mark" a person. Some would mark just because they did not get along. Then the idiot ass holes who never saw a pussy in their life tired to reverse it because everyone was marking someone. It ended up being a great division in the hall. You see most people think its fine to mark others or worse but its not OK for them selfs. Its like Mark Twain said, "nothing needs reforming like other peoples habits. "
Posts by dogon
Pre-emptive shunning - a growing reality
by cedars ini'm scanning through some of the results from the 2012 jw survey as they're coming in.. the most populous of the six voting categories with 76 voters so far is my own category, for those who are inactive, or "faded/fading" (not disfellowshipped or da'd, but no longer reporting time on the ministry).. one statistic already leaping out at me surrounds the question "do you experience 'pre-emptive shunning' from active witnesses, who view you as 'bad association'?
" of the 74 who voted on this so far, 76% have answered "yes" to this question.. it's early days, and obviously i will have a clearer picture of the extent of the problem once the survey closes at the end of the year.
however, the results already in suggest that pre-emptive shunning is widespread among inactive ones, despite this not being an "official" policy of the society.. i was interested in your opinions as to why this may be?
Shouldn't we all aim to be inspired by God?
by Listener inreading comments on this forum makes me think about so many facets in understanding god's word and how he works.
i was very puzzled as to why djeggnog had so much trouble in trying to explain the difference between being guided by god's holy spirit and being inspired.
he stopped posting when he was cornered on this.
Inspired by what? War, Starvation?, Disease? Just what about this world is so god damn god like that we should be in awe of it? If we are here by natural occurrence than awe is in line, but if an intelligent designer is to blame than he/she did a piss poor job and not only is a dead beat dad but a fucking asshole to boot.
Do you sense that the Watchtower will implode?
by AK - Jeff insince leaving the organization 8 years ago, there have been more significant changes in the actual, physical activities of the organization than occurred in all the 40 plus years i was 'in'.
bethel closings.
bethel layoffs.
Nope. You would think so but what is really happening is you are seeing the false base the cult is built on. From the very beginning of the cult which had its base in the Millerite movement in the 1840s. Where Miller predicted to know the end of days and it was 1846. People sold farms and did not plant crops and went to the top of some mountain to wait for Jesus and guess what? Its know known as the great disappointment of 1846. Miller was the basis for the current Witness and Adventist movements that are waiting for the end times. They are not the only ones but its a fact that the more wrong a cult is the more the members seem to rally around the cult. Yes some leave as we did, but they are replaced by people who this is all new and exciting to them. The en of the world, WOW now I don't have to go to school and worry about my 401k and I can just play till the end comes.
I personally saw how many people gave up jobs and had just enough money to live to the middle of 1976 because we were told the end was very likely in 75. Stay alive till 75 was the BS. My father in-law worked for GM. He would have retired with a nice 2k a month pension and health care. He left and moved to North Michigan to wait for the end like the rest of the lemmings. Well he ended up scrapping for a living and now he is in Kentucky barely eeking by with his SS. and he still holds on to the belief that the end is neigh. I have seen some very intelligent people who you could not pry this crap out of their heads with an eight foot crow bar. Its like someone JB welded it to their brain stem.
So yes the society has gone though some very weird times and things, like the millions now living will never die, because the end is in 1925 bla bla bla, and you know what? People still support this crap. No its not on the edge of ending because the lemmings will never think for them self in enough numbers to make it collapse. And there is one born every min. as old PT used to say.
What do you make of THIS?
by TimothyT inarrangement the ark the law covenant the new covenant the organisation.
leader noah moses / the high priest jesus christ the governing body.
entity for salvation the ark the tabernacle / temple the body of christ the organisation.
How can you be anti something that does not exist? Jesus is a myth and if he existed he was just a man who wanted to make a religion to keep from pounding nails, born to a woman who was screwing around and thought that telling her husband that god did it was better than telling him schekbin the stable boy knocked her up. And now we are fighting wars because some whore could not keep her legs togeather.
by TimothyT ini looked out the window and saw a car that belongs to a jw couple who have come to see my dad.. i decided it was time for another cup of tea .
no response!
i made myself a cup of tea, and realised there were two cups just brewing, so i called into the living room: "dad are these drinks for **** and ****?
You had JWs in your living room, now thats going to leave a stain. Its going to take Jwxy clean to get it out.
Learning to pray again
by Cinciguy74 inso, one of the things that is catching me off guard is that i have forgotten how to pray.. as a jw we were all told to pray, but when we really look at it, the prayers are just as structured and mind numbing as those of the catholic church reciting the rosary.
what caught my attention was stephen at act 7:59 where he calls on jesus (not jehovah) to receive him.
he prayed to jesus.. yet, as a jw, the prayers you always here begin like this: "jehovah god, our loving heavenly father..." and end in "in jesus name, amen".
Nothing fails like prayer. If a man talks into a oatmeal can to go he is crazy, take away the can and he is suddenly spiritual. lOL God is only pretend.
Has the Watchtower ever made a correct prediction?
by Fernando inin 1889 the wbt$ predicts in detail the spiritistic scheming priestcraft it would come to embrace (due to the harlotrous gb's insatiable lust for graven unnatural spiritual intercourse or prostitution with demons):.
"the underlying principle of the great reformation, to which all protestants look back with pride, was the right of individual judgment in the interpretation of the scriptures, in opposition to the papal dogma of submission to clerical authority and interpretation.
on this very point was the whole issue of the great movement.
Not one thing, and the 1914 is like cold reading. Its like me saying a plane will blow up in the sky in october and a ship sinks and I call it getting it correct. LOL They are a big fat goose egg on getting anything right.
This is unbelievable
by N.drew inthe scandal in australia is about the society of jehovah's witnesses refusing to file with the government of australia information that would identify persons who have been suspected of child molestation.
but in the past the watchtower has instructed their people to obey the law of the land as it pertains to interracial marriage..
"in a few places, there are even laws making interracial marriages illegal.
You have to assume that the high ups in the WBTS are kiddie fuckers them selfs. I bet some of those old men in the WTBTS are doing as many bethalites as possible. Maybe this is whey so many seem gay. I thought it was a prerequisite to go to bethel to be gay.
Belief to non-belief
by Awen inhave anyone here went from being a very strict believer in god to a non-believer?.
actually i think many are.. but outside of the usual answers of "god doesn't exist" (which you must have had some very valid reasons for), were there many things that caused you to come to this conclusion?
i was watching a southpark video about joseph smith and the mormons and i thought it very funny that anyone could actually believe any of that stuff.
God is a myth that can not be proven to be true in any sense of the word. Not one single fact has ever been found to show that god is real but many misdirection’s have been shown to try to prove the existence of a god.
Argument by design, See that tree or deer, see how complex it is in design? It could not possibly have happened by evolution so god [not just any god but my god] must have created it so by extension god exists. BS totally. First this does not prove what god would have created life even if you jump the Grand Canyon of scientific evidence that supports evolution. Second, it could have been aliens that seeded [I do not believe this] life on earth not your Jewish created version of god.
You can go on to the first mover, ocams razor and many more theory’s of god having evidence. You then come to the drivel posted above about finding some tablet that shows the existence of some city that the bible said existed that archeology had not previously found. This is a red herring and not reality. If this is the case than because Troy was not thought to exist and now is a factual city that has been discovered than it must follow that Ulysses was trapped by sirens because Neptune was pissed that he offended him, and Medusa turned men to stone with a look of her snake for hair head. Its stupid logic and does not hold up to the most basic of tests.
If god existed he is a dead beat dad or he in fact does not exist and there is a different explanation for life. Science shows how we share a common ancestor and our genes are 99 percent the same as a Chimp. Let's review the bible explanation
God was lonely or wanted to share life or whatever, he created the earth, and then created dinosaurs for whatever reason and then got rid of them with a comet or whatever or they lived and Noah used them to move lumber to build the arc,LOL, then after he created the earth and life he created man from dust, evidently even god needs some base building material, then he created woman from the rib of the man who was made of dust, then he let a sprit [another form of life he created that we cannot see but can inhabit inanimate objects and snakes] inhabit a snake that talked the woman made of rib from the man made of mud into eating a piece of fruit that dispensed all knowledge. This was forbidden for man to know things and then he knew he was naked and sin was born. So we needed another sprit [gods son or god depending on which BS you want to believe] to come to earth and die on a cross or stake again which BS you like, so that man could have a chance to live forever after going through thousands of years of wars, rape, murders, slavery and bad behavior, starvation, drought, disease ect. so that god could prove that some people wanted to worship him with free will or what other f u ck ing sh it you want to spew. Yep this is the proof that people use to show god exists.
No god does not exist and its a fantasy that will not come to pass. You and I will die and we will not see god come to save the earth or us, we do it ourselves or we die out as a species. I think human greed and stupidity will eventually destroy us and possibly the planet but that’s another argument.
Wait, Wait... WHAT?! Dec 15th, WT Study - This bugs me
by civicsi00 inok so i decided to just take a quick peek at the dec 15th study edition and i couldn't even get past the very first article!
it's a "personal" story of a jw who was born in 1928 and his experiences from that era.
what is the first thing printed on this page?
Civil rights started up in the 1950's. Jws were told not to get involved....after all the first century Christians did not try and change the laws regarding slavery. Jws could still preach and meet so they did not have to change it.
There is an article about this which I can't access at this moment.
Jesus told the slaves to be obedient to their masters so in effect supporting the idea and doctrine of slavery. Not a good thing to use as a back up to bad behavior