Nope. You would think so but what is really happening is you are seeing the false base the cult is built on. From the very beginning of the cult which had its base in the Millerite movement in the 1840s. Where Miller predicted to know the end of days and it was 1846. People sold farms and did not plant crops and went to the top of some mountain to wait for Jesus and guess what? Its know known as the great disappointment of 1846. Miller was the basis for the current Witness and Adventist movements that are waiting for the end times. They are not the only ones but its a fact that the more wrong a cult is the more the members seem to rally around the cult. Yes some leave as we did, but they are replaced by people who this is all new and exciting to them. The en of the world, WOW now I don't have to go to school and worry about my 401k and I can just play till the end comes.
I personally saw how many people gave up jobs and had just enough money to live to the middle of 1976 because we were told the end was very likely in 75. Stay alive till 75 was the BS. My father in-law worked for GM. He would have retired with a nice 2k a month pension and health care. He left and moved to North Michigan to wait for the end like the rest of the lemmings. Well he ended up scrapping for a living and now he is in Kentucky barely eeking by with his SS. and he still holds on to the belief that the end is neigh. I have seen some very intelligent people who you could not pry this crap out of their heads with an eight foot crow bar. Its like someone JB welded it to their brain stem.
So yes the society has gone though some very weird times and things, like the millions now living will never die, because the end is in 1925 bla bla bla, and you know what? People still support this crap. No its not on the edge of ending because the lemmings will never think for them self in enough numbers to make it collapse. And there is one born every min. as old PT used to say.