Blonde I left in 95 when they changed the meaning of Generation, from a closed time to an open we are all in that time but its still very close. That was too much for me to stomach. People have given up relationships,jobs,dreams and more for this line of shit. I now tell anyone who will listen that this org is a cult and is destructive and dangerous. Keep away from them and keep your family away from them. They are as dangerous as scientologists or Mooneys. They have never been right on one thing they have ever predicted and have changed so much that you would be disfellowshiped for teaching anything that C.T Russell taught.
Posts by dogon
anyone else ever think this was strange?
by cptkirk inwhen you were in the borg looking at the yearbook, none of the middle-eastern countries were accounted for were they?
did it ever strike anyone as odd that the region of the world which this religion was born in, had no "preaching" work being carried out there?
all the while the wtbs is shouting the end is sooo close?
2011-2012 Circuit Assembly program--"Let God's Name be Sanctified"
by Lunatic Faith innot sure if anyone has put this up yet.
i had it left in my door yesterday by the circuit and/or district overseer as my old cong.
is hosting this week.
Let's see, it will be keep away from unbelievers, keep focused on the end is tomorrow, don't build a future because you won't need it and give more time in service trying to convert other stupid people. Other than that they have no message. Oh and don't masturbate or fuck your wife in the ass,watch R rated movies, drink too much, gamble or take blood except for some derivatives. Peoples front of Judea fucking splitters.
"Overlapping generation" explanation - TRANSCRIBED EXTRACT from Friday's talk (DC 2011-12)
by AnnOMaly ini thought this would be easier to examine if written down:.
god's kingdom will soon come.
so we know that god's kingdom will soon come.. .
total bull shit start to finsh. They are trying to double talk their way out of the bull shit they got them self into with this end of the world stuff. Fuck em, Fuck em all in the ass.
End of the world starts at 6:30 may 21 where ever that is the time
by dogon inwell, here we are at the end times.
how is american soma dong?
did the dead rise up from the grave?
Well, here we are at the end times. How is American Soma dong? Did the dead rise up from the grave? Earth quakes? No? Hmmm, how about end of the world may 21 2015? Forgot to carry a one.
Top Mexican drug lord a Jehovah's Witness
by dogon inhas anyone seen this yet or am a i a bit late to the party?
funny how giving money to the borg makes it all ok. they sure are fucking money grubbers at the top.
what a bunch of fucking ass holes the jws are.
I used Wick, but I got the news from several other sources.It seems very credible. I watched a news article on a tv news cycle and then looked it up on line.
Top Mexican drug lord a Jehovah's Witness
by dogon inhas anyone seen this yet or am a i a bit late to the party?
funny how giving money to the borg makes it all ok. they sure are fucking money grubbers at the top.
what a bunch of fucking ass holes the jws are.
Has anyone seen this yet or am a I a bit late to the party? Funny how giving money to the borg makes it all OK. They sure are fucking money grubbers at the top. What a bunch of fucking ass holes the JWs are. This only makes me fight againgst them that much harder. Think of all the damage they have done and then to not distance themself from this guy, fuck even the Catholics distance themsefs from drug lords.
Fading vs. D'F'd
by Band on the Run ini don't know the details.
is it true that if you slowly withdraw, you are free to go but if you are active and do an offense, you are shunned.
is their principle whether you are appropriating and blemishing the name vs. severity of the actual offense.
It depends largely on the congregation and the elders. If you fade away and do not cause any trouble by talking against the org. They may only visit you once a year. If you are known to talk against the org. they will most likely come after you to "keep the org clean" If you are dfed they will say they have cleaned up the org. I like to keep them wanting to df me and not give them the rope. I once told an elder who kept asking me to just say I did not believe that the org was gods org on earth, that it was his job to find out don't ask me to give you the rope to hang me. They hate that.
by Hairyhegoat inthis guy must be mad.
please read and take his comments apart.!.
how jehovah's witnesses differ from cultsby john w. scottjohn w. scott.
Bull shit the bible is the authority. It is pushed in the back ground and the drivel [not to imply the bible is not also drivel] that is the society’s publications is put to the fore front of all teaching. They use a few passages here and there to back up the drivel. Its a cult plain and simple. There is a central authority that tells its members what to do in every aspect of their life, and if they do not follow the directives then they are punished with removal. They use fear and intimidation to force its members to stay in line. They use redundancies over and over to impress on the minds of the followers the teachings and they use assemblies to give group mentality that this many people can not be wrong. Most of the points in this article are bull shit. No one in including the GB bennifits from donations? Bull shit. I guess old Ruthaford and his mansion in San Diago and sixteen cyl caddy was drudgery? This article is bull shit through and through. JWs are a cult and a scam. They are one of the worst religions on the planet up there with scientology and Islam.
Why do people laugh at creationists?
by whereami in. . .
These videos are excellent. Very well thought out and make the point that religion is a load of shit. The bible is a load of shit. It has nothing of value and those who follow it are deluded. Great post.
How do you get latest magazine? (Watchtower and Awake)
by Snoozy ini often see quotes from posters about this article and that article they read in the magazines.
i was just wondering how you have access to the magazines ?.
i had a sub many years ago but they quit offering them.. do you have relatives that supply them?.
I used to subscribe until they changed how you get the sub. I just threw it away or burnt it to heat my home. LOL just to cost them money wasted for printing and postage. Now you can only get a sub from the hall if I am not mistaken. Now I just don't give a shit. Its like what have the scientoligists printed about Xenu? I don't care.