Sorry 5go, i am from sweden ;). Anyway what about if FBI requisite there database of paedophiles, wouldn't most of those in that database be able to sue them?
JoinedPosts by TheNaturalStep
Does JV risk bankruptcy?
by TheNaturalStep inas i have heard they had to pay really much cash to those who sued them "silent lamb".
so my question is, are there any other individuals or groups who are about to sue jv?
and if so could that cause jv to go bankrupt.
Jer 29:10 in the Swedish 2003 NWT
by Doug Mason inin a previous thread, rosa asked for scans of jer 29:10 from the 2003 swedish nwt and from the dutch nwt.. i have provided a scan of the page from swedish nwt at:.
please note that the file has two pages -- the title page and the page with jer 29:10.. i give you my word that this is the page referred to by coj.. i will provide a scan of the page from the dutch nwt when i receive it.. doug.
My translation of the same text :), almost the same as Augustin’s, that makes me wonder r you from sweden august? Thus, this is what Jehovah has said: When 70 years have passed for Babylon, i shall turn my attention to you, and I shall toward you fortify my good words by taking you back to this place.
Went to a party last night...feel guilty this morning
by neverendingjourney ini went to a party last night.
it was relatively tame.
there were maybe forty people there.
It isn't a sin to take some smokes, it is a sin to get addicted, but jv has banned it because it would be a bad example if you went around smokeing ... Also takeing some beers isn't wrong ... But i agree that you should stay away fromt eh cigarets you don't want to get addicted m8.
Does JV risk bankruptcy?
by TheNaturalStep inas i have heard they had to pay really much cash to those who sued them "silent lamb".
so my question is, are there any other individuals or groups who are about to sue jv?
and if so could that cause jv to go bankrupt.
As i have heard they had to pay really much cash to those who sued them "silent lamb". So my question is, are there any other individuals or groups who are about to sue JV? and if so could that cause jv to go bankrupt. Kindly TNS
This is how old you are
by JH inyour age by eating out.
don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-but your waiter may know!
your age by diner & restaurant math.
Worked, was suprised since i did the counting in my head ...
christendom and war
by TIMBOB inwent to the bookstudy this morning.
the study talked about false religion and war and how other religions are killing each other and also jw's for not going to war.
there was many comment of how many early jw's served time or were executed for not going to war.
Funny, it was exactly the same here in Sweden. No JV isn’t allowed to do the military service. Many jvs were send to jail in Sweden for that …
What suicide bombers get in Paradise...
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land inafter dying a grisly death in an afghan cave, osama made his way to the pearly gates.
there, he was greeted by george washington.
"how dare you attack the nation i helped conceive!
Strange another female who r extremely dynamic in the interpretation of Islam, do all forums have one of them? Anyway i am kinda stupid i didn't understood the joke :cry: ...
JV and rest of Christianity: Satanic Doctrine!
by TheNaturalStep injv believe that we had a big flood 4000 years ago and that we humans was created 6000 years ago.
it is impossible it is impossible.
that is also why it is a satanic doctrine because it is impossible, then you can't be a christian or jv, because you can't belive in stuff who is impossibel.
Anti-Christ, who is the definition of right and wrong?, you know who, GOD!. He told us being gay is wrong, masturbation is wrong, we can see what a sin is trough the bible, but the bible doesn’t cover everything so we can't always know if it is a sin or not, also it depends how you interpreted the bible ...
JV and rest of Christianity: Satanic Doctrine!
by TheNaturalStep injv believe that we had a big flood 4000 years ago and that we humans was created 6000 years ago.
it is impossible it is impossible.
that is also why it is a satanic doctrine because it is impossible, then you can't be a christian or jv, because you can't belive in stuff who is impossibel.
Young earth doesn’t move the humans timeline or the flood, so ok you solve on problem with day age creationism, but you still got some left to solve … …………………………….. Christianity is equivalent (or equal to) knowing everything, and being right Answer: No, about being right it depends on what we r talking about, Satanic doctrine is equivalent to scientific evidence that cannot possibly be right because only christianity is correct. Answer: The problem now is what your definition of Satanism is; I used a definition based on Christianity’s point of view. But I believe that the chuch of satan have another definition Is that what you mean? Answer: No So therefore, if you are not christian, you are satanic, is that right? answer: you can not generalise like that, we are all sinners based on the bible, and when we sin we do stuff that is satanic ..
JV and rest of Christianity: Satanic Doctrine!
by TheNaturalStep injv believe that we had a big flood 4000 years ago and that we humans was created 6000 years ago.
it is impossible it is impossible.
that is also why it is a satanic doctrine because it is impossible, then you can't be a christian or jv, because you can't belive in stuff who is impossibel.
Thx it is nice to be here since this seems like a forum with a high standard :), i may stick around i have some topics in my sleeve ...