I don't think so. That would be major news.
JoinedPosts by Frenchy
blood transfusions policy did it change?
by rekless ini read a post that a jw can have whole blood transfused if it was a life or death issue.. advance heart & vascular specialists.
ram k. singh, md., f.a.c.c.. 4432 s. eastern ave.. las vegas, nv.
" this man saved my life, after my heart attack.".
by ARoarer inhas anyone seen or heard of any letters going out from headquarters to the body of elders directing them to inform the congregations not to watch dateline?
i was wondering if this is really true or just a rumor.
if it is true, this is terrible that they can actually deny members freedom of press or punishment.
They wouldn't be THAT stupid now, would they???
Ok, this is it.......
by bchapp inok peeps, i just got a phone call from the sister i've been studying with.
we're getting together next tues (i've been working overtime, so i haven't had any contact since i started posting on here.
) i'm soooo nervous, i just know she's going to try to talk me out of quitting.
Good for you!
Ok, this is it.......
by bchapp inok peeps, i just got a phone call from the sister i've been studying with.
we're getting together next tues (i've been working overtime, so i haven't had any contact since i started posting on here.
) i'm soooo nervous, i just know she's going to try to talk me out of quitting.
If she talks you out of it perhaps you are still not convinced that you should not study. Please make sure that the decision is yours.
Maybe you haven't been on here long enough! (smile)
Ok, this is it.......
by bchapp inok peeps, i just got a phone call from the sister i've been studying with.
we're getting together next tues (i've been working overtime, so i haven't had any contact since i started posting on here.
) i'm soooo nervous, i just know she's going to try to talk me out of quitting.
Make sure you show that part of the Muller quote that they didn't put in paragraph 11.
I'm sorry, Hawk, but I missed that one. What was that about?
Thought Experiments and Bill Bowen
by HildaBingen ini once had a friend who had racial epithets hurled at her by a white man.
he was not the only one who showed himself to be a racist.
she also went to get a job at a huge prominent corporation in a prosperous country and she did not get the job because she was a certain color.
Well, that went over well! (smile)
by deddaisy inthis is a news wire from today, check out the distribution........... ____________________________________________________________________.
copyright 2002 associated press .
ap worldstream .
Dear Barb,
It is difficult if not outright impossible for ‘worldly people’ to understand how things are in the congregation. A witness reading this, however, can understand exactly what happened. I love your use of the term ‘elderette’. I thought my wife had coined the phrase but I see that others have done the same! LOL. Bless your heart, I know that you have been through a lot.
These short newspaper articles really can’t paint an accurate picture of what is happening. For that a lot of ink an paper would have to be sacrificed…or a lot of air time. That statement of Brown is a blatant lie. Parents are indeed punished, not officially, but punished nonetheless by the congregation for going to the police.
I have been and continue to be critical of those who seem to go out of their way to find some way to criticize witnesses or the society specifically where there is really no justification for it. (I have made a couple of comments to Bill Bowen about this but he has never replied.) In your case, however, everything you said rings perfectly true! You have accurately and honestly presented the situation as it typically is. I admire honesty of that level. Thank you for sharing this with us.
I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter. I have two daughters of my own and I can relate. My best to you and your family.
I just finished reading the WT Media release....
by VioletAnai inwhile most of it boils my blood....i do agree that parents have to take a greater responsibility and view everyone as a potential monster to their child...it's the only way to protect them short of supergluing their arse to yer hip!
because pedophiles hide so well in society and the warning signs can be a little cloudy....it's better to be safe than sorry.. parents need to be alert to the people in the community, the people they associate with the most...be it religion, school, neighbours, the sitter....a parent can not afford to be lack in any area of their childs life...even their extra-ciricular activities opens them up to dangers beyond belief!
parents be viligent and if anything should happen to your child despite your hardest efforts...remember...put your feelings aside (your self-loathing etc and the 'what ifs'), and nurture your child to the full extent....even if it is painful for you.. a woman i once knew refused to support her child because she couldn't emotionally face the consequences....only focusing on her own pain and not factoring in what is going thru her childs mind and heart as he slowly died inside.
Is this on their website??
We got DF'd/ Assoc. Press called
by ARoarer inwell we got the phone call from the elder to let us know of the decision to disfellowship us.
the one elder called while the other sat on the phone as a "witness".
the second elder was once a close friend.
I just wanted to add my small comment to the impressive list that is steadily growing here. No one who has not been a witness can appreciate just what is involved in what you and your husband are going through.
Walking away is very difficult to do in such a situation but staying would be harder. I wish you and your family well. I am very pleased to note that your faith in God has not been destroyed. My best to you and yours.
P.S. The French Knight sends his greetings as well. (smile)
My letter to the editor
by larc inyesterday, our local newspaper ran the story about the jw pedophile issue.
just a few moments ago, i emailed a letter to the editor.
i hope it gets published, and i hope that some of you will also email your newspaper regarding the news.
There was an article in a local paper here yesterday: Witnesses facing excommuniation for criticism. It's an Associated Press story. Bill Bowen, Carl and Barbara Pandelo and Barbara Anderson are mentioned.