Oceans eleven is the hands down winner
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Message from Robert Redford on energy security
by DCs Ghost indear friend,.
it is understandable that we americans feel an almost reflexive need for unanimity in trying times like these.
as a nation, we are rightly consumed with responding to the terrorist attacks on september 11th.
If there is one thing that I agree with our euopean freinds on this board its americas abissmal record on mass transit and alernative fuel and energy.Back in the 70s when we had our first oil embargo if US would have made oil into the next space race we would all be driving oil free cars today.But since the oil robber barons run the show that never happened.To bad I always thought we would have flying cars by now.
LOGICAL - Why are you always so sad, fed up &
by Celtic inlonely?
ever since i've come to this board, you take every opportunity possible to imform everyone else how sad you are, do you ever give encouragement back to others, or have you always been like this, doing your best to stay as miserable as can be?.
you know theres lots of people here who would like to help you, given the chance, in fact i can't even be bothered to give you any encouragement this time, cos all you do every time you see someone in chat is tell them how lonely and sad you are.
I agree with celtic and flower on this one, and legion hit it dead on.This is a person with no life that sits in chat all day and trys to prey on peoples emotions.These type of people are a dime a dozen on the internet.They get off when others baby,pity and wipe their ass for them.
What Prince Doing these days?
by Patriot indoes he go to all his meetings and comment at them?
and if he does, what do they call him?
"brother prince..you had a comment?".
Wow I get to be fred hall.Kent I just stole his pic to make him mad.If you look at my posts you will see.I know is alot to ask for a person from norway.
What Prince Doing these days?
by Patriot indoes he go to all his meetings and comment at them?
and if he does, what do they call him?
"brother prince..you had a comment?".
I too live in minnesota but I did not realise he got babtised.I did not see any local news on the subject but they probably dont care if he is a JW.I might have to attend a meeting in colone just to see prince.
What is you occupation
by Beans inim a liceinced electrician now working in wireless communication installations.i love the electrical industry,there is so much to learn and so many different things do work with and technology is always changing.never a boaring day especially when we are working in the office buildings downtown,chicks everywhere!.
Im a blackjack dealer.I would like to play blackjack for a living and move to the most awsome city in the world, las vegas baby.
Why Is It That Americans Here Never.....
by Englishman inslag off us brits?.
i read all these posts (mainly by a couple of cuddly norwegians) about how the us needs to get it's act together, then there's a flurry of ripostes, the occasional nasty dig, a few generalisations and then the whole thing peters out until some bright spark feels the urge to start off the mischief once again.. well, im sick and tired of belonging to a perfect race and living in a perfect country.
the uk obviously has the best economy, the best soccer teams, the best monarchy, the best teeth, the best cuisine, the best weather, the best tv, the best armed forces, the best penal system, the best paranoids,.
I agree valis,our women rock.British women have round and pudgey faces and its sort of a turn off.Elizabeth hurly is your best export.And I thought diana was rather homley.
Ethics and morality,
by Norm inin the west we are rightly very concerned with child labour and other such matters.
western consumer groups boycott firms that have their clothes made by factories using children.
i know this is usual in europe and i guess it is in the us too.. in other areas we see no such concerns.
Jan you crack me up.You call americans morons, then you proudly quote an american movie as your signature.Why cant norway put out a good movie?Oh I know, its because norwegian culture is lame and boring.The world is full of people like you, they berate america but cant wait to get their hands on everything our country makes, from weapons to pop culture.Its like the vegeaterian who dose not eat meat because it kills cows but has three leather coats.
Are you a Bush bitch?
by cellomould ini found this at indynews....it's time for america to stand up to george w. say 'i ain't yo bitch no mo, dubya!
' he is certainly trying to pimp us all out.
read and weep.
I have to agree with abbandon on this one.If it werent fot 911 bush would had NO shot at a second term because of the massive links to the enron disaster.
America bashing, love and pride.
by Norm init is indeed strange, yet understandable to observe the "kneejerk" reactions you get when you point out possible .
flaw's with the mighty us of a, "god's own country".
even from people who should have learned not to have that .
I think I am lucky to have been born in america but I admit its not perfect.Here are my 3 biggest complanints.#1, we are way too overworked in this country.We get a pathetic amount of vacation time compared to other countrys.I was told by someone that in germany people get three months of vacation a year, is this true?And how much do you other countrys get?#2, we are extreamly sexualy repressed compared to europe and other countrys.#3, we need to do more as a country in the area of altrenative feul and energey but with our current government that is out of the question.