JoinedTopics Started by destructo-girl
Is there a Universal Issue? Did God cheat....yes and I can prove it.
by oompa ingen. 3:5 for god knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like god, knowing good and bad.".
(genesis 3:22) 22 and jehovah god went on to say: "here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite,".
gen 3:22and the lord god said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:i awoke this morning and had an epiphiny.
i met a witness in town
by looloo ini met a witness in town that i know and she actually thought it was the law ie the police that cant do anything about child abuse unless there are 2 or 3 witnesses, how disturbing she is over 50 years old and that naive.
I dont understand the hate...
by JamesWind ini grew up as a jehovah's witness.
my mother was uneducated and so we moved every 2-4 years as she tried to find stable enough work to support a child so ive attended many kingdom halls and have known many witnesses and many elders.
i've never gone back to the witness organization and never will.
If You're Annointed and You Know It Clap Your Hands...
by VoidEater inok...i see there are a fair number of posters here that have a "heavenly hope".... i can't help but wonder - what would it be like if a group of annointed (those that know in their hearts they will be resurrected to heaven) were to step up to the wbts, claim the authority the society vests in them as the true intermediaries between the great crowd and jesus, and try to give input to the gb?.
how could the gb posisbly say they are not part of the fds?
i suppose they would just paint everyone with the apostasy brush - "because i say they are and they disagree with me" - but wouldn't it be a marvel to see a group come forward to assert the authority and responsibility the gb says is vested in the fds?.
Don't Like the Biblical god? Consider believing in these instead...
by serotonin_wraith inso here's the problem.
you would like there to be a god, but you hope it's not the biblical one, as that one seems too mean.
well have you considered searching for one more to your liking?
most disturbing movie scene you've seen?
by knock knock ini haven't seen this topic on here so i thought i'd.... hmmm, maybe it's because it's just too disturbing?
to me, the scene in saving private ryan - the two soldiers in the small upstairs room fighting hand to hand to the death (by stabbing).
i think that is the most disturbing thing i've seen on screen and there were plenty just in that film alone.
Do you still believe in God
by solidergirl ini was wondering why da or df jw no longer believe in god when they make up their mind to no longer attend a meeting.
first off let's not say that all of us become athiest when leaving.
many on this board believe in god.
What's the big deal with Jesus' "sacrifice"?
by bluesapphire inwhat was the big deal with that dam tree to begin with!
Hi there!
by breakingfree ini have been coming to this site to read news and your stories for about a year now, but have never posted due to my mortal fear of somehow being found out... i have family in as most of you do, who are all very sincerely convinced that they are on the path of light.. i have never been happy with the beliefs, mainly the doublespeak on the status of women, the hypocrisy, the dramatisation of the smallest of matters, and the general guilt trip that was my life until i stumbled across some hard evidence that my suspicions about 'gods channel' were well founded.
unfortunately i am now addicted to turning over every piece of information i can find, there seems to be no end to the amount of $#*& below the surface.
i will probably remain in this state for awhile, hungrily devouring all the information that makes me feel validated for my stand against much of the mindless rubbish that has gone around me during my life as a jw.
Throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater Goodbye Watchtower Hello Nothing?
by Magick inas witnesses who were deeply indoctrinated.
we accepted all of jehovah's witness teachings as a total package, it was "the truth".
there were no cracks in our armor that would allow other ideas, doctrines or thoughts to seep in.