JoinedTopics Started by allreadygone
My Very First Post
by leaving-jws ini have been so reluctant to post basically because i am so torn about exposing my personal life.
i happen to come across this website by mistake about 6 months ago.
i agreed with your opinions of the jws view on higher education and independent thinking that i found on this website.
fastfoward 20/20 were do you see the wts?
by karter ini'm sure it will be around but how big i don't know.. as the older ones die off or become inactive there doesn't seem to be as many stepping up to take there place as one elder said to me recently " iv'e just come from a meeting at bethal they talked a lot about how much of this generation we have lost it seems we have skipped a generation ".. after alot of growth in the 80's and early 90's things seemed to have tailed off in the western world .. in 1992 i helped build the kh i used to go to it was built to hold 250 it was about 3/4 full and growing now it has about 100 publishers they had 9 reg pioneers then now maybe 1 or 2 the enthusiasm seems to have faded at best.. i went to the talk with my wife the other week (she still active) alot asleep or staring into space when i left after the talk the was alot of people milling around and talking in the lobby.. what will happen in the future i don't know it's co's vist this week everyone will get reved up but it seems to faid just as quick.. your thoughts??
by south african beef in....for the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i am a salesman and in one of my customers premises i noticed a watchtower and awake in the bin!.
i asked a few questions and found out that a young lad that works there gets a visit from a 'nice little old lady' who has a chat and leaves the mags.
What Can You Say to Jehovah's Witnesses Lame Excuses ?
by flipper ini noticed jg nat started a thread kind of similar, but dealing with elders .
my wife helped me come up with this thread with some good ideas here.
there are a few gems that witnesses use as excuses, phraseology they use to make excuses for their beliefs.
The Final Fallacy: If Witnesses Ruled the World
by metatron inafter all the disproofs and debunking of the watchtower society are done and its status as the "truth" is destroyed, we are left with one final.
argument supposedly in their favor: if the whole world was nothing but jehovah's witnesses, it would be a peaceful paradise.
this is the last argument that held me in the "truth" as an elder - inspite of all the lies and corruption i encountered in "jehovah's.
WOW! look at all the Newbies...Welcome!
by new boy inwelome all..... i guess poping in on the board after missing a few months it is easier to note... i remember joining in 2002....we would get maybe 1-2 people a week? it seems we get that many people a day..if not more.. another way you can tell, is how many "post" are done in just a short time.
it takes hardly anytime time to get your "thread" bumped to the next page.....job well done!.
just another sign the cracks are going up the "witchtower".
How do you spot a doubter ?
by confused and lost inhi all,i would like to know how to spot any doubters in my cong.the problem,as you are all well aware,is that everyone is to damn scared to openly say anything critical about the how can i ferret out any "would be doubters".any hints?
Logic and the fallacy of 1914
by neverendingjourney inlogic dictates that to prove a conclusion you must break it down into its individual parts and prove each individual element.. for instance, i can prove that 2+2=4.
i can also prove that 4 - 1 = 3 and that 3+10= 13. therefore, i can definitely prove my conclusion that that 2+2-1+10=13.. however, i would be unable to prove that 2+z-1+10=13.
because one of the elements, z-1, is unverifiable.
Why no warnings against "fading" in the literature?
by sir82 init has been pretty firmly established that the wts monitors ex-jw discussion boards generally, this one in particular.. on this forum and others, the strategy of "fading" is often discussed.
fading can be defined as gradually lessening one's activity in the congregation to the point where he virtually "disappears", becoming inactive & attending virtually no meetings.
thus, a more or less "normal" life can be achieved without the stigma and privations of disfellowshipping.. other ideas on how to get around the pain of disfellowshipping discussed on this type of forum have been discussed, if not in the literature, at least in boe letters.