I would agree with that statement. JW's surely are no different than many people on this planet who simply are part of the "herd." They are afraid or choose not to think for themselves and hence blindly follow the best source they have happened to find and stick with it.
I think perhaps the difference between JW's and the rest of the world, especially as we feel having once been deeply associated with them, is they in addition to blindly following they also isolate. Other people who don't think for themselves at least have the opportunity to see new doors open in their lives. Unfortunately all a JW sees is a door slammed in his face. :/
Indigo Insight
Posts by feenx
JWs Are Like Others: They Take The Good With The Bad
by minimus inthe more i dwell on people, in general, the more i realize that jws act pretty much the same as others.. if someone is in a marriage, they accept the good and the bad and simply accept the differences.. some people have jobs that they don't love but it's the lesser of 2 evils to be employed, so they stay at the same place for decades.. in politics, you might not be crazy over the person in the party that you prefer but you stick with the candidate for better or worse.. many jws have certain things they don't like about their religion but stay in their congregations because "where else would they go?
" .
perhaps jehovah's witnesses are no different than the average person.....what do you say?.
Jesus - ages 13-30
by feenx inhappy monday everyone :) .
a friend and i got into an interesting conversation late friday as we were eating a late dinner, which needless to say caused some amusing eavesdropping by neighboring tables.
we got on the subject of jesus and the new testament gospels.
Happy monday everyone :)
A friend and I got into an interesting conversation late Friday as we were eating a late dinner, which needless to say caused some amusing eavesdropping by neighboring tables. ;)
We got on the subject of Jesus and the new testament gospels. I told her that what I never understood is that they specify at the close of the gospels that there is/was/could be enough writings of Jesus to circle the globe, but that the important parts are what had been relayed. So clearly they even admit there's more than they are presenting. Why those are the years from 13-30 missing, because in my mind that time period would some valuable information.
Her answer was that there is a lot speculation about those years, but that she thinks that is the time when Jesus was being "human." Living the human experience and taking human actions. She said there's been speculation that he killed a man, and of course thanks to The Da Vinci code the speculation of his marriage to Mary Magdelene.
I personally find the idea of Jesus doing things no one wants to talk about fascinating. As well as the idea of his marriage, which I never understood why it was such a taboo thought. AND in any translation I've read from of the new testatment in multiple instances he is referred to or called Rabbi, which in that time period one was REQUIRED to be married in order to be recognized as a Rabbi...hmmm...leaves room for some interesting theories.
Does anyone have any references or thoughts?
feenx Indigo Insight -
Wow-I didn't know.
by QuestioningEverything ini am shocked and saddened by the things that i have learned from this website and a few others i've seen.
my grandma was a witness and my mom started to study seriously when i was 8 yrs.
i was baptised at 13-way too young.
What change did they make in disfellowshipping and family?? I didn't hear about that one.
Indigo Insight -
I thought you might enjoy (or puke) the daily text .....
by New light for you inso ladies and gentlemen..... i was going to throw out my daily text, then just decided to read todays.
now i know i'm going to throw it out, but first, lets share in jehobahs (gb) spirit, shall we?.
wednesday june 18th.
Well damn! that days text makes me wanna watch some porn, take care of some self love and then go to a bar and talk to as many horrible "worldy" people as I can ;)
Indigo Insight -
New York Post article: Study shows you're born that way (gay or straight)
by feenx in(sorry about that last post peeps, silly mac's sometimes fight with this forum :/)
brain study proves 'you are born that way' post wire services .
june 17, 2008 -- the brains of gay men and women look like those found in straight people of the opposite sex, research suggests.
(sorry about that last post peeps, silly MAC's sometimes fight with this forum :/) BRAIN STUDY PROVES 'YOU ARE BORN THAT WAY' Post Wire Services
June 17, 2008 -- The brains of gay men and women look like those found in straight people of the opposite sex, research suggests.
A Swedish study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, compared the size of the brain's halves in 90 adults. In gay men and straight women, each half was similar in size; the right side was bigger in lesbian women and straight men.
"In other words, the brain network which determines what sexual orientation actually 'orients' towards is similar between gay men and straight women, and between lesbian women and straight men," Dr. Qazi Rahman of the University of London told the BBC.
"As far as I'm concerned, there is no argument any more - if you are gay, you are born gay."
Scientists have noticed for some time that homosexuals of both sexes have differences in certain cognitive abilities, suggesting there may be subtle differences in their brain structure.
This is the first time, however, scientists have used brain scanners to try to look for the source of those differences.
The test group of gay and straight men and women was scanned by Karolinska Institute scientists to measure the volume of both sides, or hemispheres, of their brains.
When the results were collected, it was found lesbian women and straight men shared a particular "asymmetry" in their hemisphere size - but straight women and gay men had no difference between the size of the different halves.
In other words, structurally at least, gay men were more like straight women, and gay women were more like straight men.
A further experiment found that in one particular area of the brain, the amygdala, there were other significant differences.
In heterosexual men and lesbian women, there were more nerve "connections" in the right side of the amygdala, compared with the left.
The reverse was true in the case of gay men and straight women, with more neural connections in the left amygdala.
-------- Thoughts?
http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com -
NY Post article: Study shows you're born gay or straight
by feenx invery interesting article, the original link is: http://www.nypost.com/seven/06172008/news/worldnews/brain_study_proves_you_are_born_that_way_115864.htm
here is a past of the article:
brain study proves 'you are born that way' post wire services
Very interesting article, the original link is: http://www.nypost.com/seven/06172008/news/worldnews/brain_study_proves_you_are_born_that_way_115864.htm Here is a past of the article: BRAIN STUDY PROVES 'YOU ARE BORN THAT WAY' Post Wire Services June 17, 2008 -- The brains of gay men and women look like those found in straight people of the opposite sex, research suggests. A Swedish study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, compared the size of the brain's halves in 90 adults. In gay men and straight women, each half was similar in size; the right side was bigger in lesbian women and straight men. "In other words, the brain network which determines what sexual orientation actually 'orients' towards is similar between gay men and straight women, and between lesbian women and straight men," Dr. Qazi Rahman of the University of London told the BBC. "As far as I'm concerned, there is no argument any more - if you are gay, you are born gay." Scientists have noticed for some time that homosexuals of both sexes have differences in certain cognitive abilities, suggesting there may be subtle differences in their brain structure. This is the first time, however, scientists have used brain scanners to try to look for the source of those differences. The test group of gay and straight men and women was scanned by Karolinska Institute scientists to measure the volume of both sides, or hemispheres, of their brains. When the results were collected, it was found lesbian women and straight men shared a particular "asymmetry" in their hemisphere size - but straight women and gay men had no difference between the size of the different halves. In other words, structurally at least, gay men were more like straight women, and gay women were more like straight men. A further experiment found that in one particular area of the brain, the amygdala, there were other significant differences. In heterosexual men and lesbian women, there were more nerve "connections" in the right side of the amygdala, compared with the left. The reverse was true in the case of gay men and straight women, with more neural connections in the left amygdala. ------ Thoughts? feenx http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com
JWD- Some of the Best Supportive Discussion I've Seen
by flipper init certainly is a diverse board we have here , isn't it ?
we all come from different backgrounds, walks of life, and had different experiences in growing up as children into adolescence.
so it should suffice to say, that we will all have a variety of takes on various issues that come up on the board.
I also love a good debate...I got into one about homosexuality that was quite good. I also love the questions and viewpoints that put forth about matters that we were never able to think about inside the borg. FINALLY all those questions and "wait a minute, that makes NO sense because what about this??" statements can be posed here and an open discussion can proceed.
I too enjoy seeing the support given here for people fresh out of the organization. It's a very sketchy time and I know a lot of people get so freaked out they run right back because that's all they know. At least here they know they're not alone and they can get a variety of viewpoints from people all over.
http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com -
I think there may be a very small form of the borg, say the slave or still organized areas in other countries. But I predict within 6-8 years the WTBS, as we know it, will crumble. I believe the leadership will essentially disseminate and congregations will be one their own which will equal a large falling away with the rank and file.
Those poor peeps, the rank and file, blindly following are going to have a rude awakening :/
http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com -
An apology from a JW................................
by BLISSISIGNORANCE in...................who was a witness at my judicial comm.
any of you that know me also know i was df'ed because an elder had an outcome in mind, and that was to keep me quiet about a pedophile in the congregation.
he was partly able to do that by using a sister (friend of mine and also another elder's daughter, who was on my jc)by getting her to incorrectly quote me as slandering the pedo's ms brother to her.
Wow! that had to have felt great! few persons get an experience like that I'd have to say. I've come across my JC elders since the event, and they seem to emote regret or feeling sorrowful, no one other than my mother has came out and said it was f*cked up.
http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com -
How did you handle facing the reality of death?
by song19 infor those raised or who got the truth at a young age, how have you been able to handle the reality that you are in fact, eventually, going to die in this system?.
for me, this was a real hard reality check.
as a witness, my entire life i was convinced that i would see armageddon, that i wouldnt grow old and die.
I very much agree with one of Carlos' previous posts on this thread