JoinedTopics Started by fukitol
1914 to be abandoned around 2016
by Alfred inthe other day i was doing some research about "1914" for a friend on my wt cd library (spanish) and i found it quite interesting that the number of times "1914" is mentioned in the watchtower magazine during the previous 3 decades has been dropping exponentially as follows.... 1980-1989: mentioned 854 times.
1990-1999: mentioned 492 times.
2000-2009: mentioned 222 times.
"Light Gets Brighter"
by new boy inthe wt says the bible warns us about false prophets (matt.
7:15)....and tells us we can see if they if they are false, if they say that they speak for god and make predictions in his name....yet the predictions don't come true.....the society has given no less then 6 dates for end of the world, the last being 1975.. plus false prophets change their minds on what god thinks too.. resurrection of men of sodom.
1879- they will be resurrected.
Does the Shunning practice lead people to post on apostate sites?
by JH inby shunning inactive or df'd ones, i'm sure that the watchtower unravels the red carpet to apostate internet sites.. what is a shunned person supposed to do?
talk to no one ?.
A changing trend in Watchtower teaching??????
by TooBad TooSad infor the last year or so i have been sensing a change in the wording of articles in the.
watchtower, awake, and km's but i could not put my finger on it until i read the.
november 2007 our kingdom ministry.
This WT article makes me mad.... this is evil
by dawg init's bad enought that young people in the wt have to sell magizines, risk shunning when they find out the truth about the gb... but this article really makes me laugh and angry at the same time.
the part that made me the maddest was when the father said he "conquered" the habit, lying bastard!
10 countries with highest populations have practically no JW's
by fukitol inhere are the 10 countries with the biggest populations.
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th make up about half the world's population but have only a tiny number of jehovah's witnesses in them.. 1 china 1,286,975,468 .
2 india 1,049,700,118 .
Shocking info I am adding to announce my dissasociation to fellow jdubs
by What-A-Coincidence in.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccpcxtjzxymhttp://www.watchtowerdocuments.com/ http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/pdfs/watchtower.pdf
2008 Jan 1st Watchtower PUBLIC EDITION searchable PDF
by AlphaOmega inagain, as before, many many thanks to fokyc for the scans; i've pdf'd them and made them searchable.. there is mention of 1914 in this edition and mention of 144,000. .
i'll make no more comments until you've had a chance to read it.. we thought it might be interesting to compare the new formats (study vs public).
Blood Transfusions are Biblically Supported
by allpoweredup into jehovah's witnesses elders: blood transfusions are biblically supported: acts 15:20 says abstain from blood but 1 samuel 14:32-5 says saul's army ate unbled meat to not starve and no verses show god not forgiving them.
christ says god also forgave david's eating temple holy bread to survive and that god wants mercy not sacrifice.
(mt 12) the may 22, 1994 awake tells of 26 jehovah's witness kids who died without transfusions, and by common sense in massive bleeding as in car wrecks blood expanders won't save lives http://www.ajwrb.org.
The Retractable Dangling Carrot
by TMS insome scattered thoughts about the granting or denial of privileges of service as a control mechanism:.
this method of persuasion involving reward or punishment is so deeply ingrained in watchtower function, it is second nature.
although sometimes subtle, sometimes blatant, everyone from new bible study to traveling overseer is subconsciously aware of the possible limiting of his official opportunities to serve god and his brothers.. .