JoinedTopics Started by Renegade
Are we in some sort of "LAST DAYS"?
by Open mind ini'm not talking in the biblical sense necessarily.
you can argue scriptural "last days" until you're blue in the face.
(jcanon & obves make that clear on at least a weekly basis.).
YOU are bound to be like God, KNOWING good and bad
by nicolaou inlet's assume for the moment that god decides what is good and what is bad.
does he 'a' choose what is good because it is obviously good or 'b' is it good simply because he says so?
if 'a' then what is good is independant of god and he has no choice but to accept it as good.. if 'b' then the definition of what is good is arbitrary - god could decide that child abuse was good and it would be because he said so.. clearly this is ridiculous because we all recognise child abuse to be a bad thing and that is why god would never label it as good.
to the JWD person who sends erynw hatemail
by eclipse inas much as i hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.. there are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.. those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.. those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.. you are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.. you can quit telling eryn to die already.
you can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.. you are pathetic.
people like you disgust me.
purpledoodles strikes again
by purplesofa insome recent stuff.........kinda like the wt, same old stuff!.
the twelve apostles!.
oh, i'm a pioneer and jehovah gave me $10 for gas
by monophonic ini'm drawing a huge blank..
there was a thread here a while back on the bogus experiences at the assemblies about how jehovah stepped in just when a pioneer has $0, and oh, boy, were we blessed.......yet whenver bad things happen, even when praying for help, like someone gets killed, the 'we put in 75 hours of service and jehovah fed us' theory turns idiotic..
anyone remember that thread...or wanna give me some word power over those pathetic experiences....just got one via email from a relative and really want to throw back a doozy to make him think..
Why can't Witlesses laugh at themselves?
by hamsterbait inyou all know the jokes jews love to tell about themselves.
books and books of them.. the jokes about catholic priests.. i am sure there are buddhist jokes too.
(anybody heard one?).
Proof that George Bush is mad!
by deeskis indon't know if this has been posted before, but it's funny enough to see more than once!.
Jesus is bisexual according to the watchtower!
by 5go init just hit me 144,000 are married to the jesus christ yet it is made of men and women all kings.
so really he is technically gay.. .
so then why are the witnesses for not for gay marriage?.