JoinedTopics Started by martinwellborne
mental health
by martinwellborne insorry if i seem a bit outta sorts, but +#'* me i have had a bad time these past months.
i honestly thought i was condemned to die (deep down i still think i am).
i left the borg about a year ago with my wife and family all intact (or so i thought).
Book studies
by martinwellborne indoes this mean there are no more groups?
how many times these groups were re-shuffled and we were told this is the last time before armageddon.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing like the truth
by martinwellborne inanybody know the truth man?
only part of meeting you enjoyed
by martinwellborne infor me it was bible reading, where you could express your own opinion, in line with present truth of course.. pre the change it was awful listening to some fool telling you his opinion of bible highlights.
by martinwellborne inanybody believe these places are just modern day monasteries with all their inherent problems of cooping up a bunch of folks who aint supposed to think about sex
Religious Experience
by martinwellborne in"most religions do not make men better, only warier!
" elias canetti.
"to die for a religion is easier than to live it absloutely" jorge luis borges.
Pet Blood transfusions
by martinwellborne inthis is the most comical answer to a question from readers w64 2/15 127/128.
HOW can a Jdub accept BLOOD FRACTIONS?? hmm?
by martinwellborne ini thought the main thing with the blood issue was that it was to be viewed from god's point of view.
not that it would be up to individual choice and conscience.
my point that i am trying to get to is this, how can a jdub accept blood fractions if they want to view blood in the same light as god would.. am i making this clear?
talk of the town
by martinwellborne indear all.
talking to my mother today, who is still a witless, it seems everybody is so surprised that i plus wife and kids have decided we aint going anymore.
This is what JWs really want you to do.
by martinwellborne injoin our shiny happy religion.
resign from that well paying job you have and get out round the doors.
dont get married that way youll have more time to work for us.