Words like “evil, wicked, liars, etc.” are strong language. Hitler was an evil man. Stalin was a wicked man. Bill Clinton was a liar (sort of). But, when we start to apply words like this to the Society we may – note MAY – be making a mistake. I honestly cannot say that the GB are all liars or evil or whatever other terrible thing you can think of. Again, the human condition is very complex and these men have spent their whole lives living out a deeply ingrained fantasy. They really believe it! I think this must be taken into account before passing judgment on someone.
Really? The men on the GB have proved themselves to be wicked men.They have taken collective decisions that have harmed people, decisions that were glaringly inconsistent with their own declared sense of right and wrong. I refer specifically to the treatment of the Malami brothers, and connect that to the similar matter of Mexico. Just how many policies, how many deaths make a bunch or men wicked? Do they have to expressly shoot people before you see the point? I hope you'll be able to say a word or two about Malawi/Mexico, and explain how the decisions of the men involved in that betrayal was not evil. I'll be glad to see how you wrap their human condition around it, and unwrap the human condition of the men and women who lost their lives because of that wacked policy. It would be good, to boot, to see the justification that because a man actually believes in something, and knows it's the best for another, he is absolved of wrongdoing irrespective of the effects of definite actions he took in furtherance of his belief.