I wanted to leave early also.
The speakers went on and on about 'based on God's word the bible'. They specifically mentioned: the trinity, the name jehovah, the soul, meeting/assembly, baptism, holidays, donations. Scriptures were used to back these up to the extent JW's ever do.
My question, is: no mention of alternative service, the blood issue, the shunning issue, and the treatment of women and children. Is that because there are no scriptures to back these WT doctines up?
A good point for JW wannabes. Catch 'em early.
I noticed, too only one slight mention in passing of the 'organization'. That is true of the August study articles as well. It appears they might be toning down the 'mother organization' line, at least for public consumption.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!