i saw this on saturday and.... now i am a servant of the dark lord bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!.
... it was very cool.. visually very faithful to the books; eerything looks as it 'should', which is really hard.
the screenplay was an acceptable compromise between the brevity neccesary in converting a book to a film, although one part (the dursley's leaving privett drive to escape the letters and being hunted down by hagrid) was done very badly.. the actors were excellent, and (thank god, nothing against american's, but i object to english stories being americanised for no reason other than american cultural imperialism) an excellent cast of top-quality 'supporting' english, or i should say british (as robbie coltraine is great as hagrid (and big!
I'd be happy to give it a try, and would expect nothing. Tell me, those of you who have done it, what do you have to do? Just pull out the board and the pointer and put your finger on the pointer and wait? Or is there more?
I dont think It'd work for me either. But there seems to be so many people I know who say they have been conversing with the dead!?!
Apparently all you have to do is turn the lights off, light a few candles...put all the letters of the alphabet in a circle and then put a glass in the middle. Then all the people put their finger on the glass and then some-one says "Spirits, are you there...is any one there from the otherside"...and then you try not to laugh.
i've made friends with a mormon lady, and she told me that her 14yo daughter has thrown out all four harry potter books because she's realised they are dabbling in and encouraging demons.
then she told me about her demon experiences herself.
has any exjw, of sound mind, had a proper demon experience (as opposed to improper!!)?
Gweedo, I've had similiar things - but I believe that's a sleep state
Just as I'm waking up these things have happened to me. I dont think it's anything supernatural. But's it's the closet I've ever come. It's were sleep and reality sort of merge, I believe.
i've made friends with a mormon lady, and she told me that her 14yo daughter has thrown out all four harry potter books because she's realised they are dabbling in and encouraging demons.
then she told me about her demon experiences herself.
has any exjw, of sound mind, had a proper demon experience (as opposed to improper!!)?
More to the point has any athiest here ever had a demon experience?
Dont know about demon experience. But I saw this doco on 'sleep' awhile back. One of the weird things thats seems to be consistently reported is: waking up in the middle of the night paralysed with the sense that someone is in the room or sitting on your chest. This is one of phenomenon thats been reported for centuries in varying forms I believe. I've experienced it. I woke up one night but couldn't move and I heard the bedroom door slam and sensed there was someone in the room. It was scary. Then the sensation just went away.
I've also experienced vivid waking hallucinations too. I've seen things you could probably call a demon!
But I want to try it because I keep hearing stories from friends. But no-one wants to have a go. Whenever I say "hey lets have a seance"(I've usually had a few beers by then)...they just get spooked and say no-way!!!
dependancy: the usa, the western world, north and south america, and like many nations of europe and japan, are highly dependant on oil.
i recall as a kid in the 1950s seeing gas prices at 5 cents a gallon.
i remember my parents getting bent out of shape when gas finally reached 11 cents a gallon.. 1971: my wife and i traveled to southern california to visit friends and family.
dependancy: the usa, the western world, north and south america, and like many nations of europe and japan, are highly dependant on oil.
i recall as a kid in the 1950s seeing gas prices at 5 cents a gallon.
i remember my parents getting bent out of shape when gas finally reached 11 cents a gallon.. 1971: my wife and i traveled to southern california to visit friends and family.
Alternative energy sources are still not viable for wide use in the immediate near future and I doubt anything will effectively replace oil in a cost efficient matter in the near future.
Well, they are going to have to find something Path. Not for terrorist reasons, but because theres a thing called greenhouse kicking in.
I think its 2 thirds of the energy we currently use is wasted. We need to find more efficient ways of burning fossil fuels and use that technology in concert with growing alternative energy sources.
if evolution is true and god doesnt exist, and all matter always existed, and life keeps adapting and getting more and more advanced, conquering all problems set before its existence.. then life should have already filled the entire universe and advanced to the point of never dying.. am i being presumptuous?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
How 'bout God created everything and evolution was his technique? From where do you get the illicit idea that the fact of evolution necessarily precludes the existence of God?
Evolution was God's technique in creating life?; it's possible. I find evolution to be quite amazing, a very beautiful process...but also very brutal. I can believe that a God might have used it to create living things...but I have a hard time believing a loving God would!