My Mom died a year ago, and she was a jwl for 25 years, then my parents moved out of Illinois.
When she died NOT ONE person from the Illinois hall (which my parents and current family attended since 1977) stopped off to visit me, no phone calls,only 4-5 cards from some of her older friends.
The really scary thing was when I was visiting my Dad out of state, we returned home one afternoon after getting something to eat and there was a paradise earth tract stuck in his door. He pulled it out, laughed, and said "oh, the friends must have been here"
I found out that weekend that nobody stopped and visited my Mom for over one year from their local hall.
They had been attending for ten years before she got sick, her illness prevented her from going to any meetings.
My Dad hired a nurse to come over pt to help,
friends from the hall,,, completely non-existent. Even tho they knew my parents, and they attended the meetings quite regularly before the illness.
They even had a book study in their home for two years !
One of the major headblows all within one year that made me ditch this religion like a hot potato