The elders kids were out of control, they did things like kick their shoes off real high and hit the wall.
We'll have to forgive the kids - they were probably bored silly.
Happy to be Free (Me)
hi folks.
what do you like about kingdom halls?.
i am not talking about the software i.e., the people, the pure language, the music, the smell of lavender as the toilet door swings to, or the obedient rustle of bible pages.
The elders kids were out of control, they did things like kick their shoes off real high and hit the wall.
We'll have to forgive the kids - they were probably bored silly.
Happy to be Free (Me)
i have made a couple of remarks regarding family dynamics on other threads, but i thought it's be nice to start a new thread.... i'm no psychologist, but suffice it to say i see some similarities here.
(please add to/comment on these thoughts).
the organization wishes to be seen as our mother.
You have missed the target completely. My parents would have been wonderful parents without the teachting of the Watchtower. But because of these teachings they were never able to truly love us. The same conditional love placed on their so-called friends was placed on us.
Denying your children to flourish in their GOD GIVEN talents (academics, sports, arts, social activities, etc), not because of the activities being wrong, but because the friggin' religion you think is God's friggin mouthpiece is horrific.
As Lisa stated, my parents would have been WONDERFUL, except for tramatizing us with the JW BULLSh**. Why couldn't they have drilled algebra into my head day and night, or missed a GD meeting to listen to us more (I mean really listen)
May God help every child being tortured because of their parents addictions (religion, drugs, alchol, gambling, etc.).
Sorry if my language may have been to strong for some, but this thread on Family dynamics have really struck a nerve.
Happy to be Free (Me)
well this is my 2nd post on this board, my first is down on the sex forum!
!i tried to give a little background on myself, sorry its a bit sporadic.
it is kind of tough to get your thoughts together.
Anyone underline without even reading, so it would look like you really underlined (don't want to call it studying). Or running late, did you ever just read the questions and try to find the answers.
Oh the memories
Happy to be Free (Me)
i left the jw's 11 years ago and even though i never looked back i'm constantly concerned about the things i do.
for example, my wife's family is fairly devout in their faith (catholic) and therefore i occasionally have to attend their church, and i am always riddled with guilt upon entering and participating in the services.
also, every time some calamity occurs around the world i am always wondering if "this is the beginning of the end"?
I got baptized because of the shear fear of being destroyed at armeggedon (sp). And after I had my suspicions confirmed regarding the WTBS, I was still afraid I may be wrong.
But I can say the fears have gone completely away, now. As posted before, the way I cured myself was by attending as many churches, temples, yoga classes, cub scout meetings, tae kwon do, anything the WTBS ever said or thought was wrong, I visited to see for myself. And the conclusion was that I did not find one demon or anything that was morally implied or wrong. Somethings, places I have no desire to ever return (church, cub scout meetings, chairing PTA functions) and some I simply love (yoga class, tae kwon do, my book club, taking one college course a semester).
So have fun finding out what you love and don't worry about the demons (they are only in KH and 2nd hand stores)
Happy to be Free (Me)
hi people.
i am a df'd person hoping to return to the fold.
i am not critical of the decision to df me nor of the loving organization i believe to be in the palm of jesus hand.. i would find it most encouraging to hear from others who feel the same and would like to "hold hands" on the way back.. this board is hailed as a supportive respectful place so if you do not fit this description may i ask you to move on and not hinder the participants here in following their god given right to pursue their goal.
Battman and Curly,
How wonderful it is when you find your own "TRUTHS". And smelling flowers and enjoying the refreshing air that is about the BEST TRUTH EVER. It is so funny to NOW realize that the simply things in life is what it is all about.
Batt you mention that the WTBS should KISS (Keep it simple stupid). But is is hard when they are SOS (STUCK ON STUPID).
Happy to be Free (Me)
well someone had to do it, so it might as well be prim & proper prisca to do the honors in the sex forum...... .
this thread is for all newbies to introduce yourselves.
whatever you feel happy to reveal about yourself.
Curly QT,
Thanks for your wonderful story. May your life of freedom continue. Your story has made my day, my week. I know the joy of getting your sibling back into your life. I was blessed this week with my sister telling me that she planned on not returning to the KH.
I look forward to hearing more about you and your family.
Happy to be Free (Me)
i have noticed we have several "active" jws on this board, and some of their comments really bother me.. when i was active, when the wtbts said "don't associate with apostates or worldly people" i didn't.
when they said "spend more time in the ministry" i went to school, held down a job.
and aux.
I think the JW college enrollment is pretty much like the rest of the world. Parents who go to college usually have children who go to college. I live in the Washington D.C. area and I would say 70% of the congregation have college degress. The KH parking lot reflect the income level of the congregation. There are about 20 Mercedes Benz, 10 Lexus', quite a few Acuras and the rest are new model sport utility vehicles.
The majority of the young adults in this congregation are attending college. I would honestly say the number is about 80%, but more like 90% have some type of secondary education. This was something that really impressed me when I moved to the congregation in 1995. I really thought this was the nirvana of KHs. Which I can say is a great congregation (they actually have lives). I remember going out in field service and we would actually talk about careers, taking classes, finding jobs that would allow you to aux. pioneer.
But I will end with telling you, that this congregation is definitely not the norm. I have attended four different congregation in 3 different states, and you can definitely say it is an exception to the rule.
Happy to be Free (Me)
hey all,.
i'm sure this topic has probably been covered before, but as i'm in this situation now i'm hoping maybe you can offer your thoughts.. i'm just curious, what are actually grounds for disfellowshipping?.
i'm to the point where i no longer believe that jehovah's witnesses have the truth, but if at all possible i want to avoid the big *d* word, as most of my family and my husbands family are still jehovahs witnesses.
I must admit, the emotionally disturbed plea, has worked wonders for me. Instead of blaming the devil, internet, apostates, etc. all of the JW's in my circle blame mental illness. When they mention something I know is dangerous topics of discussion (remember topics for discussion, lol). I just tell them you know I suffer from severe depression and I already feel bad enough about being spiritually weak. I have even been brought to tears (the tears were real, I just used those suckers to let some of my JW trauma out). And I finish my performance by walking them to the door and asking them to keep me in their prayers (I should have been nominated for the Academy Awards).
But I have another advantage, a worldly husband. He is the reason my house is decorated for every holiday (yea, right, like a man would take the time to decorate the Xmas tree to coordinate with the house).
So accept all of their advice, and be so grateful for their visit. But if you don't want to answer, remember it is because you needed to rest.
Have fun
Happy to be Free (Me)
now we all know for you who have attended meetings at the kingdom hall and heard speakers from the platform give us bible verses and telling us that the ruler of this world is the devil of which i firmly believe due to the fact that this world is completely warped.. .
doesn't it strike you funny to see that satan who makes the rules for his system can't keep them and tries to manipulate rules and regulations always in his favor and that of his seed.. .
#1 example- did you know that according to the bible that satan's agents keep transforming themselves into agents of light.
I don't think it is possible for humans to wait on Jehovah. To wait is to imply that we are ahead of Jehovah in thinking. This is a term that I have always found presumptious (sp?). And it is always the answer the WTBS and JW give when they have no answer.
We should rely on Jehovah only. Because we could never be in the position of thinking ahead of God. I think that is what got Satan into trouble. And if God does not speak on it, then it is open for us to decide for ourselves. But, remember this is only my opinion. This is how I use my free thought.
Happy to be Free (Me)
P.S. Another thought from me. The WTBS ability to always run ahead of Jehovah only proves the only God they follow is their father, Satan the Devil. If you want to be honest with yourself, you know Jehovah is always used as a smoke screen. It is common practive for the WTBS to state if you want to be in harmony with Jehovah, THEN, you must follow the direction of his Slave.
i have noticed we have several "active" jws on this board, and some of their comments really bother me.. when i was active, when the wtbts said "don't associate with apostates or worldly people" i didn't.
when they said "spend more time in the ministry" i went to school, held down a job.
and aux.
I believe there are Witnesses like Xandit, DLJ, and others. My sister who is a JW, she practices the religion the way she see fit. But she is not ask to do parts on the TMS or at the assemblies. She is a great entertainer and very likeable, so she is not excluded from gatherings and she is the daughter of an elder with influence.
As far as Xandit view on 1976, my father shares his view and lived it also, he told a couple of brothers they were stupid to not keep their life insurance (this was in 1975 when he did so) and he has always spoken about and taught the benefits of 401K, investments, stock market, buying real estate, etc. He is now sending my brother to college, and he helped me with my college education. Even though he would use bribery, if you go to the meeting (he sincerely believe meeting attendance and Field Service will win us over), I will buy you a car so you can get to school. He has taken some grief for his beliefs at times, but they continue to use him for parts and has an upcoming part on the assembly. My belief is because he is very generous with his money and they can relax around him, somewhat. But don't get me wrong, he is not liberal when it come to what the WTBS teach, he stands by them on the big issues (1914, FDS, God's chosen Organ, the only way to be truly happy you must be a JW). But he just draws the line on issues he don't want to believe or the issues he say are just suggestions. And as Xandit said, if it's not a disfellowshipping offense they should leave you alone. I have learn this term from my Father, "Can you show me from the Bible? Another one I've hear him use, So is that from Bro. Johnson 3:16? They leave him alone at the time, but believe me the JW in his congregation (at least the true blue boys) are looking for the day when they can catch him on a disfellowshipping offense.
And another thing, my father and sisters (the reform one and the disfellowshipped) they would never even think about visiting a site as this. So no I don't understand active JW's visiting this DB. Because even in my reforming the JW days, I would have view this site to be of the Devil. So no, I don't understand visiting this DB if you are PRO-JW.
Happy to be Free (Me)
P.S. One more thing about my father, he was raised a Baptist and he lived his life. Drugs and all, there is a experience about his life in the 74' Awake. So I sometime wonder, if this has changed his view of the WTBS.