Edited by - happytobefree on 23 February 2001 14:22:59
i have a question.... if the elders "catch wind" of something that could be a df'ing offense, and they ask for a judicial, if you don't show up or refuse to talk to them, can they disfellowship u in absence??
if they can, is there any legal action that can be taken against it?.
i've been threatened by my jw husband (we are separated) because i've met someone else...he is threatening to tell the elders i'm dating someone else ( though as of yet, no "fornication" has occured and it's long distance) if i don't write a letter of disassociation.
Edited by - happytobefree on 23 February 2001 14:22:59
i have a question.... if the elders "catch wind" of something that could be a df'ing offense, and they ask for a judicial, if you don't show up or refuse to talk to them, can they disfellowship u in absence??
if they can, is there any legal action that can be taken against it?.
i've been threatened by my jw husband (we are separated) because i've met someone else...he is threatening to tell the elders i'm dating someone else ( though as of yet, no "fornication" has occured and it's long distance) if i don't write a letter of disassociation.
I am so glad that you are doing better.
As I mention in the above post, I don't know much about your situation as far as the disfellowshipping. But I don't think you husband is as concerned for the WTBS as he may be about his own emotions (he may be afraid of losing you, or the judging of the JW). Since I don't know the full details, I cannot give advice. But I still hope and know that is will all work its way out.
My heart and thoughts are with you.
Happy to be Free (Me)
i have a question.... if the elders "catch wind" of something that could be a df'ing offense, and they ask for a judicial, if you don't show up or refuse to talk to them, can they disfellowship u in absence??
if they can, is there any legal action that can be taken against it?.
i've been threatened by my jw husband (we are separated) because i've met someone else...he is threatening to tell the elders i'm dating someone else ( though as of yet, no "fornication" has occured and it's long distance) if i don't write a letter of disassociation.
Hi MB,
I don't know the answer to your question, but I glad to see you posting again. You have been in my thoughts. I have alot of questions to ask, but don't know if they are appropriate. But one I really want to know: Are you taking care of yourself? Did you see someone about your depression?
Well glad to see hear from you and hope someone can answer the Disfellowshipped question.
Happy to be Free (Me)
this is an email i just received.
i feel like posting the senders name and email, but i'll refrain for now.. you are a coward like all of you on that 'jw' board you cant say these things .
when we talk to you cause you dont want to hear the .
Well I have been informed the reason for my happiness.
you're happy to be free because you are living it easy with satan read the revalations, then you'll understand how disgraceful you have been.
I responded that I pray that he/she can one day find Love and happiness.
Happy to be Free (Me)
i'm getting a kick on the wol board, there is a post there that's too funny.. apparently one of the witnesses went on a return visit with an elder and the guy they came to visit was "un-witnessable.
well, apparently he had the same beliefs as they did, so how do you witness to someone who agrees with you?
so the frame of thought from the replies is pretty much, if he has some truths, he must be an apostate, or perhaps he studied one of our publication.
I'm glad I can now laugh at their Blindess. But sometime I want to go back and kick my own ass for the stupid stuff I use to say to nice people about their religion.
A quote from Dang:
OTOH, no organization without Jehovah's spirit can remain united in love. If the individual is sincere, he will likely eventually see the truth about his organization. Until then, there may not be much that can be done.
You have that right Bro. This is what made me see the LIGHT from my cult .... er religion.
Happy to be Free (Me)
was listening to the radio today on the internet, a station out of ther midwest.the subject came up about the infant who had surgery without blood.the talk show host raised the question about transplants and jws and the blood issue!
!a caller called in and it was a jw.he cited the scripture at acts, yada yada and mentioned that transplants were ok.but the host put the question to him about the transplant having blood in it.he fumbled around and said well they, like the meat we eat, probably drained all the blkood out first before transplanting the organ.the host replied they couldn't do that in order to have the transplant to be successful!!
)then he said maybe they put in formaldehyde before transplanting!!doh!!!!!!!!!
What a good "Witness" that radio announcer gave to the world and the JW on blood. Or maybe it will cause new "light" to flood to the GB or whoever the hell is running the place now - ahh, you rank and file JW read it all wrong, organ transplant is wrong.
Lord have mercy on me - I was blind, but now can see. a verse from Jill Scotts' song A Long Walk.
Happy to be Free (Me)
i have made a couple of remarks regarding family dynamics on other threads, but i thought it's be nice to start a new thread.... i'm no psychologist, but suffice it to say i see some similarities here.
(please add to/comment on these thoughts).
the organization wishes to be seen as our mother.
Why wait for paradise, when you already live in it?
I think when most post, they are expressing some point of their life experience. I have never read a post and thought, oh how miserable that persons life is. Because I can truly speak for myself, I have a wonderful life, I have a college degree, 3 wonderful children (not raised as JW and are wonderful), a wonderful and supportive husband, had a wonderful job (quit to pursue my passions, but still have a home-based business). But I can tell you, while accomplishing all of this, it was at a great cost, because I was wrought with fear and guilt, that I was doing it for all of the wrong reasons. I really felt bad, that I would rather spend a day with my family at the beach, rather than a day in field service and etc.
And yes, there are liberal JW's, that's the reason I have a college degree (my father believed in higher education, he has 2 bachelor degrees). But you can bet that we have been viewed as materialistic, weak, immoral, you name it.
So when I read your sarcastic post, I say a little prayer for you. Because you are what the JW call a fence sitter (you don't know which yard you want to play in). You make me angry sometime, and I think because you remind me of what I have worked so hard to escape. But mostly, I feel sad, that you could be so uncaring about others level of pain, and when you criticize their outlet (which is what this db is to me) of freeing the pain, once again I pray that you can stop hurting also.
Happy to be Free (Me)
infant has "bloodless" surgery.
by andrew bridges.
feb. 22, 2001 | los angeles (ap) -- .
I think the success of the bloodless surgery is great. Even though, I believe taking blood is ok, and would if my life was threatened. But, if I had an option not to, it would be wonderful, because there is a risk in taking blood (even though small).
But, recycling the blood isn't that the same thing as storing your own blood for future surgery? So if the use of blood was a religious issue, the parents still went against what God's Mouthpiece teaches. Am I right in this observation (because I really have never given a rat's arse what the JW teaching were on blood, so I don't know what is and what is not allowed).
Happy to be Free (Me)
something just hit me.. you know how witnesses love to remind you that the early christian congregations had problems, sometimes even big problems, whenever modern day problems and inconsistancies are brought to their attention?.
as much as my gut and heart hate the glibness and triteness of that, it is difficult to argue against.
but i just thought of a key difference.
Was the Urban Legend about demons in secondhand articles written, because it is so funny that ALL JW's know of this. I have lived in Texas, Georgia, Maryland, DC, Virginia and Ohio and everyone is in agreement and I can see around the world we were united on where demons can be found. Not to mention the damn smurfs, I'm still a little afraid to watch them on TV (lol).
Happy to be Free (Me)
saw this quote in a magazine today from a mit professor on the beneifts of children having online lives.. parent's need to recognize that otherwise these kids would be alone.
online communities provide ample spaces to explore identity, be happy or sad, get mad, act out.
this is the work of adolescence.. .
:When I first went online I still believed it was the Truth, although I had many questions and doubts.:
I would have to agree 100% with Prisca. I had not attended a meeting in 6 mos. and knew that I did not want to ever return. But I was so overwhelmed with guilt of not doing the right things (ie. field service, reading wt. crap, attending meetings, associating with JW), that I found myself severly depressed and in a psychiatric hospital under a suicide watch. It seemed nothing was working (therapy, medication, activities, reading WT crap, listening to Kingdom melodies) to help me get over the overwhelming desire to end my life (and I REALLY have a wonderful life). Anyway to make a loooonnng story short. I went into a chat room on AOL Disfellowshipped JW's (was very afraid), started chatting with a person name Life Value (never a witness, so I viewed her not an apostate, lol). She emailed me some incredible emails that had links to "Risky" JW site. And from there my life has change dramatically. Everything that I knew was not true about the Org. was validated. Every article they scanned, I looked up myself in the bound volumes of the Wathtower and Awake (my father's has every printed watchtower, they use to give you these blue binders, before the bound volumes and cd rolm). And to see these TRUTHS in black and white was like a ton of bricks unloaded from my mind.
My last hospital visit was April of 2000 (a 2 week stay), I found the internet the day I was released. My meds was cut in half in May 2000, therapy was discontinued in October 2000 and I was released from disability in November 2000. And also I have not taken one anti-depressant or sleeping pill since Oct. 2000 (took myself off).
I know this story is long, but my point is - I know the INTERNET is the only reason I have my life back, my family back, my dog back, my friends back. And I'm not discounting therapy or medication, because they were integral components to my survival and recovery. But with the WTBS crap clear out of my mind, I can actually understand what the therapists have been trying to show me.
Thanks for letting me share a portion of a long saga of my life. (you may be bored as hell, but I feel great).
Happy to be Free (Me)