JoinedTopics Started by DisconnectingDrone
New technique to increase your ministry hours without doing any ministry.
by DisconnectingDrone inok, this idea came to me the other day, technically it is totally by the book.
1) ask the map servant for a territory map near your home.
2) go out at midnight down the said street; and everyone will be in bed-or at least have some curtains closed.
Something that always puzzled me...
by DisconnectingDrone inassume that the first 11 chapters of the bible (i.e.
gen 1-11) are correct.
if the understanding is correct that satan raised issues in the garden of eden, and one of these issues was that man can rule on his own without jehovah interfering.
Fate & Bible Prophecies-what do you think?
by DisconnectingDrone injw's are taught that there is no fate-if fate existed no one would be responsible for what they did?
however, i always thought their explanation of jehovah selectively looking into the future was fuzzy.
take the prophecy of cyrus conquering babylon and freeing the israelites back home.
What would keep you in?
by DisconnectingDrone infor those still "in" but looking for an exit, what changes to current practices/teaching would make you decide to stay "in" ?
For those raised as a JW...
by DisconnectingDrone inlike many i was about 7 or 8 when my parents were baptized.
being a child you naturally trust that your parents are doing the right thing and follow them.
i was baptized at 15-how often i wish i could turn back the clock!
All the changes. Piecing it together.
by DisconnectingDrone inpart of my job involves calculating what businesses in the uk are doing and forecasting growth and reasons behind the changes.. applying my knowledge with other bits of info here is what i suspect is going on.
firstly, the magazines, we get a public and a private edition of the wt and 1 awake.
that's 53.5 million less per month to print!
Tsunami Contributions
by DisconnectingDrone inone of the things that woke me up to the hypocrisy was when the tsunami struck in 2004. the elders used a box for a tsunami fund, we raised around 750, the elders put a vote out to use some of the congregations funds and we increased this to nearly 3 times this amount.. the congregation got a letter thanking us for the donation but requesting that for future donations we do not stipulate where the money should be channeled too (i assume the elders requested this go to those affected by the tsunami) as "they have already set aside money for this disaster relief and this makes things very difficult for them and all future relief money should goto the wwf".. at the end of the day they would not have got this money if their was no disaster-but that stank to me, i realized i was part of a greedy corporate empire that wanted money and didn't give a toss about the people affected by this tsunami.
Looking for others
by DisconnectingDrone inan interesting note is you do start wondering if others at your local kh are in the know.
i suspect our book study is.
he is "ill" or on holiday during revelation studies that have wacky teachings.
by DisconnectingDrone ini have been visiting this site and others for a while (to be honest those items about how dangerous the internet is made me wonder what they were hiding).
anyway, i have been amazed at how most of the issues i have are experienced by many others too.
but for starters here's my main ones: