L. Ron Hubbard must have thought you guys were geniuses.
This is so funny!!!
reading sizemik's post on this ypa article, i went back and actually read the article.
thought i'd actually put down the running commentary that was goung though my head with this thing.. young people ask: is it wrong to be popular?fill in the word that completes the following statement:.
it is ________ good to be popular.. a. always.
L. Ron Hubbard must have thought you guys were geniuses.
This is so funny!!!
i hope this is the correct category..... since pets are kinda sorta like "family", anyway..... a friend of mine (who lives about 25 miles away, in the center of the city) recently lost her beloved six-year-old spayed female daschund doggie under very tragic circumstances.. her other dog, an eight-year-old neutered male daschund, has been inconsolable since her loss.
so my friend decided to adopt another small dog - a spayed female daschund - one that was rescued from a breeder..... this poor little dog has lived in a cage for her entire life!!!
all six years of her life - in what was, in effect, a doggie concentration camp.... she is not "socialized" in any way, shape or form.
That is so heartbreaking! I know so little about dogs, but I will pass this thread onto a few of my dog friends.
When I got my little white kitten (my avatar) he had spent the first four months of his life in a cage at the humane society. When I brought him home he just tore from one end of the house to the other for days and days.
Just plain creepy!
recently my son had a minor injury that required a trip to the emergency room.
the admitting nurse asked us a ton of questions and then this:.
nurse: do you have a religion?.
A couple of years ago my teenage daughter confided in me that she and her boyfriend had sex (1st time for both of them). I was so relieved that I did not have an obligation to repeat that information to anyone. There was no need for group confessions, tears, shame, embarrassment etc. I could concentrate on whether the proper birth control was used and not worry whether she was going to be labeled and shunned.
troubled former witness calls legal department at the watchtower organization.............. dale beckman says, can the "society" be guilty of "alienation of affection?
" in my case, my family has been told it is proper to hate me and to do nothing to help me in any way - otherwise, they could be considered a sharer in my works of "unforgivable sin.
" they are told not to even greet me.
The man at Brooklyn sounded so condescending and insincere. He may well have told Dale to "Go wash your hands and then have a cookie and everything will be better."
when you left the man-made organization currently known as the wtbts??.
and for those still "in" but mentally "out" what have you started doing thats against the silly, stupid and non-scriptural watchtower policy/law/rule??.
i know the question has been made before on another thread but i couldn't find it and also there's been quite some growth in new ones here to jwn, so just wanted to see if we could all share some lovely/funny/random experiences.
When my divorce was final, I left the courthouse and drove directly to the DMV to change back to my maiden name and register to vote. Wow! That was one of the sweetest days of my life.
i have yet to come across anyones opinions, jw or not, of the personal motives of the leaders of the org.
to perpetuate what i guess we all would call the lie of the watchtoer authority.
in my opinion, i think that russell was an athiest out to show how easy it is to decieve people using the bible.
After reading A. Macmillon's Faith on the March, I was (and am) truly convinced that the founding fathers of this religion were 100% sincere and had a real thirst for truth and an incredible love for their Creator.
My personal opinion is that when Rutherford was imprisoned and then exonerated, he learned quickly that being persecuted was a great means to having a blind following.
the thread on pros of being a jw (not filled with many) led me to wonder if anyone has scientifically assessed the reading level of the average wt, awake, books.
i thought 5th grade but it is a guess.
software exists now to evaluate reading comprehension levels necessary to read documents.
It is interesting that Hamsterbait calculated the reading level at 5th and 6th grade, however I believe that was a few years back. The AWAKE magazine for sure has lowered it's reading level at least a few grades since then. I was so astounded at the last AWAKE I received from my parents that I had to tape it up to the fridge this last week. I taped it open to the page that said point to the sun, point to the water, point to the fish. OMG! What do they think they are selling?
It was a great conversation piece for all that were in and out of my house last week.
can you personally think of any pros of being a jws?
anything that you have experienced that was and still is beneficial to you now from when u were a jw?.
I love to way dresses. Growing up, I loved putting on a dress for meetings, service, assemblies, conventions (even school). At 46, I still love bouncing around in a skirt (at least 6 days out of 7). I am appreciative that my parents religion required girls to dress like a girl.( As for adult JW women, I do believe they should have the choice to wear pants when they so desire.)
I am also appreciative that smoking was forbidden.
i hate his social views, but thats not what will bring this country to its knees.
his new ad really has me thinking.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkfus6gfxpy.
Diest, come on back to my house and we will duke this out!!!
I also have some views on Newt's wife I want to share