Topics Started by heff
Who likes music?
by JW72 inhi everyone, i'm gonna do a bit of shameless plugging for my band, so excuse me.. if you like pop or rock music, check out my bands music at!.
i'm the guy on the top left, if u wanna know.. any comments will be greatly appreciated.
hope u like it....... love.
Best Bumper Stickers I've seen.....
by LDH injesus, save me from your followers!.
i do work for food!
Helpful Techniques for Getting in your Time
by Jang ini found this a few years back on one of the sites which has since closed down ..... .
remember: there is a time for everything under the sun.
helpful techniques for getting in your pioneer time .
by heff ini have been lurking around here for quite some time now, posted a few short replies, and engaged in a little chat from time to time.
its almost hard to remember, just a few months back, feeling like i was the only one to live through a jw experience and not be sorry that i am no longer a part of it.
i am very happy to have found this site.. i would like to better introduce myself as i have seen several others do.. i was born in '78 to a fanatical jw mother and an unbelieving alcholic father.
by uncle_onion ini would be very interested in any creationalists response to genesis 1:30 where the bible tells us that all animals wre originallly vegetarians.. why aren't they vegetarians now?
what about gnats who only live on blood?.
this to me brings up a lot of issues that can not be answered.
imprisoning elders
by heff ini had a thought recently (doesn't happen often).. since the elders seen fit to df me, thus taking away my chance at eternal life, maybe i should bring murder charges against them.
the act of tracking me down for months would prompt me to go with first degree.
i know it will be tough to press charges against spiritual and psychological gurus like the window washer elder and the floor cleaner elder, so i think i'm gonna go at the farmer.
Women are COWS!
by JanH inwhen a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her.
body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind.. young folks like to be together, first in groups, later in twos.. if they have not been instructed by their parents in regard to the.
permitted, because the female is not in physical condition to breed.. the bull seems to understand this and keeps in his own place.
A modest proposal: A national Do Not Call list
by Skimmer ingreetings to the readership:.
there have been reports over time that each kingdom hall keeps a "do not call" list of addresses.
these are addresses in the congregation's territory where, for one reason or another, the jws in the field service are advised not to make calls.
Your Top Ten Books
by GinnyTosken ini love the book lists on amazon; i get lost in them for hours.
recently someone asked me for book recommendations, and i thought it would be fun if we shared our lists of top ten books that helped us think our way out of the jw dogma.
im putting aside the obvious ones, like crisis of conscience and apocalypse delayed.. heres my list, in the order i discovered them as best i can recall.. ginny.
JW evaluations?
by heff ini am new to this site.
i just want to say that its great, always nice to know that you're not alone in the fight.
i wish all current jws could be forced to sit and read through all these posts just once.....but thats dreaming, i guess.. it seems that from the psychological aspect the experience can be horrible.