Hey YC,
Well, many know my story but just to bring it to "light" again, my father........who was later an elder but was an MS at the time.....walked in on my (his brother) uncle molesting me( I was only 4).....and my grandfather (who we were living with at the time) was the PO in the cong. and I was brought before my grandfather, grandmother, mom, and dad in the back bedroom to show where my uncle was touching me. After pointing to the "area"..........they (my dad and grandfather) left the room.
Being I was only 4 I had no concept of the JC........so I was told by my father that my uncle was no longer allowed to babysit me or my younger sister anymore, or be in a room alone with us anymore.....and his mic privledges were taken away. That was the extent of his punishment.
I learned after I got older........that my father and grandfather never brought this to the attention of the "body of elders" to "save face" in the cong.
They NEVER went to the "authorities" in order to "save my family from embarressment". I was left feeling it was my fault, and it wasnt my fault.
Have I forgiven them for it?..............My mom I have forgiven...she was brainwashed then, but was willing to testify in court on my behalf if I could have pressed charges now.....but I have proceeded the limitations law in TX so I cant, but it was very comforting to know my mom was willing to testify. Thank you mom!
Have I forgiven my father, grandfather,grandmother, and uncle...........NO and I dont think I will be able to..........I wish I could in order to have peace.....but it is hard to. My uncle has a daughter and not a day goes by that I wonder if he is doing to her what he did to me. So it is hard to let go.....cause if she were to speak out...........noone would listen to her.....and since I am df'd she cant tell me........cause I WOULD DO SOMETHING!!
Ok............I cant talk about this anymore for now........
If anyone who reads this is abused----you CAN take action........please DO,,,,,,,,,,it is soooooooo empowering!!!!!!! Take your power back..........the power they have against you is you being silent!!! Talk to someone..........tell someone...........then you have your power back again!!!!!!!!!
Sorry ..........this is just so close to my heart I had to comment.