None will be necessary..................
We ALL know that they are
permanently "Full of Shit"!!
will it be sewerage system?.
or will it be back to ancient "style" of digging the ground and relieving oneself?
at the back of the "villages"?.
None will be necessary..................
We ALL know that they are
permanently "Full of Shit"!!
it was not because of wickedness(humans/materialized angels).it was due to a defective design.
of see when god created the dinosaurs and they kept multipying at terrific pace.there were.
the argentinosaurus(135 feet long),argyrosaurus (70ft,22 tons),brachiosaurus (45 ft tall,85 ft long,60 tons).
Gods FIRST mistake
was he/she/it made
the dinos too big...................
i called scully .
then i couldnt get back in to see angies e-mail again .
so frustrated i called scully she lead me through how to delete.
She's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK.................
did you get married or stay single because you were a jehovah's witness?.
Got married (too young) 'cause
I thought it was the only way
to get laid without guilt...............
Dumb Ass!!!
Lasted 18 months......................
Lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng Story
i think i posted on here that i went to the memorial last week.
my wife's dad has been a jw for over 50 years and has never missed a memorial before.
he has been getting sicker and sicker and his wife the star pioneer still does nothing for him.
Breaks my heart................
You are a good person to help
my youngest, now 15 yo,.
is a female to male .
transgender boy...... he has been active with .
Good for you!!
It is difficult to not
be intimidated by the
narrow viewpoints of
many in authority
You and your child both
deserve a lot of credit
for standing up and being counted
With Respect.....................
of course, they fail to mention adding words like [other], [union] and the name jehovah to the inspired text.. tut, tut, more intellectual dishonesty from the "faithful and discreet" slave who never runs ahead of jehovah..
Why can't the quote someone
that is still alive..........Sheeeeeeeeeesh
S.R. Driver was born in 1846..........
Ah yes but he died in 1914
Seemed to have good credentials
Meanings and phrases do change
I don't trust WT to explain it though
Furthermore we have no real idea
as to how the "Original" text was
written. Copies of copies of copies
of copies of copies......................
Remember the game we played in school
sit in a circle and whisper a phrase to the
next to you and by the time it comes
back around it bears no resembalance
to the original
i was just reading a thread where someone was "seated" next to the same people year after year at memorial.. is this "seating" only done at memorial?.
are you allowed to have a preference to seat yourself?.
is there an unspoken mandatory seating arrangement?.
Plenty of empty seats
where I went
Lots of parking too
i'm new here and couldn't find a forum for introductions.
so here it is... i'm tom.
born in 73 to jw parents, left home when i was 17 because of the mind control.
This is a good place
to aid in the final escape
Keep reading
Keep thinking
if this is true, then why do people still die at all?.
I heard that the check bounced
Or was a case of
"Dine and Dash???"