The topics may be limited but the people who share them in this forum are diverse and an ever- growing population. I am always encouraged by the number of "newbies' who come in asking about the UN scandal or the Rutherford era. Same old topics? You bettcha- and new minds looking for the facts. For those with newley opened minds there will aways be something left to say.
As long as good people continue to leave the Watchtower cult this Forum ( or whatever this evolves into) will aways have something left to say.
As long as people need support after leaving the Watchtower we will always have something to say. Same problems- different people. I think it great that so many elect to stick around here to help, encourage and share with new ones. Emotional health in our post Watchtower lifes is possible for many and the therapy found here is a very worthy tool to use i seeking it.
New freinds found. Online pals are great. And this forum provides a medium for many to connect with people who understand each other. JW's are a small culture, Ex JW's are an even smaller group. As long as we bond in here with new freinds there will always be something left to say.