Greg's website
JoinedPosts by Aurelius
who is greg stafford? under whose authority
by friendaroonie ini was jjzt watchkng his.debate with.dr.james.white.
as dr.white noted you wkll not.hear frlm hour.door.
this ause re.told the opposite.of.wbat stafford.says.on.many points.
by losingit inwhenever he responds to a topic, i just have to laugh out loud!
i love the visuals-- they are very much to the point.
even with serious topics, when outlaw shows up to contribute, i smile, chuckle, giggle, or let it all out!
The laughing Muttley also does it for me. Keep up the good work Outlaw.
2013 Baptisms @ U.S. District Conventions Reports?
by Gayle inanyone getting/hearing how baptism numbers are this summer @ conventions?
in previous years, reports showed less baptisms per attendance numbers.
overall, annual 2012 service report showed for u.s. reduction in baptisms..
Slightly off topic, an observation...
For Circuit and Special Assemblies I recall that they would announce the total baptisms for the specific assembly.
Of recent years, I have noticed that they announce the running total for the circuit number.
Can you imagine how dis-heartening it would be to announce that 9 got baptised today as opposed to "that brings the total number baptised for circuit #6A this service year to 56".
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain - "Certificate of Incorporation" and "Memorandum of Association"
by jwleaks injw leaks has just published the 21 page "certificate of incorporation" (and application) for watch tower bible and tract society of britian, as well as a copy of their 13 page "memorandum of association"..
Interesting Official definition of a JW.....
Memorandum of Association of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain
Section 9.1 'Jehovah's Witnesses' means that body of Christians who recognise the spiritual authority of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses situated at 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn New York, United States
The ten most embarrassing scriptures for Jehovah's Witnesses
by slimboyfat in1. mark 7:15 "there is nothing from outside a man that passes into him that can defile him; but the things that issue forth out of a man are the things that defile a man.. so how can eating black pudding or having a blood transfusion be a sin?.
2. roman 14:5 one [man] judges one day as above another; another [man] judges one day as others; let each one be convinced in his own mind.
so how come they say birthdays and festivals are a sin?.
Scripture confirming that it is OK to pray to Jesus
Acts 7:59 - And they went on casting stones at Stephen as he made appeal and said: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”
Scripture confirming that you do not have to be associated with the WTB&TS to gain salvation
Acts 16:30 ,31 - And he brought them outside and said: “Sirs, what must I do to get saved?” They said: “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will get saved, you and your household.”
The scriptures are sufficient enough for teaching
Acts 4:6 - “Do not go beyond the things that are written,”
Scriptures which can be used to reject Jesus invisible return in 1914
Matthew 24: 23-27 -
Then if anyone says to ? YOU , ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned ? YOU . 26 Therefore, if people say to ? YOU , ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner chambers,’ do not believe it. 27 For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so the presence of the Son of man will be. -
Jan. 1 WT, Their confession for given incorrect dates for the end.
by jam inhave jehovah,s witnesses given incorrect dates for the end?.
jw,s have had wrong expectations about when the end would.
like jesus' first-century disciples, we have "sometimes" (lol).
The 'expectations' were apparently, at the time, as a result of 'new light' !!! Now that the 'new light' was wrong who really was responsible for providing the 'gloom' .
Your earliest doubt?
by Apognophos inthis might be an unfair question for those who have been out of the organization for decades, but i'm wondering if any of you remember your earliest doubt -- maybe something odd that occurred to you as a kid (if you were a jw then).
please try to limit to two doubts at the most :-).
i think my first "doubt" was simply realizing that at the time of the flood, every animal that wasn't in the ark died (well, besides the fish, supposedly).
Also form a young age remember the brothers being advised not to watch 'Witnesses of Jehovah' (Jerimiah Films) which was broadcast on UK national TV (only had 3 channels back then). Of course we still watched it. That was a major eye opener!
Jehovah's Witnesses: behind the knock on sky tv (uk)
by ns7 instill lurking on here from time to time, but seen this so thought i would post it in case anyone would want to see this.. if this has been posted then my apologies.. .
the documentary on the witness's which i remember did get a mention when it first came out a few years ago is being shown on sky tv on 23 dec at 22:20-23:35 on pbs (chan 166).. its being repeated at 01:55 and 04:55 same channel in the early hours of the 24th dec..
Btw ns7, thanks for letting us know about the broadcast.
Jehovah's Witnesses: behind the knock on sky tv (uk)
by ns7 instill lurking on here from time to time, but seen this so thought i would post it in case anyone would want to see this.. if this has been posted then my apologies.. .
the documentary on the witness's which i remember did get a mention when it first came out a few years ago is being shown on sky tv on 23 dec at 22:20-23:35 on pbs (chan 166).. its being repeated at 01:55 and 04:55 same channel in the early hours of the 24th dec..
Just watched it. Very objective documentary. Interesting old films clips of the JW protestors matching with the "religion is a snare and a racket" sandwich boards. What would they think of me if I marched outside a district convention wear the same? Back to the documentary... very moving feature about the JW father donating his liver for his son.
Your earliest doubt?
by Apognophos inthis might be an unfair question for those who have been out of the organization for decades, but i'm wondering if any of you remember your earliest doubt -- maybe something odd that occurred to you as a kid (if you were a jw then).
please try to limit to two doubts at the most :-).
i think my first "doubt" was simply realizing that at the time of the flood, every animal that wasn't in the ark died (well, besides the fish, supposedly).
I was also born in and remember being told by mum that this is the true religion and was the one being used by God to teach the truth and that God was directing this organisation. I can't recall my age at time but must of been under ten when I heard that the WT had got things massively wrong about the year 1925 and faithful men of old being resurrected and living in a mansion in Beth-Sharim.
I recall thinking that if this is the true religion led by Jehovah then why would he or his organisation make such a colossal false prophecy!