Yes I have worn a suit, I cut the ass cheeks out and parade around town offering the Watchtower and awake.
have you worn a suit since you left the org of jehovahs witnesses?.
i havent.
what am i going to do with all my shirts ties and suits ?
Yes I have worn a suit, I cut the ass cheeks out and parade around town offering the Watchtower and awake.
i thought that would get your attention.. i dont know if im being perverse here, but i seem to want one last confrontation with the jws.. i am out a good while now.
long enough to stop getting hellos on the street.
what those scumbags did to me before in thier meetings (old h20ers may remember) i still want to go at them again.. i was so depressed about things i really thought about suicide.
I get angry also over the WT ways so I can understand how you feel. May I recommend saving your hostility in case they go on the offensive first. Why waste your energy, they won't listen to any thing you say anyway.
Hope this helps.
i cannot forget this little girl.. ezekiel 34:12 this is what the sovereign lord says: i am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock.
i will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves.
i will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them".
Well expressed.
>>"And in calling for justice, I call for the those responsible for the teachings that aided, abetted, and assisted these parents to feel justified for every life destroying blow they administered to this child. YOU are called to, no you are cursed to feel with the humanness and decency of your heart (for I still believe it exists there), the remorse, the weight, the culpability before your god for absolute MIND and SOUL rape you have perpetrated or allowed to be perpetrated against the humans you have entrusted yourself with—especially the little ones. Only when you FEEL these--- Truly FEEL them, will you know peace in this life, or the next."<<
I'm afraid the WT, aka (NY Teliban), will not listen, acnowledge or change their ways. Remember they claim to speak for god and that is all that matters , looking good to outsiders.
i just read the tragic story of the man in chicago who beat his daughter to death.
i have read stories here and on silentlambs about sexual abuse.. my question is: how much fault can be placed on the religion and how much on the perversions of a particular individual?
i frankly don't know the answer to this question.
Sexual abuse of children will happen in all levels of society, whether religious or not. A deviant is a deviant no matter what they profess, Witnesses included. Physical abuse is a different story, although I believe there are similar propensities to cause harm, there is no apparent sexual drive with the child beater, although the two traits can be exhibited at the same time in some individuals.
What can develop in Witness households is a rift between parents and children, particularly between fathers and sons but also daughters and spouses, where the performance of the parent is rated by the conduct of the children. The more in line, robot like, the children are the less the pressure for conformance to look good to the elders so one can move up in stature in the organization. It all goes awry when things look bad and the children can suffer enormous pressure. Beatings can be one consequence of a system bent on appearances to look spiritual in the eyes of god, with the human leaders interpreting the rules to their liking. It's a slow simmer situation, with some individuals more prone than others to snap and cause harm.
i have had several people on this board request that i show the softer side of who i am as a person -- as well as share my feelings in regards to the divorce my husband and i are about to go through.
i have used the forum (past tense) as an outlet for stress.
i think i met my husband for a reason.
Hey Moe,
We're in the same boat. When did you buy your ticket?
if you folks recall, a while back i went ballistic when my boys told me they were going to now shun both their newly dis-fellowshipped friends because that is what the society said is the loving thing to do.
anyway, i informed the father of the two boys, an elder, that my younger unbaptized son (12) will no longer be studying or going to the meetings because i dont want him to participate in or have his young mind twisted by such unscriptural teachings.
mommy / Wendy is right, they will try to sway your wife and children against you. You will be labeled as "detrimental to their spiritual well being" and if she decides to leave you they will back her up. If the po comes alone, he may just want to talk, watch what you say with anyone else in the room, even you family. Any statements made will be used against you, to throw you out of the congregation, and they will use coercion on your family to testify against you.
If on the other hand you trust your family, wife in particular, to support you instead of the WT than by all means have at them. In any event, good luck in your endeavors.
hello all.. i was hoping a few of you would do me a favour.
a local news editor has asked me a question.
he has asked why is this un/wts story important to the local community?.
The WT has vilified the UN for at least a century, taught me it was disgusting, a beast, a tool of Satan and so on. They persuaded me to give my thought process over to them (WT) because they claimed to speak for god and I became opposed to supporting the country I live in due to the teachings of the WT. I would have allowed my child to die if blood was needed to save a life. The WT teaches ,and many of the members are happy that, 6 billion inhabitants of the planet will die a death as horrible or worse than those on 9-11-2001 at the hands of their god, if one does not listen to a door to door sermon.
This is only a small part of why it is important to let any and all still in or considering joining the WT about the current UN/WT issue. Proof that they lie and cover over important information to keep control over their members.
the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
edmund burke
I agree the framework is in place for such orders to be carried out by a few loyal dubs. Just like the present terrorists, not all would go so far, but it only takes a few doesn't it? The mind shut down of normal family relationships that will go on for the rest of some lives because the WT says so is one good example. Most likely they ,WT, would never resort to violence, but a martyrs death because of preventing or refusing blood goes a long way for their cause.
question for the panel, please?.
at my local kmart there is always a jw table set up.
i dont get close enough to actually see what literature is set on the table but close enough to view the free bible study sign prominently displayed in the midst of books, etc.. generally, this card table is manned by two or three young women.
>"At my local Kmart there is always a JW table set up. I don't get close enough to actually see what literature is set on the table but close enough to view the "Free Bible Study" sign prominently displayed in the midst of books, etc.<"
They may not be dubs if they are in jeans. Other religions will offer bible studies also. Check out the literature and if they are dubs, have some fun.
new technology new laws (bible?).
with the rather recent internet technology comes a bunch of new moral issues and new laws which need to be made to govern its use.. new laws governing the internet use would not make sense, if written 100 years ago in the past.. i think this nicely illustrates the fact that, the more we learn the more some things change.
men are writing more and more laws as new issues come up, old issues also are re-examined and some old laws are discarded and more comprehensive new ones replace them.. the bibles 2 eye witnesses for a conviction was written, before photography, video, tape-recorders, or positive identification by fingerprints existed.
D wiltshire,
Good points, can you picture a crime lab in every K hall?
Another good reason against organized religion having anything to do with life or death judgments.