I logged on to Filesend as per Aunt Bees info and got the talks - thats very much for the info -- I cant believe I forgot so much of what the talks said..
much appreciated
i listened to this recording and wanted to provide a summary of what i have heard......in essence the end is here, keep on the watch, how can we tell the end is here, we tell you so, so keep on the watch....what about those who had incorrect expectations, well they were awake and watching, but mistook some of the signs, but the end is still soooo near.. .
the speakers pace is sooooo slow, even on the fast speed of playback, it seems to me to be slow.
he starts with an explanation on how they have a wealth of information available to them, and most of the questions they are answering come from the theocratic library, but one must be willing to do the research (i guess only amongst somewhat current publications, and of course only use the watchtowers information).. .
I logged on to Filesend as per Aunt Bees info and got the talks - thats very much for the info -- I cant believe I forgot so much of what the talks said..
much appreciated
i am an active jw.
i was born in the "truth" (i really feel uncomfortable calling it that) and am now married to a witness.. for a year now, i have actually come to see that the gb are just business-psychologists.
anyone who views jehovah's witnesses as a religion and not a cult, really needs to evaluate their way of thinking and they also need to look up the definition of the word "cult".. anyway, my parents recently came over on holiday (they live in another country and are also residents of bethel).
thanks for the flood info from Ray F. -- printed it off - had a question on that last week
much appreciated
So I guess its a game, just to keep my sanity.. I have a few friends who are doing that, and I guess from my angle, me too ... from some comments made by others, there is a lot of doubt creeping in in my area , others just wont listen to anything, so its a tender tread to walk all the time, I do remember when we could sit down at a meal and talk and talk about the bible, loved it -- no more of that or suspicious looks come your way... its not right! The bible tells us to keep on knocking, keep on searching - yet we cant do that or that almighty "apostacy" word creeps in - I dont think 99% of Jw's know what this word REALLY means... one friend uses another Bible translation - I have a lot of them myself (translations that is)- the WTBTS uses other translations but yet the RF sees another bible being used and thats terrible... I cant believe people can be so taken over in mind-- but then I guess the same could be asked about Hitlers influence, Jonestown, etc.
apparently the latest circuit overseer service talks are entitled:.
(1) "how much do you appreciate jehovah's provision of the faithful slave".
(2) "directed by god's spirit in our ministry".
While listening to the baptismal talk sunday morning, the brother mentioned" Brace up your mind to activity" and in the same breath," Listen to Jehovah, Jesus and the FDS"... He also said" you notice that in the last few months there has been a lot of emphasis put on the FDS in the mags - recognize they are being guided by the Holy Spirit, so use your sense of hearing wisely, listen and OBEY" -This was after saying that the devil walks about like a roaring lion...
And: has the second question in the baptismal talk changed again? What I heard was "Dedicate and baptize yourself as a Jehovahs Witness in association with God's spirit directed organization?" Nothing mentioned in the second question about Jehovah, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Maybe I just never noticed before.. can someone enlighten me please?
it is well known that jehovahs witnesses refuse blood transfusions, and also avoid consuming blood in meat.
paul wade at the jehovahs witnesses uk office explained: its a biblical position that we take.
the scriptures explain that blood is sacred.. "jehovahs witnesses dont accept blood transfusions of red cells, white cells, plasma and platelets, what is typically known as a blood transfusion.
I am sorry but I do have a problem with that GB thought on blood that is stored.
We cannot give blood, we cannot store blood...but where does the blood fractions come from?? From a stranger who has previously given their blood - not knowing what that person's background or medical history is and the blood collection cannot screen for all diseases - even tho they say they can -they can't!!!
That then makes me wonder - if I can accept blood fractions with a good conscience, now that the society says I can without repercussion, from a stranger who has that blood stored and separated into the fractions, why cant I store and have my own blood fractionated??? My body would not reject it, I havent had to deal with after effects of someone else's blood in my system, nor contract perhaps any diseases they may carry that has not been detected.
Methinks the society has given this problem back to us, to make our own decision, yet realize that the older ones will definitely not have any fractions, even tho it may save thier lives, cause they say whats in the Bible is what we will do -- wonder why the decision to change direction... to calm the younger set, lawsuits, losing their shirts when they have to settle, etc......
so a good friend of mine e-maild me today with this information.
aparently brother hurd says as of 2010 all the magazine printing and distribution will be moved to canada.
the only printing the us will do is the books.
The info given at one of the Cdn assemblies -
a new twice the capacity printer has been ordered for Canada for publication of the North American mags, two shifts to work it
Selling off 2-3 of the presses they had just purchased a few years ago - who will purchase when the newspaper industry is going the way of the dodo
Cdn Bethel is interested in 50 bodies to volunteer - so I dont think too many will be transferred up from the US. No mention made about the Teach book - that may have been thrown in by whomever was giving the talk, just to add a little spice to the talk, you know how people love to hear this type of comment
Nothing mentioned about the Keep book either
does anyone have a report on the content of this talk please?
any "new light"?.
Sorry to think that, its just that it looked to appear that way, I did send a PM to Aunt Bee.
Thanks for the info
does anyone have a report on the content of this talk please?
any "new light"?.
Cabasilas and Aunt Bee:
do u happen to have the portion on Sunday morning re Keep your eyes on the things Unseen?? My MP3 did not record it after I had it on for over 2 hours
Can u start a new thread using that theme?
Forever in your debt
i don't get much chance to post on jwd, err, jwn anymore thanks to a major tightening of web policies where i work.. .
this place was a lifesaver for me.
i owe simon and the heavy-lifter posters of yore an enormous debt.. .
OM - a question.... is there anything re the changes in the org that you would care to share???
and keep up the good work
how sad that the witnesses have nothing to celebrate.
the more i think about it since i stopped going to the meetings, the more i feel that spirituality and religion are about opportunities to give thanks and to celebrate life with family and friends.
christenings or name giving ceremonies celebrate the gift of a new life to a family.
I wasnt brought up a JW but was baptized at 22, I had a xmas tree the first year, then none after, we always had family anniversaries, big meals, lots of family,friends, and during holdiays went to hotels with swimming pools, xercise rooms, game rooms and good food and friends - to give the kids a break too! Any special occassions like the kid getting a new car, etc. or a new used car I mean - was an occassion for a cake and congrats... bought them ski doos, trail bikes, guitar, etc. gave gifts wrapped - outside the ususal gift giving season...... its wasnt all bad - just had to use the mind to make it positive... and circumvent the negatives...
a newly published article by british sociologist david voas argues jehovah's witnesses may be about to experience a collapse in numbers.
contrary to claims by american sociologist rodney stark who predicts strong future growth for jehovah's witnesses, voas shows that jehovah's witnesses' efforts at recruiting new members have become increasingly unsuccessful over the past few decades: the rate of increase has steadily declined, and the number of hours each publisher must preach to produce an extra convert has gone up substantially.
voas suggests a reason for the stagnation may be that there is a natural limit to the number of people in a given population that are susceptible to conversion to sectarian groups like jehovah's witnesses - the 'carrying capacity' of the population, and that the limit has largely been reached.
Just recd the June KM and the Canadian numbers are back on for pubs, hours, studies, etc. -- last page