JoinedTopics Started by Damocles
Why I am an atheist
by Awakened at Gilead insomeone (a born-again exjw) on youtube asked me why i was an atheist... i crafted a brief response... it follows:.
1. religious reason: there is no proof for god outside of the bible.
once i dropped my belief in the bible, the judeo-christian concept of god fell apart like a house of cards.
Attending college as an active JW
by CHILD inhas anyone on this board attended college or knows anyone who attends as an active jw?
how many remain in the organization after graduation?
i was baptized in 1988 and was encouraged to stop college after 2 years.
When were the Earliest Bible books composed?
by gaiagirl inaccording to the table in the back of the nwt, genesis and exodus were composed around 1300 bce, by moses (who also wrote in exodus about his own death, nice feat).
however, the oldest existing copies or fragments of genesis are only from around 200 bce.. .
additionally, comparison of genesis with sumerian and babylonian creation accounts reveal many, many similarities, and the sumerians and babylonians had there stories long before 1300 bce...so it appears that someone copied someone else merely changing a few names to suit a different audience.
Pro's and Con's of DAing myself.
by lancelink ini have been wrestling with the idea of da'ing myself for close to a year now.
but there is a small area in my subconscious that whispers "this is not a good idea.
i haven't been to a meeting in over six months, no service in seven years.
Being Shunned
by sadfox ini knew this day was coming but i thought somehow there might be a loophole.. i had my "last supper" with my daughter on monday.
i am disfellowshipped, her father and i are divorced, he is a witness, she lives with him and will be 18 on sunday the 5th.
therefore as a baptized witness, she can no longer visit me and must keep communication to the bare minimum.
Possible reason for book study change?
by Damocles inin my experience, you can't go too far wrong in ascribing gb actions as responses to three stimuli: precedent, money, law.
if two are involved, like the tax implications of selling literature, the ws move swiftly and decisively irrespective of precedent.
the book study change makes little sense.
So Any Newbies and Lurkers - Talk to Us - How Are You Doing ?
by flipper ini wanted to put this thread out for any newbies and lukers to see how things are going in your life !
please know that those of us who have exited the jw religion care about you - so if you need to vent about what you have been experiencing - this thread is a good place to do it !
many here, including myself have been through what you are going through - so please post your thoughts here - and we will try to assist you !
How would the Society give up 1914?
by donny induring the 1930's when the society was quietly moving jesus' presence from 1874 to 1914, it only seemed to ruffle a few feathers and most accepted this "brighter light.
" how could the society abandon 1914 and still keep most of its followers?
Please share a quote that you enjoy...
by nvrgnbk innothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose--.
a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.. mary shelley.
Did You Ever Think That The Demons Were After You?
by minimus ini know so many jws that love to think satan and his demons are after them.
if they were being "persecuted", it was because of the devil and his demons.
if they got an ache or pain, it was because satan was trying to "discourage" them.......did you think the demons were trying to get you, too?